In celebration of life and love..who do you love...and why?
@Perspectives (7131)
September 27, 2007 12:37am CST
Well this one is a 'no brainer' for me. Apart from loving Source, and my life and my connection to All That Is...which is a given...I love my hubby. He is my life and business partner and we've been together 17 years and married for 16 of them. I love him because he is my best friend...and has always been there for me. He believes in me when I doubt myself and is my biggest fan.
I love him because I respect him...and value the way he does his best to walk his talk and do course corrections when he doesn't. I also love him because of the way I feel when I am with him and I always enjoy his company. I love the way he makes me laugh and always tries to lighten things up when we're going through tough times. The fact that we can live and work together and run our home-based businesses is something many people cannot fathom. The reason we can do that without driving each other crazy is because we give each other space within our togetherness when we need it and resolve conflicts as they come up rather than burying them inside. I view my sacred partnership to this man as one of my greatest blessings and our bond is a gift that keeps on giving.
I also love a circle of gal pals. One of my best friends has been a part of my life since before meeting my hubby...and she stood up for us at our wedding. The others are my soul sisters and their presence in my life is something that has helped me become a better human being...of course loving and being loved tends to do that for all of us.
And of can I not mention how much I love all the pets I have had...loved and lost...and the two big dogs and 5 cats that fill my life with love every day as they share their lives with us.
So my friends here is a discussion that will allow you to sing the praises of those you love...and tell us why. In my view focusing on our loved ones with an attitude of gratitude is something we all need to hear more of. In this fast paced world we often forget to let them know. At a time like this I cannot help but think if our friends Tammy and Rob who took their own lives could have 'felt the love' they may have chosen to stay.
This is one discussion I am really looking forward I hope you will feel comfortable enough to share your views on who you love and why. It could be inspiring to any who read it!
Best regards,
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13 responses
@rosie_123 (6113)
27 Sep 07
Well my friend, that is a very interesting question, and I loved reading your answers. Strangely - or perhaps not so strangely, they are not so different from mine. People can live on opposite sides of the world, and yet still be pretty much the same deep down I always find.
Anyway - for my answers. First would have to be my partner Eduardo, who has lived with me for just over 20 years now. When we met, he was working temporarily on a 6 month contract in London - he certainly had no plans to move permanently to the other side of the world to what he still calls "the frozen North!". But something in me, made him do just that - giving up his country, his culture, everything to move half way across the world to dedicate his life to me. Ours may not be a "conventional" partnership - we've never married because we truly don't see the point, and we both enjoy holidays and long-weekends apart with our respectives friends, - we're certainly not "clingy" or "joined at the hip", but we are strong. He's not your typical temperarmental Latin type at all - in fact he's even quieter and more "controlled" than me..... LOL - but he makes me laugh, he cares for me, he adores my cats, - and everytime I wake up in the morning and see him next to me, I feel safe, and peceful, and happy inside.
As to the other loves in my life........... well my Dad of course - a very quiet, dignified, diffident "typical Englishman". He has been alone for many years since my Mum passed away - he said he could never find anyone to replace her - so why bother? He fought in the Navy in World War II but he never talks about it - he is a very private, fiercely proud and independant person - I admire him. And of course I have to say here that I still love, repsect and miss my Mum - even though she passed away tragically too young and many years ago now.
Then to my girlfriends - like you, I find them a very important part of my life. So I give my love and unending loyalty to Carol (my best friend since the 1st year of secondary school at the age of 11) - she is still the only person I trust to care for my cats when we are away............ to Karen who used to live in Canada (you know about her already I think).............. to my darling Michelle who has just been diagnosed with MS but fights it bravely, to Christine, to Linda, to Melanie, and to Els and Sjoukje in Holland. I love you all for your laughter, your "silliness", your loyalty and your friendship.
And finally of course - I love my pets - all six beautiful feline babies - Sasha, Wilby, Henry, Frodo, Clarence and Lily................. not to mention the beloved ones who have crossed the "Rainbow Bridge" before - Caspar, Chekhov, Tansy, Clover - I have a special wall in my house for their photos - they are gone but never forgotten.
