How do you get an outside kitty to come in?
By gmakesmoney
@gmakesmoney (2923)
United States
September 28, 2007 1:15am CST
I found the most precious tiny kitten outside today, sooooooo cute with huge eyes. It looks so much like my cat when she was a baby but it's smaller. It's all grey but the tail is like my cats, stripped. Adorable! Well it ran under some bushes infront of my apartment and so I brought it out some food and put it under the bushes and it layed there for a while and then ate the food. I tried to touch it but it would hide. It looks to be maybe 6-8 weeks old. Well I put a dish of water and a plate of dry food out by my porch to see if it comes closer and will eat it. My mom said maybe if it gets used to eating regularly then it will let us bring it in. Where I live people run over them for fun! Plus winter will come before long. It's so small that I think my cat (she's almost 5 years old) will mother it as she does with her stuffed kitties but it's iffy since she's moody. I'm afraid to just let it live outside and feed it, it won't be safe in this area. I really can't afford to take it in but already having a cat it's not like I need anything extra. There are strays in the area that I've seen but this is the first I've seen this little.
So my question is, how do you get them to where you can bring them in?
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13 responses
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
28 Sep 07
Well it is true if you keep feeding it then it will keep coming back and get more used to it. In time i think it would let you touch it, but it doesn't seem like you have time! People actually run cats over for fun there? That is sick, don't they get in trouble for animal cruelty? Can you report them? I think it is important that you get this poor kitten insdie quick! With evil people around and winter coming.
Maybe you could try to see if it will play with one of those gandly toy/rope toys. and Maybe get it to chase it to your apartment, or you could try getting it to chase it close to you, and then you could try to grab it really quick.
Also, when I need to get one of my cats I'll throw a blanket on them. That could work for you. Maybe while it's eating you can get as close as possible and when it isn't looking at you toss a blanket on it and grab it real quick, still wrapped in the blanket.
I hope I've helped! Let me know what happens to the poor little guy! :( It's very nice of you to try and help it.

@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
28 Sep 07
Your cat spits the food at you!? lol! that is funny/cute. What a little stinker! =P I hope the kitten stays in teh bush and not go out in the open.
I would be so angry that no one was doing anything. I would go down to animal control station adn police station and talk to them! I can't believe they let a dog die just because it's a pitbull!! When are people going to realize breeds don't make the dog!
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
29 Sep 07
Basically as your mother said,you feed it, and build up it's trust. Sit very still while you observe it. I befriended and adopted the ugliest beat up old tom cat once, and after I came to know him, he became so affectionate. I know he was abused as he had this huge ridge in his skull. He got much more respectable looking with regular food, but it took him forever to trust my husband or son. I felt he had been abused by a man. Eventually he left and moved in with someone else, because other kitties kept adopting me.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
29 Sep 07
I thought of you the moment I saw this article...I get the Pet Place email sent to me and it's all about stray or feral cats. It does sound like this little kitty is feral, and not used to people which is why it's so timid. I think maybe after awhile it just might be possible to gain it's trust and might let you handle him/her. Here's the article
@marylouu69 (297)
• United States
29 Sep 07
Don't try to force it to come to you. Keep putting food, and water out for it, but keep moving it closer to the door, and when you see it go out and stand letting it see you and bend down to offer more food. The kitten will come to you in due time. If you leave your door open also try to put the plate of food in so the kitten will walk in on its own. If you get the kitten in the house don't try to catch it let the kitten come to you own its own.
@Vieiragirl (109)
• United States
28 Sep 07
keep on feeding it. Try playing with a toy or something on a string it might start playing it wont notice it is getting close to you.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
28 Sep 07
By doing just what your doing. Then while the cat is eating just sit next to it but dont touch it just let it eat. After its done eating try petting and talking to it. But stay on its level on the ground and it wont be scared. Do that a couple of times and it will trust you. And the cat is yours. Good luck and take good care of your new cat.LOL
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Sep 07
Here's how I got my Squirt, who's now a 30 pound scaredy cat but was once an abandoned stray kitten. He was across the alley from my house and I took food and water to him (and his mom and two siblings) a few times a day. I moved the food and little bit further from the shed he always hid under each time and I very slowly got to the point where I could touch him gently while he was eating. Once I got to that point it was no time at all before I got to pick him up and now he's the head of my household! Good luck and let me know how you make out! If anyone hurts that poor little thing I'll go personally and run over them! I can't bear cruely to animals. It's awful that no one would help that poor dog. I'd like to take those owners and tie them outside in the snow with no shelter!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I've done this before and here's how I do it. I put some food out for it. Sit on the step or ground near it and talk softly to it. When it starts to come out, don't try to pet it or grab it just let it sniff around you and realize your not a threat. If you do this a few times, it will soon let you pet it. A few times of petting and it will let you pick it up. At least this is how I do it and it always works for me.
If you want it inside in a hurry, the only way I can suggest is putting food in the back of a carrier and when it goes in for the food close the door. It won't like it but it's quicker.
I prefer to build up the trust but if your worried someone is going to kill her you might want to try the quicker way.
Good luck and I'm sure she appreciates you thinking of her and giving her a home.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
28 Sep 07
Here's what I would try if you have a spare 1/2 hour or so.
When you go outside, bring the food and water and set it at least 10 feet from you.
Then, sit down on the ground. Don't stand because you look way to big to this tiny kitty.
Have one of those kitty toys with the handle and feather on the end. They love those. And just sit there quietly playing with the toy in front of you and don't make an attempt to get him to come to you. If you ignore him a little that might just peak his curiosity enough and give him a little confidence that you're not there to hurt him.
He's just a baby but you know they love to play. If he does start playing just let him be for as long as possible and don't stand up.....keep sitting on the ground.
You might want to have a couple soft treats with you that you can smash a little of the smell on your fingers if you know what I mean. While he's playing, try to toss him a couple while your sitting, maybe even breaking them in two pieces...they have more of an aroma that way.
Keep looking away from him, like you're ignoring him again. Sometimes this works quite well because they get the sense that you're not interested, and alot of times they really want you to be but are afraid. I don't know how else to explain myself on what I'm talking about, lol!!! I think you know what I'm trying to say though.
Good Luck and I really hope this works. He might come close enough where you could grab him or at least pet him a little. It takes some patience at first but ususally works.
@mistcat (29)
• United States
28 Sep 07
The best way I know of to get an animal of any kind to come close is to offer it food. Keep feeding it and stop trying to touch it until the kitten comes to you and rubs against you.
That's cat for "I trust you."
Another thing you might do is set up a place it can take shelter from bad weather with old towels, blankets or T-shirts inside. An old box the kitten can get in and out of easily, in a garage or tool shed works ok.
@insanity01 (48)
• Canada
28 Sep 07
Your mom's right. After a while that kitty will trust you enough.
It sickens me to hear that kittens and just an animal, no, living creatures are tortured for fun in your area. I believe what you're doing for that kitten is admirable. I just hope you give that kitten absolute love and care for as long as he/she lives.
Good luck :)
@shy_gal (235)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 07
Hi gmakesmoney,
I think i will get some foods for those kitten, but i won't them into my house as i do not like kitten.
When i was kid, my house have one. After that, we do not get kitten anymore.
If winter is coming, i will call to my friends or relative which like the kitten, then ask them come to take it home.