Women How suck the life out of good dads!!!
By adawnanaaron
@adawnanaaron (291)
United States
October 27, 2006 2:40pm CST
Ok i know people think i am a lil over dramatic about this because it is my husband this is happening to, But i am mad cause he is a good dad who pays his child support everyweek and this ignorant woman decides it isnt enough and takes him back for more.. UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH my girls that live at home with us are not his biologicly but ontop of paying his child support he support my girls also cause they have dads that dont help out at all. I have recived 1 dollar in support for my youngest sense her dad and i split up i dont really care about the money. But when we are trying to make ends meet and we have this money hungry woman whom works gets state assistance and disability for her kids wants even more child support if you look at her income and you look at our it is sad she brings home more than him and wants more
he pays 137 a week right now and they are uping it to 190 a week when he takes out the 137 all we get is 200 a week now with this we only make 150 a week to support the 2 we have at home and try to pay rent and utillities. well how do u all feel
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9 responses
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I could ramble on for hours on this but instead I'll just post the links to a couple of my other discussions.
The whole situation is absolutely stupid...
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@adawnanaaron (291)
• United States
6 Nov 07
I agree it is absolutely stupid and well Karma is a b*tch that is my out look now days
@MINDY0882 (2302)
• United States
27 Oct 06
At least he is paying it and not like most who doesnt. she should be happy with what she does get and not keep trying to get all she can from him. That to me is wrong. ya'll have to have enough to support yourselfs as well she should be considerant and the judges should too , its wrong to put yall in a bind just b/c she is money hungry .. does she work or exspect to support there kids and herself of the child support
@adawnanaaron (291)
• United States
7 Nov 06
she has a job where she makes 300+ a week and plus she gets 600 a month in disability for her youngest girl and foodstamps she also gets child support from her 3 other kids dads so she has a nice decent income coming in and now she wants more go freaking figure right.
@MINDY0882 (2302)
• United States
11 Nov 06
well she should be happy with what she does get,there are some men out there who doesnt pay at all. she need to thank god and be happy with what she has

@livetodream (18)
• United States
11 Nov 06
Some are money hungry pathetic people. Both of my brothers have been divorced with children involved, and both are remarried. They have always paid child support and are great dad's, but the ex's are horrible. You would think they are sister's because they are constantly trying to think of ways to get more money. Not only are they money hungry, but they are also jealous. Is your husband's ex remarried? If she is not that is probably where the jealousy is from. Good luck, the usually never give up.
@adawnanaaron (291)
• United States
11 Nov 06
she was remarried and then she cheated on him so divorced again lol and she was going to get remarried a 3rd time but he got deported to germany so that fell thru. and she is just a royal pain in the Butt i know her family sense i was a lil girl and i know they are all about the money screw everyone else thats a big part of y i cant stand her
@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
19 Jul 07
You know what they say, money can't buy you love. So, I'm sure that this woman is depressed that her ex and her aren't in love any more and so she's going for the next best thing ... his money.
If you're concerned about money is there any way that you could get a job to help out?
@adawnanaaron (291)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I had a parttime job before but all the money i made went to daycare so in all honesty my hubby and i decided it was cheaper for me to stay home and take care of the kids we have here
@34momma (13882)
• United States
18 Jul 07
i know that i may get yelled at but i am going to go ahead and speak my mind like i always do. when you go for child support you can only get what you are intitled to. if she is intitled to more money, then he has to give up more money. what you need to do is go after the father of your children and get yours too. she is doing what is right and lawful.

@34momma (13882)
• United States
19 Jul 07
not that there are not women out there or people for that matter trying to take advantage of a situation. yet the law is the law. maybe the law is not always far but it is what it is. i know how costly it is to take care of children, i have three. and trust me when i say that i am going to get my support to take care my children. and if the father of your children is not paying, then take him to court. so this way there is a record and he will have his license taken away and then thrown in jail.
@sandrakaye (76)
• United States
19 Jul 07
Well, I will probably be on the firing squad as well. I am dealing with issues from both sides, I am not getting child support(are very very little and sporaticly) and my fiance pays child support. I agree with 34momma, and if you make enough money that would demand an increase and the court/state orders it, then it is what your child is entitled to. Some states are harder on non custodial parents then others. Why don't you get child support for your children?
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@tjsmom (2)
• United States
20 Jun 07
I have been in my step daughters life for three years and she is 6 now. i also have a 4 year old son who is not my husbands (I had him before we met) and I don't get support for him. The last time my husband's ex (who he was never married to) took him to court when she was still a single mom with another kid, but forgot to mention the other kids dad lived with her! My husband had to pay more since she had another kid, but we werent' married yet so he couldn't claim my son (but you can't even if you are married which is crap because i don't work and we haven't had spare money for my husband to adopt him quite yet.) I get so mad because all they take is how much the dad makes and doesn't even consider the house payment, car, or anything. Just because you have more money doesn't mean you're spending it on your kids! My step daughters mom buys my step daughter junk. She has so many clothes and more shoes than I have. She just now started packing her clothes when she came to stay because she lets my step daughter eat whatever she wants and she grows 2 sizes a year. I was buying her more than my own son! I still dont' have much money for my son. Her mom is a poor me, but excuse me, you have two men supporting you and the one supporting me is supporting you! I get tired of going over the same rules every week and when I teach my step daughter something she should have known a long time ago, she never works on it at home because she knows she doens't have to and it's back to square one when she comes back. She can't even skip or jump rope! I get so mad that her mom gets $480 a month just for one kid and complains "poor me, I have no money." She has an attitude towards me when I pick my step daughter up like I'm coming at an inconvenient time and she's not ready yet. I get her a 3 in the afternoon and she should be lucky someone picks her up so she doesn't have to drive. No one in my family has step kids and they treat my step daughter like someone special and I know its' going to go to her head one day and upset my son. You can't treat them different when you have another one at home. It causes jealousy between kids and i would rather go through the drama than them. I feel so out of control in me and my husband getting a say in how my step daughter is raised because her mom has her more and has my step daughter freakin' wrapped around her finger. I'm tired of hearing all about mommy when she is over and tired of acting fake saying "yeah that must have been fun". Anyway I need someone to vent to and you are in a similar situation.
@adawnanaaron (291)
• United States
2 Jul 07
I completely feel your agravation and understand whole heartedly how you feel hang in there
@sabrinam (1203)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Have you contacted Fathers for Equal Rights to get some free guidance? Is there one near you? Check it out please! He's getting jacked up every which way from Sunday. Fight her, is there legal aid where you are, there's no shame in getting help with this crap. I agree there are women out there that give good men hell for the rest of their lives, but there is a way to fight it. Document everything that happens because I bet she's really hateful too, so write down every conversation, build a file and take it to court, that's almost extortion, you're only supposed to be able to take someone back to court for more if the situation with the child changes or there's proof that the father is earning more money.
Bless you and good luck to you!
@adawnanaaron (291)
• United States
11 Nov 06
that type of womkan drives me insane my ex oughtta be happy i am nothing like her
@YoungInLove (1254)
• Canada
20 Jul 07
190 a week? Thats rediculous! I dont know much about child support, but I am 17 and I never cost my parents no where near that much money. We spend way less than that on grocerys a week for the 3 of us. What does his ex spend all that money on!