Thanks for a lovely topic.

@rosie_123 (6113)
28 Sep 07
Yes - I love the photo very much. Tasha and Tigger look very peaceful and happy together - just proves that the people who say cats and dogs are natural enemies and can ever get on, just don't know what they are talking about! My parents always had both cats and dogs when I was growing up. And I was so sad to read abot your Dad - I know that I am blessed to have had a very secure, safe and uneventful childhood, with none of the traumas that some people here had to suffer, - and I am grateful for that. Nice to talk to you as usual.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
29 Sep 07
Your Mother sounds like a very wise woman - I see now that you must have taken after her. As for my "site" - well it doesn't exist any longer I'm afraid! I started it, wrote the first entry - and then kind of discarded it:-(( I am a firm believer in the theory that nothing is worth doing unless it is done well, and with my job and other commitments, I knew I didn't have the time to do it well, so I put it on ice until I do have time to do it properly! I am always happy to oblige with fur baby pictures though........ so this is Henry - another cute ginger:-)) Henry is very much an outdoor cat - a former stray, he still tends to go off for days even though I have had him neutered etc. When he is with me he is very affectionate - but he sure likes his own space and time alone! Hope you like him:-))
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
What an interesting self-observation. If you are selfish it sure doesn't come through in your posts. I was impressed by your thoughtfulness about finishing the story about your friend who had a happy ending rather than leaving me handing and wondering.
Your hubby sounds like a well-rounded personality and yes, all of our individual upbringings definitely shape our perceptions of who we 'think' we are. The great thing about life is that we do not have to stay stuck in the old track records because it is never too early or too late to have a fresh beginning...and that is why we named our self-development company that!
Funny how your Dad and my Mom gave us lessons that we both value. My mother was so afraid of me developing 'an only child mentality' she made sure that she was the den mother for all the kids in the neighborhood and that everyone congregated at our place because she as a super social convener.
Having so many kids around after school and during summer holidays taught me how to think about others and share. She wisely said..."Your dad and I think you are wonderful and the center of our world but if you are not kind and considerate towards others you won't win any popularity always live by the Golden Rule and your relationships with others will usually be on respectful terms."
Yes, it is so satisfying to chat with you...and I am pleased that we do!
Glad you like the other photo of Cherokee and your comments.Now you've seen both of our dogs and a few of our cats. If you have more photos of your 'kids' I'd welcome them. I am a sucker for cute pet photos as you have probably observed by now!
So long for now..I'll drop to visit you soon at your site.
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
27 Sep 07
Oh geez, Where to start? lol! The first spot in my heart will always be for my parents. They gave me life and were the first to show me what love is. After all a parent's love runs deeper than any love really could.
The second spot, but just as important as the first, belongs to my husband and kids. Throughout the 13 years that my husband and I have been together, he's always been there to help me through the worst of times. He's been my rock, when the waters get rough and deep. If not for him, my self esteem may have been shattered to pieces many years ago, and mostly without him being my knight in shining armor so to speak, there wouldn't be an ounce of love within my heart to give to anybody. The world was truly a cruel place for me all those years ago, before meeting my husband.
And of course, without my husband I wouldn't have known the joy of becoming a parent myself. With two children and a third due to arrive around May '08, love and life really couldn't get any better. :)
There's always room inside my heart for friends that I have and friends that I may make in the future. Having friends in one's life, shows a person a different kind of love, that we all possess for one another. Without the friends I have, I would never know this different kind of love, that we can have for someone not of our own family.
There is also plenty of room in my heart for my pets, past and present. They too can show a person a different kind of love and affection, that we may not know otherwise. If not for my pets I think I may have gone crazy years! They come to you when you are feeling sad, stressed, and happy, just to cheer their human counterparts up or give companionship, without having to be asked.
Love and life is truly a beautiful thing, as long as we are able to take the good with the bad.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Hello again my friend..good to hear from you!
As I read your response I found it precisely what I was hoping to read from members. Your expressions of love...and why you love are so heartfelt, genuine and a delight to read.
