Kids in the road... and why they anger me!!
By vivasuzi
@vivasuzi (4127)
United States
October 1, 2007 7:40am CST
Just driving to work today and two kids were sort of idle sitting on their bikes on the sidewalk. I was driving full speed on a busy 4 lane road. Suddenly they started peddling at full speed! I had to swerve b/c one was headed right towards hitting the side of my car. Looking in my rear view, I saw the other kid stopped to go behind the car that was also driving full speed in the lane next to me.
First thing that annoyed me - the light was going to turn red for them in like 1 minute! Why would they decide to go? It seemed like the way they all of a sudden started peddling that they were trying to beat me but I didn't have enough time to react and slow down.
Second thing that annoyed me - I would never do this as a kid. Growing up, I would hesitate going even after the light turned to "walk" b/c I wanted to make sure all those cars were going to stop. Why is it that some kids seem to think it's ok to go into moving traffic?
Third thing that really ticks me off - I was thinking that if I had killed this dumb kid, I would probably be the one in court defending myself while his parents would be screaming for me to go to jail. It ticks me off b/c I just know how things like this work a lot of the time. I'm not saying the courts would rule against me, but a lot of people would decide it was my fault for not slowing down or reacting fast enough. Am I right?
Parents - teach your kids that it is not "cool" to try to cross the road against the light. Teach them that it is not a race to try and beat the cars! I know some parents try to teach this but some kids get pressured into being dumb anyway, if your kid is one of those then keep an eye on him or don't let him ride his bike to school!
There, got that off my chest! Anyone have similar situations they'd like to complain about? Feel free to share!
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5 responses
@raychill (6525)
• United States
1 Oct 07
Actually Yes I do!
Every day going to work I go down this road where I pass three groups of kids waiting for the bus.
First thing, I don't get why they don't all just wait together. They are 3 different bus stops on the same road (and these are not in front of individual homes it's 3 groups of kids from different row homes grouped together) and they're less than a quarter mile from each other. Why does that bus have to make 3 stops instead of one? I've been stuck behind the bus before and all the kids ride the same bus. Bah!
Anyway. The first group is about 3 girls and a boy. The girls are typically crossing when i'm going down the road and they always walk out right in front of me. fortunately there are cops on that road sometimes so I always drive the 25 mph speed limit.
The second group is about 6 kids... they're usually far from the road so they never bother me.
the last group though.. They like to hang out in the road. Mind you at this point in the road it's 4 way road. if you're going the way i'm going or the opposite direction you have no stop sign. the other roads have the stop. This is a fairly busy little intersection. the kids like to dance around IN THE ROAD. When they see a car coming they start cursing and yelling at you (they're about middle school aged) because YOU'RE interrupting THEM by driving in the road where they want to be dancing and carrying on.
It ticks me off to no end!
Then on the way home from work I'm inevitably right behind this school bus dropping off elementary school kids.
there are parents to pick up some kids and other kids just walk alone. I can't tell you how many times the PARENTS w/ their child have walked out in front of my car, drove out in front of my car or just watched kids themselves walk out in front of my car. I always try to beat the school bus, but that school bus drives really speedy down the road and I can never pull out in front of them!
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
3 Oct 07
Sounds like you should find a different road to get to work! Honestly, that would suck. I sometimes get stopped by a bus on my way to work, but usually the bus comes by earlier so I don't get stuck. It's the worst when you get stuck by a school bus on a major road (4-5 lanes) bc then you have to wait for the kids to walk ALL THE WAY across.
Oh my gosh I've had a similar experience with kids giving me the evil eye or yelling b/c I made them move out of the road. This was only on sidestreets though so luckily I wasn't going fast.
I actually had a kid of around 8 look at me with that "what? what?" kind of gang face on, with his shorts falling down and no shirt. I was like - YOU'RE 8! I could toss you aside with one arm!
Finally, some parents are real dumb. There's this one street I sometimes pass on my way home and parents are all parked along the side of the street. As soon as their kid gets in the car they pull right out into traffic as if they have the right of way b/c they were waiting for their kid for so long. Um, NO! Some parents seem to think that if you don't have kids you should have to wait for every parent to leave before you can drive through (at least that's what it seems like sometimes). Like I am going into their territory by driving in a school zone! I wouldn't want to teach my kids to be like that. My mom raised me where sometimes we'd wait forever until there was an opening before we'd pull out b/c we weren't going to cut ppl off. Be patient ppl!!
@raychill (6525)
• United States
3 Oct 07
Man, I wish I could go another way to work. The way I go is actually the shortest/quickest way and closest to where I live/work. So going any other way will take longer and be out of the way! I pass an elementary school and a high school on the way to and from work also so I hear you on the parents dropping off/waiting for their kids. I HATE when they just STOP in front of you to let their kid out. No hazards or anything. then the kid takes their good old time. Hello that's what buses are for! (ahahaha. kidding. My mom actually drove me to school so I can't say anything, but my mom would pull into the school to drop me off...not on the side of the road!)
