Smoking Banned On Highways in UK.

@earnie (16)
September 28, 2007 4:59am CST
Do you think this law is far or not? Smoking is a distration whiling driving at high speed, a car is a confined space too, so surely it would get rid of two potential risks or do you disagree?
1 response
• United States
29 Sep 07
I think it is a good idea if it would actually save lives. Unfortunately we cannot even enforce the drunk driving laws. How could we hope to enforce no smoking laws?
@earnie (16)
30 Sep 07
I agree totally, but a small percentage of lives may be saved both from not smoking and less distractions to cause an accident, it's quite hard to cover up smoke coming from inside a car i suppose, so it may be easier to spot than someone who is drink driving.