Your hubby sounds wonderful and it is good to know you have someone who adds so much to your life as well. Your descriptions of him and how he has been there for you are akin to things that my Sweetie has provided for me. We are certainly blessed to have a life with men who make life sweet, safe and wonderful.
Hearing about your children and your love for them is very touching. I cannot help but think about how fortunate they are to have a Mom like you. After chatting about Tammy and Rob and sharing views about their passing it is clear to me that you are a bright, beautiful being. Undoubtedly, your children will become wonderful planetary citizens under your influence.
Ahhh...and our friends..yes I agree with you about how they provide another dimension to loving do our pets. The love bonds we share with them are truly remarkable. You have posted some wonderful examples of how we celebrate life through all those we love and who love us.
Thank you so much for a moving post...and reading it makes me grateful to know you are out there...beaming your own loving light on all you come in contact with. We are indeed fortunate to have you sharing who you are with friends and fellow Mylotters.
Warmest regards to you and yours,
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
28 Sep 07
You are most welcome. :) When one really gets down to it, love really has no boundaries, though to each it will have a different meaning and each will show it in their own ways.
I would have still known what love was, even without the help of others broadening the aspect of what love and life is and can be, but without the help of others opening my eyes further, I would have most likely turned into a cold and uncaring person, because of what life was throwing at me at the time before so many wonderful people came into my life.
Strange how some things work out, but it proves that even the smallest of gestures can have a lasting impact on any individual.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
28 Sep 07
My first love will always be my mum. She is my world and for whatever she has suffered throughout her life, she never once took this out on me or my sisters. I know my love for her is so strong and will never cease.
My children are my world and I love them unconditionally, I have to as they drive me mad sometimes!!LOL The love I have for them is one of protection, heart wrenching feelings and a love that can never be felt with anyone else.
The love for my partner is a bit wild at times and it can bring such joy but also alot of pain. They say opposites attract, but sometimes we are just too opposite!!
My friend who I met 4 years ago and made a connection with I will always love, the bond is so strong!!
And of course my cats. At times they have driven me spare, but the thought of any harm coming to them breaks my heart.
Last but not least is my love for humanity and justice. I believe everyone should have an equal opportunity to experience a life away from hardship and when I witness all the pain and suffering in the world, it breaks my heart. Many people cannot understand why I get so passionate over this, but since having children I relate everyones experiences as if my own children were going through this too.
When I had my daughter, it was when Romania was exposed for the child neglect in their country. It nearly drove me over the edge as every child I saw I related to my own child.
I get laughed at at work as I am quite millitant and am always writing to my MP over issues. I am still studying to qualify as a teacher and my Head the other day said I would lead me future class on marches against all the tests they have to do.
I can't help the way I am and it is ashame I don't meet many who share my same passion within my walk of life.
Once my children are older I will have the opportunity to explore my convictions further, as I believe I have to be here for them now as this is so important.
I hope I don't sound like a nut job, as I am completely sane!!LOL
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
28 Sep 07
Thanks Raia for your kind words, it is always a pleasure to read your response.
I love your photo, its funny but you look just like I imagined. Its great to know you have been able to work together through your relationship and become stronger.
We are very close, but just too firey sometimes in our way of dealing with things.
I look forward to another thought provoking discussion from you.
Take care my friend xx
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Hearing from you and enjoying the give and take within our sharing circle has created a wonderful enjoyment in our on-line gal-palling! I appreciate your feedback about how I look..I figured it was time to open up a little more to trusted friends and allies here and allow others to 'see' who the face is behind the perspectives I share. You and so many others have provided so much love, care support, insightful sharing and validation to me that it seems only fair that you know who you are talking to.
From what you describe in your relationship with your partner the sparks keep things alive and thriving. Some couples make that work for them. David is a fiery Irishman under the sign of Aries...and I love the intensity that periodically rumbles to the surface. He is a man of conviction and is not afraid to state who is and how he feels. Some of that was defused when he went through some health challenges that affected his ability to work during the last couple of years.
