Do you think your friend care about you or you care about your friend?

@sexylc (501)
United States
September 29, 2007 10:09am CST
Yeah! I am sure that most of a time I care my friend like my sister or brother.And I think one of my friend care about me also.So I am very glad to have friend like her such a very nice feelings that we have friend care about us.
4 responses
• United States
29 Sep 07
oh i know my friend cares about me. I've been telling her how I'm paying my parents about half of what I earn every month, montly. And how I'm not going to be able to save up money to move out, like I've wanted to for a while. And I'm not going to have a lot of money to go Christmas shopping and stuff. And one thing she did is: i made a joke that she could buy my short stories (which she has already read =P) And she said she would buy 3 of each! lol. I told her I was just kidding =P She said she wasn't...but I'm not gonn make her buy them! hehe. And now she is talking to a family friend of hers, who is opening a boutique store. I might be able to sell my photographs, and other stuff, to her, to sell in the store. And that could def. help me get more money! My friend is very supportive of me, and I really appreciate her! And I def. care about my friend. I am there when she needs me. Whenever she calls me with a problem, I'll help her through it as best I can. Whether I need to take her out somewhere, to get her away from her house. Or if she just needs to use me to vent for a while. Me and my friend def. have a lasting bond!
@anuj291 (575)
• India
29 Sep 07
well i guess its true for true frnds,,,its always both ways,,u care for them and they care for u,,cuz u guys have been thr for each other when u really needed the other person.. so my ans will be yes i def do care for my frnds,,they have helped me a lot in my tough times,,,and i am 100% sure that they care about me equally as well thnx and tc(good to have u as a frnd...cheers)
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
29 Sep 07
I do agree with you completely its so good to have a friend that is so careing. Friends are hard to find so when you find one like that always treasure them.
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@jenmau (28)
• Philippines
30 Mar 08
yah... i do care about my friends and i know they do care for me too... but sometimes i usually feel that they are not really concerned about me coz they sometimes do things that they know that i really hate... but still i do love & care about them coz friends are next to your family... ^.^