When do you consider yourself rich?

@Perry2007 (2229)
September 28, 2007 10:14am CST
People talk about being rich, wanting to be rich, how to get rich and anything rich. When do you consider yourself to be rich? Any idea, thanks for sharing
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12 responses
@davido (1623)
• Canada
4 Oct 07
I consider myself rich when am able to pay all of my bills, no debt, care for my family and eat well with a good peace of heart.
@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
Thank you all for your response
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
2 Oct 07
I will only consider myself rich, in terms of money, when I already have billions in my bank accounts. lol But right now, I'm too far from it. I am still working my way there...or maybe I will not really go there because I have alot of people in mind of whom i wanted to help financially as soon I earn huge amount.
• United States
29 Sep 07
Rich? you mean in money? I think you are rich when you can live comfortably and you still have enough money to send at least 50 people to a 4 year college for 10 years.But there is also being rich in love. Rich in Love was a title of a movie. it means that you have all the love you want from your family and friends.
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@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
28 Sep 07
I would consider myself as rich when I'm debt free owing nothing to nobody and have my monthly earnings to spend freely all my own. Finances in hand --- it should be definitely be hassle free. That is financial freedom in the real sense .
@shakeroo (3986)
• Malaysia
2 Oct 07
I would consider myself a rich person when I have no debt and I can afford not to have a full time work. I would have lots of excess money that I can donate to others that are in need and build things for the community to use. I have the ability to share my wealth with my family and friends and other people around me... I think so... I am not so sure as I am not rich yet... hahaha
@anuj291 (575)
• India
28 Sep 07
well richness is defined in a lot of ways if u ask a very rich guy then he will say i want more money and yes happiness as well if u ask a very poor guy he will say i want more and more money if u ask a medium guy he will say yes i want money,,but along with that i want,,happiness for my loved ones,,and world peace.. thnx and tc
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@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
well, i would want to earn more and live more comfortably. have my own house and car. but right now, i am already rich with the love of my God, my husband, my two families (real and in-laws), and friends. :-)
@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I think real richness is happiness within your family & having loved ones near but lots of money would be nice too |:p +'s |:)
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
28 Sep 07
I'd consider myself rich when i get my dream house, my dream car, and when i can travel across the Philippines (using airplanes as transportation) and around the world. I'd consider myself rich when i can buy a big house abroad, when i can buy expensive branded clothing and stuff like home theaters and satellite TV, etc etc... and when i can live without working for 8-9 hours a day, 5 times a week! Ah to be rich.... *sigh*
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@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
28 Sep 07
I consider myself rich enough because I have plenty of love and support from my friends and family. I can buy daily necessities and food. I have a roof above my head and a nice bed to sleep on plus a warm blanket. I have a loving husband and good health. Health is priceless. I think I'll be TOTALLY rich when I can have enough love, peace, attention, and grace for everybody. And when I can treat anybody as well as I treat myself. And when I have accumulated so much wisdom so that whenever somebody tells me a story, I know the right thing to say at the right time.
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• Philippines
27 Jun 10
I would consider myself rich, when I can spend all things I want. Then I can also give and share to others "without limitations." That every time I give to someone I will see in their the happiness. Or in the words, if I have satisfaction to myself.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
27 Jun 10
I would say when you have enough so you don't have to worry about money too much, you can just live your life and do what you want to do, without letting money, or the lack of money, get in the way. I would be perfectly fine with that!