I am even more proud of him than ever because he has turned his scars into stars and is shining even more brightly than before his health problems occurred. Having some financial constraint gave us a chance to simplify our life and decide what really matters and we have grown immensely from learning how to contain our life, our time, energy and finances in ways that were impossible before he could not work. We were both rather driven before...and I was much more Type A than I am now and I love living within the flow of my own rhythms rather than with the 'wouda, couda, shoudas' within my old mindset.
I still get a lot done...but the pace of it is so different now. Within all I have been through in the past I do my best to live in present time rather than regretting the past and projecting into the future. Being in the NOW-NESS of life makes me appreciate the chance to love and be loved than ever before. I can truly feel that within the energy within the posts we share here with each other.
I feel the essence of those behind sitting in front of their screens...and trust my intuitive knowing about the authenticity of what they are saying. That is why what you say never sounds nutty or radical to me...I feel the genuine-ness of your passion for your loved ones and all you are doing to make the world a happier, safer place. It gives me joy to think of you within your element there...and I look forward to hearing more of how things outwork in your life.
Warmest regards again my dear friend...the discussions will keep coming...because I look forward to hearing from you too!
You and your own Sweetie are to be commended for your mutual willingness to come back and keep working through the things that were standing in the way of being able to connect and deeper levels. If people were really honest about it I think many would admit that relationships require work, commitment, perseverance. Each partner is a mirror for the other and sometimes it is hard for any of us to admit our part in things. But when we do there are opportunities to become more authentic and self-responsible persons. I hope you and your partner give yourselves kudos...I sure do. In our work we see all too many couples who refuse to do their individual parts to make things work and that is sad. Divorce rates reveal that. For those of us who are willing to do walk our talk and work together through the ups and downs in life we end having conversations like this...being able to celebrate who we love and telling others why.
Thank you for your willingness to share that with me...I'd love to have a chance to chat with you in person someday...I truly respect who you are and how you think.
Wishing you continued success in your commitment to your loved ones and all those less fortunate who need a voice like yours!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
OMG...why on earth would you think you sound like a nut job? From other discussions we have had I see you as a strong, independent thinker who has the courage of her convictions.
I decided to post this discussion because I felt sure valued on-line friends like you would add your passionate views about who you love and why...and I am delighted to see that you have.
The love you have for your Mom sounds so deep and respectful and the way your children must feel fortunate to have a Mom who loves them the way you do. The fact that you want to advocate for all the suffering children in the world does not sound nutty to me...we all need to remember the 'it takes a village to raise a child' principle within the One Song of our humanity.
The 'flint on flint' spars with your hubby sound like patterns David and I had earlier in our marriage. Now we are at a place where we choose to handle our conflicts differently. We are also living our life differently and working together to contain our time, energies and finances so we are 'living within our mweans.' That keeps the stress ors down.
Consequently, our conflicts are less. However, even when times were tough I always knew that we would make it through anything as long as we were together. Obviously you and your partner have something that allows you to come back for another says a lot about what must be there between you.
It is admirable that you are working to become a will undoubtedly give your students a strong sense of civil duty...and you know what they say...the best way to teach is by your own example.
So my friend...I love this response. Thank you for always being so willing to speak your truth with such genuineness. I respect that about you and value the things we have shared in other chats...and look forward to more again.
Wishing you and yours the best life has to offer...
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@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
28 Sep 07
I don't have a hubby but i am looking forward on it.LOL! I love my family. They are my life. My father, My mother, MY older brother, My one and only sister and our youngest. I love them so much. Without them i don't know what will i am going to be. They are always there when i needed them. Even they felt disappointed sometimes on me. I always failed in all the things that i had did. Seems like that i don't have a direction. Sometimes i can't understand myself but i am fighting on it and think positive. I am kind of a weak person. Thats why they feel worried if i am not there on there side. So i can't blame also my father if he so very too protective. He know me as me. His my father and i love him so much.
My sister is my bestfriend. She is always there to comfort and advise me. She encourage and motivates me. My Kuya[my older brother] even he is already married but he is still here with us. He has always a time to be with us.