People are just so inconsiderate sometimes. it's ridiculous.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
4 Oct 07
You know what it is, those parents are so dang lazy they can't even take their kids to the door of the school. They'd rather the kid run through traffic and the parking lot then follow the normal path up to the door which would be safer for the kids.

@AxranraRose82 (1120)
• United States
1 Oct 07
Just reading this I feel for you!!! It makes me soooo angry! It's really easy to teach your child that a car is a big piece of dangerous machinery that can kill them when they aren't cautious around them. There are so many incidents where there is NO way that a driver can yield to a pedestrian that isn't following traffic signals. And a person who is walking or riding a bike should be very wary of what is going on around them and not assume that they have the right of way just because they aren't in the car. I teach my kids this stuff all the time. Cars are big and dangerous and they need to be careful around them.
What really makes me mad is there is a traffic light right at one of the new dorm buildings near the local college. Right across the street they built a Rutter's and added a traffic light. The majority of the students don't even bother to use the crosswalk there even though it is a 4 lane road (not a highway though). The speed limit is 35 there but people usually drive faster because it is a straight road with very few intersections. The students are constantly disregarding traffic and the crosswalk signals when they do use the crosswalk. They cross whether cars are coming or not!
In the city kids are constantly crossing without looking for traffic. There the speed limit is 25 but does it really matter that the speed limit is that low when a 1000 lb vehicle is bearing down on a child that ran out without looking?
I have to say that many drivers really need a lesson in defensive driving and handing such a massive machine because there are so many times that I have seen something stupid happen that was totally preventable, had the parties involved been aware that they are not invincible and that people don't need to bow to them! It's a shame that there are more people who think those things than not!!
Oh and another complaint...Rehobeth Beach, Deleware! I'm sure it isn't all of it (and I am sure there are other states that have it bad too..!) and it's not everyone but we were at Rehobeth beach last year and were driving around a lot to go here and there. We were in a parking lot driving down in front of the stores trying to find a specific store. A woman darted out of nowhere (ok it wasn't nowhere- she came out from between two cars really really fast) and even though we were going about 10mph and the front of our car had already passed where she came running out from, she started screaming at us that we were supposed to stop for pedestrians. I didn't think that applied to crazy women jayRUNNING through the parking lot!! And another guy walked out of a shop that had a door almost right in front of the curb. He rounded the corner going out the door and stepped right into the road without looking. Had our car been 2 inches closer we would have hit him. There was no way we could yield when we were there first and he didn't show up til we were passing him.
I am all for yielding for pedestrians but there has to be a point where our car is allowed to actually MOVE through the parking lot!!!
@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
3 Oct 07
Yeah "right of way" does not automatically mean the car will stop. I am glad there are ppl like you teaching your kids right!
That last statement of yours just made me laugh. A lot of ppl coming out of stores by us seem to think that they can just keep going. Even if I already let 12 people walk out (and they saw me stopped for 5 mins), they think I should let them walk out to.
I personally like to let the drivers go unless I'm already in the way or it's raining or something. Otherwise I walk sideways until the car passes and then cross. So many pedestrians take a b-line toward there car and cause traffic james even though they could have taken a few steps out of their way to let the cars go by.
My grandpa said something the other day that is so true. He said that if every driver was courteous, there would be less accidents. Basically, if every driver or walker would look out for other people and worry about other people, they would less likely run into each other! It's not just drivers that have to let ppl take cuts once in awhile.. walkers need to let drivers go too sometimes!
Besides, what's faster... me waiting for a car to drive by at 40, or a car waiting for me to cross in front of them while walking? I can wait a few seconds to avoid walking in front of people.
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@randomosity_prevails (1110)
1 Oct 07
I hate seeing children in the road. I'm always terrified that I'm going to hit them, and they're so unpredictable... One minute, they're pedalling on their bikes on the side of the road, then they're in the middle of it. I don't like seeing young children playing near the road with no adult in sight. I always think that they're going to just wander into the road in front of me.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
3 Oct 07
I agree. As a previous poster said, I go slow when I see kids playing near the road. Even if they are 10 feet away in their driveway I pay attention to make sure they aren't going to change their minds.
I for one don't understand why so many kids play in the front yard instead of the back yard. There's a few kids on my street who are always in the front yard even though I can see their backyard is decent. As a kid, my parents tried to keep me in the backyard as much as possible.
Oh, and there's a few kids that turn in our driveway, I hate that!!!! I know I shouldn't but I do. We are one of the few ppl on the street with a double driveway so every night kids are riding bikes and turning in my driveway. They don't just turn at the bottom of it, they drive almost all the way up it to turn around. I hate it b/c a lot of times I think someone is coming to the door. It's just irritating and I almost want to park my car in the middle of the driveway so they can't do it.
@tabymclay24 (51)
• United States
2 Oct 07
i feel the same way. children should be supervised until a certain age on a bicycle or any other kind of toy that involves traffic. if my daughter were to do something like this it would surely be the last let me tell you. i was very responsible when i had my days doing things like this.
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