what if ...

September 30, 2007 3:43pm CST
squirrels were yellow? the world was flat?
5 responses
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
10 Sep 08
If squirrels were yellow we would make slippers out of them! If the world was flat, would gravity hold us to the underside too?
@Anne18 (11029)
8 Sep 08
What if there were no humans??? We would have no pcs and more imortantly no mylot!!!!!! Years ag oexplorers thought the world was flat and if you travelled to the end you would fall off. I wonder if they wondered what would happen to them/where they would go if they actually did fall off the ends of the world? Now there's a question?
@xboxboy (5576)
30 Sep 07
if squirrels were yellow less would get run over and if the world was flat we would never meet in a circle. quite simple really!
30 Sep 07
if squirrels were yellow, and the world was flat, your post might have read-what if squirrels were grey and the world round? what if........
• Philippines
7 Sep 08
This discussion might have been a year old but it does make sense someitimes. We've been kind of living in monotonous way for some time now. We are getting used to the "usual" things around us. I guess it would be fun seeing a squirrel as yellow, living in a flat word and other weird stuffs.