My friends and my bestfriends. They accepted me as i am. They are here to make my worries gone and give me advises. They are so very understanding friend of mine. :)
And you mylotters! I love you all..You are one my bestfriends. There are some in here that i treasured and they know who they are.:) Supposedly i will gone for ten days. But it seems that i am falling inlove with you guys. My day will not complete. Thats why i am doing a way right now. Even i am doing something important right now i see to it that i can visit you in here even in a minute.:) happy posting.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Hello and thank you for coming by to add your wonderful words about who you love and why. Sounds like you have strong family ties that support you in very loving ways. It is great that you sound so appreciative of them and what they bring to your life.
You must add a lot to their lives as well...and that makes love and life rich and fulfilling. You are right about all the love there is in Mylot Land. The people here are always offering love, care, compassion and support to each other and it makes one feel blessed to be a part of it.
You will be missed...but keep in touch as you can...and hurry back to your loving, Mylot community!
Take care...and thanks for your input.
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@smileymom (169)
• United States
27 Sep 07
well to me who i really love are my kids. i have 2 miracle babies and i'm so happy god grant me the wish to have kids. when i was 14 yrs old i was diagnosed with a very bad tube ..which meant i was going to be barren. i took hormones at a young age for the simple fact i wanted one day to have kids. i stop taken those hormones for reason that i belived that of god wanted me to have kids. he'll give them to me all on it's own without science or technology.
so i just started adopting all my friends kids and saying they were my god-children.
but the day i took the pregnancy test & found out i was pregnant i feel in love right there on teh spot.
and i have to say it the best love of all theres no conditions, its sweet, its innocent , and its pure.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Ahhh what a beautiful story and representation of love, faith, hope...and miracles. Now I know why you used the site name of have obviously have a lot to smile about in becoming the Mom you always wanted to be. You are a walking testimony to the spiritual teaching of 'letting go and letting God.'
I appreciate what you say about unconditional is sweet, innocent and pure. When I posted this discussion I felt sure that I'd be moved by what I would read...and I have been by your wonderful story of love. Thank you.
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@anuj_3103 (32)
• India
27 Sep 07
Nice O. bro.Well Inmy life the most precious thing in my whole life is my sister,I luv her so much dat it's simply too hard to explain it in a small paragraph,but will try my best to describe my luv.She's my step sister but this don't affect me anyhow,she is two years younger than me but I still treat her as my own child.I luv the way she talks,her nature,her teasings,her innocent face when she tries to become one but in actual dat's not true anyhow,I luv when I get back to home after my college after doing damn hard studies,she sits beside me & ask about my whole day,about my girlfrnds and how I dealed with some of my idiot frnds.Then she will hav a deep breath and call me my poor brother got such a disgraceful life & then will start beating me for a choclate which I generally forget to buy for her.When she talk wid me I just hav a diff. kind of feeling dat I m away frm the whole world,all responsibilities,and other things.She just gives me a new & fresh life.
sometime I imagine if for any reason I will hav to leave her than how will I live,this feeling make me sick many times.
She's still sitting besides me & crying in my arms saying U r the biggest idiot I hav ever seen.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Hi and thanks for adding your input to this discussion. You certainly have explained who you love and why very well. It sounds as though you and your step sister share a wonderful bond and that you understand each other very well.
Hopefully this loving, caring relationship will last throughout your whole lives and that you will never have to know what losing it feels like.
All the best...
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I do beleive you know who I love lol.
and why.
Cant say any more about him fo r you know it all
and always kissed and huged him morning and night before bed but also when He got home form work.
Oh and he came to visit me in the hospital . total woke me up with a pat on the butte. like he was telling me ok you are thru this now get on with it and get well.
Like he always did.
hugs and blessings
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Sep 07
your welcome always willing to share what I have. and hope his helps someone else to to know they are always around you . Ok glad to hear ya not going any wher this wek end and dont ya know ya not surpose to hur5t your knee any more! Try putting some ice on it ok?
hugs and blessings
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Oh yes, speaking of love in all its many forms I hope you will check out the two photos of our dogs and cats that I left for Rosie to look at. Our two big dogs show their gentle ways of loving our two little kitties when they were only a few months old.
All 5 cats are around a year and they love to snuggle with each other and the dogs. Here's another photo to share of their snuggle you can tell I love my cats and dogs...because they provide so much love back! I know you feel the same love for your dogs...the ones you have and any that have passed on.
I cannot fathom that they do not go on to the other side...or come back to join us again just like others within our soul community. It is so much fun talking about love and how sweeter it makes life for all of us. Thanks again for being such a good friend and always showing up here and adding wonderful comments to any topic and taking the time to check out photos and add your 'view' of them. You are a great friend and I love you!
Offering you continued love, light and energy on your healing journey!
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@sophylline (1041)
• Philippines
2 Oct 07
Hi there(:
I can say you are very blessed my dear friend. You look very lovely as a couple. And it is just proper to sing in praises of these gifts we receive.
Yes, you are right, we need to celebrate life. And it would be nice to recall the loves in our life and time to savor that joy they bring us. I love several people in my life. First, and foremost, I have great and profound love for my mother who has given me life in this world. Why do I love her? Aside from the reason above, she has shown me what truly love is, in the form of sacrifices, unconditional love. She has also shown me security in life. She has given me herself as my bestfriend. In all of her fragility, she has become a person of greatness. But she has gone on to Heaven and left this physical universe already.
Who else do I love? Of course it is my hubby. I love him for the person that he is. He has his flaws but he also has his endearing ways. I love his nurturing ways. I love his sense of humor and that makes me happy. I love his ability to want to help others in need. I love his aura of confidence, but what I truly love the most is that I am able to see his vulnerability, his humility when we are alone.
@sophylline (1041)
• Philippines
2 Oct 07
I love my daughter. I love the way she makes me feel special, that is heavenly. She has such a friendly and cheerful disposition. She mostly gives me my inspiration AND perspiration! LOL for being so naughty and hyperactive all the time.
I love my sisiter. She is my only sibling. I wish for her healing soon. She is one very brave person, even if she doesn't feel exactly that way. We share some things only sisters could understand and I value that bond because when we were little, growing up, we had so many issues.
I love my best friend because most of what I have gone through in life, she was there for me. She is not always with me, though, but I treasure the moments that we are together. We try to understand each other even if we have different opinions and point out the things and choices we can do but ultimately, whatever one decides to do with her life we are still there for each other.
Thank you for letting us stop and think about these lovely things in our lives that makes it joyful and meaningful to live in.
Hugs and blessings my dear friend.
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@sophylline (1041)
• Philippines
3 Oct 07
Hi again, my friend(:
You never fail to manage to bring tears to my eyes. Perhaps, it is the sincerity, the warmth that I feel from you. You being real. And maybe something more, it is the overflowing of goodness in your heart. I am really glad to be one of the people that could develop that meaningful connection with you. And with the recent understanding that we have in common about butterflies and our own mothers. I believe that there is no such thing as coincidence... some things are meant to happen for a reason..Well, there was a familiar saying that people come in to our lives for a reason...and what yoou said about each one is inwardly connected to the Source and to everyone else...profound, and I do believe it as well.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
3 Oct 07
Hello again..
Thank you for your comments about my hubby and I as a couple. Having lovely feedback from you and others about David and I was an unexpected gift that I did not expect when I decided to present more of who we are within the Mylot community. When I first became a member here I was not sure of what to expect and felt the need to keep everyone at arms length until I developed a sense of who really was sitting behind their monitors and why they were here. Within a few short discussions and responses I started to see there were many people with whom I could develop some meaningful connections with...and you certainly are one of them.
As the days, weeks and months have gone by I am increasingly more comfortable with revealing more of my life and welcoming the same from others. The chats we have have fell into that category quite quickly and here we are again. It is wonderful to read about who you love and why. I particularly liked what you said about your husband...with his aura of confidence...and how you love his vulnerability and humility that he reveals to you when you are alone. What a healthy and wholesome bond that is...when loved ones can be open, candid and is the best gift of all.
The love you have for your mother and how it continues beyond this realm is akin to that with my Mom...although I did not mention is there. The fact that we have a butterfly connection to our mothers and their passing was an amazing thing to discover. Perhaps they have already met over there. If our Moms were over our shoulders as we chat on line...maybe they have introduced themselves and have wandered off to chat about how special it is that their 'girls' are chatting and now they can do the same. What a lovely that image is for me!
Anyway the fact that you also have meaningful female friends and your sister to love is something I also cherish. Our gal pals teach us other ways to love and my women friends have helped me grow and trust in ways that I used to find difficult. It was never easy for me to reveal my feelings of insecurity...but my friend of 20 years and I helped each other become more comfortable with it within the emotional security we have created over the years. I have had that with David from early in our relationship...but I value the different feel it has with them.
So dear friend...this has been another wonderful heart to heart and I am thankful for our open, respectful dialogs. May the love and light you have within the circle that you have continue to grow brighter with every passing day.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
I rated your photo a + because it really is a plus to see two people so much in love. I have never been very lucky at love except for the birth of my daughter. We love our children unconditionally at all times and we're happy with them regardless of the gender, however with that said I wanted a daughter more than life itself and when my daughter was born I was the happiest girl in all of Canada, so much so I chose to not have anymore children. My daughter and I to this day are as close as a mom and daughter can be. I love her so much and I now have two beautiful grandchildren. I love them so much!!!We need to know anyone can say"I love you" BUT when children come up to you and wrap their arms around you and say "Mom I love you" OR "I love you Grandma", Well let me tell you my dear friends that is Love at its' finest. Take Care friends.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Hi again my friend...nice to be chatting again. We've been flying in different orbits these days!
Love is love and from the sound of it the bond you and your daughter share is akin to the one Mom and I had before she passed away a couple of years ago. I miss her so much...we used to have gal pal days where we'd shop until we dropped. So I totally understand the bond you share. I feel the love connection to my Mom beyond this life and look forward to seeing her when I am also beyond the rainbow.
Thanks for your lovely comments about my Sweetie and me. We are in love and celebrate that every day. I am happy to know you have loving relationships in your deserve them.
Loving regards,
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
29 Sep 07
I don't have a most important person in my life...rather I have several that are very important to me and that I love dearly.
My Mom has always been a source of strength for me...she has stood by me through so much in my life and even when we have fought and refused to make up...we were still there for each other when push came to shove. I don't know how I would ever live without her in my life.
My Nephew means the world to me. He came into my life at a time when I found out I'd never have children. He is the child I wish I could have had if given the chance. He is always able to bring a smile to my face and cheer me up. I would gladly lay down my life for him.
My Hubby has been a wonderful guiding light thoughout the last 7 years. He made me trust men enough again to take the plunge and get married. He knows how to make me smile and we love to spend our time together. He also knows how to make me feel needed and appreciated.
Lastly, is my Dad...although we're not as close as I wish we were I do look up to him and the things he has accomplished through working hard all his life.
There are many other ppl that I love and they love me...too many to list here but they are part of my life and I wouldn't change that for anything. My brothers, my sister, my Niece, my Grandma, my Stepmom...they are all priceless to me.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
30 Sep 07
Hi again..
Thank you for your heartwarming expressions of who you love and why. From different things I have read..or you have shared here it is good to know you have a hubby that has given you the love and care you offer to others so willingly.
Your nephew sounds like a wonderful young person and I am sure the bond you sure enriches his life as it does yours. My Mom and I used to fight too..but we always felt as you and your Mom do..that in the end it would be her and me against the world when we needed the support.
From the sound of it you have a wonderful, loving network of friends and loved ones and your appreciation for them comes through so strongly in what you wrote. Chats like these provide a more personal dimension to our on-line friendships and it is great to have your participation and to learn a little more about you.
Much appreciated again twoey..and all the best to you and yours,
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
27 Sep 07
It is so nice to read what you wrote:)
I do not have a life partner in this stage of my life,
but i can just tell you that i do love.
I think that love is a natural thing and you have a choice in life to love or to make excuses..:)
I find it easier for me to live this life loving as much as i can, and to understand the reasons why people somtime in some stages in their life can not get to this simplicity natural situation of loving. :)
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Thank you...I am glad you enjoyed what I wrote. The feeling is mutual and I truly appreciate your thoughtful additions on the idea of love. It is very revealing to me about who you are when you say..."It is easier for me to live this life loving as much as I can". Wow...that is a powerful statement of intent and I am sure that all the love you give out comes back to you in subtle, profound and mysterious ways.
That is what I know for sure...that love doesn't hurt...and feels really good. During my youth and throughout the many years I struggled with two eating disorders those challenges taught me that within feeling incomplete I had to find a way to fill myself up with love in all of my empty, shattered spaces. As I did that I had more love to give to others...and now it has come full circle. So yes, my friend I so agree with you that love is a simple...natural situation.
I greatly appreciate this wonderful perspective of yours..and for your contribution to the topic.
Warmest regards,
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
How nice to hear how you feel...and who you love and why. Thank you for adding to the discussion...and welcome to Mylot.
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@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
5 Oct 07
Hello again Raia. You know very well, that I truly adore my son. In every words I use, he seems to be always mentioned.^_^ He's my little miracle and I honestly don't know if I will still be the same me, if I lose him. Everytime I look at my son, I feel so much happiness and pride. I have given birth to a child who lifts up my bad mood with just one big smile from him.
And there's my husband, my friend and my enemy, sometimes!lol! I said in my discussion that I finally found my someone in him. He might not be the perfect prince of my dreams, but just the same, our opposite behaviors and views in life, makes our marriage a very, very interesting one. He makes me laugh, and he surely makes me cry sometimes. But being inlove wasn't meant to be a bed of roses all the time. Sometimes he irritates me, annoys me and frustrates me. But there's always that one special moment that when I look at him, I feel so much emotion that I can't fully understand. He may not be the perfect husband, but he's my soulmate. And God gave him to me in my moment of loneliness.
And there are my parents and my siblings. I miss them everyday now that we're all grown up and have our own families.
My father may have been a strict man and a hot-tempered one in the past. But behind all those hard exterior he showed, was a loving father who only wanted the best for his kids.
And there's my mother who chose to work in another country, because we were struggling financially at that time. My siblings and I were at risk of having to stop attending school because we didn't have enough money. My mother, chose to endure her heartbreak of having to be away from us for years so she can make sure that we'll all have the decent education we need.
And there are my siblings. My eldest sister, my brother and my youngest sister. I miss them everyday and I wish we can talk as often as we can. My childhood memories with them are very precious and funny. We had our siblings fights and arguments, but we all grew up so close together. They are my bestfriends. ^_^
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
5 Oct 07
Hi again,
Once again I feel priviledged to be able to participate in conversations about you, your life and extended family members. It is of genuine interest to me to know how many siblings you have and to learn about the sacrifices your mother made for all of you to have the life she envisioned for you. The bond you and your father shared...and those with your hubby assist me in getting a greater feel for your extended family. It is not something that David or I have much frame of reference for because both our parents and his brother have passed on. I didn't have siblings and rarely see my cousins. Our approach to creating a sense of family is to surround ourselves with a community of like-minded others that we call our soul family. With not having children of our own we have chosen to involve ourselves with children through the Big Brother/Big Sister organization in support of the idea that it takes a village to raise a child. So in a different way we have a sense of love and being loved that enriches our life even though we do not share the customary connections many experience within their families of origin.
I appreciate your open, authentic disclosure about the ups and downs you eperience with your hubby...David and I have certainly had our fair share of those alright. I think that people who never disagree or have things to work through probably aren't doing a lot to promote each other's growth. I now much of what has happened in our bond has created awareness about what needs changing and has always helped us to transform limiting patterns of thinking and behaving. So my friend we may have different lifestyles in some ways...but the way we approach who we are and how we live...there are some strong parallels. It is a joy to know you and and to hear the celebratory feelings you have about the love you have for your sweet boy. We are indeed very fortunate to have so much love in our lives...I am happy to know that about you and to be able to share my experiences with you.
Good chatting as always...enjoy the is Thanksgiving here and as my new discussion says I feel very blessed and trust you do too!
Joyful tidings...