Seeing is Believing
By Kay2zed
@Kay2zed (16)
October 1, 2007 2:20pm CST
The general scientific temperament says that seeing is believing. That is, what we see is what we believe. And we do not believe what we cannot see or sense. Before knowing anything, we have got to see or sense it. Otherwise, our knowing it perfectly well remains elusively incomplete.
Yet, almost everybody believes in God. God is never seen or never can be seen. The believers say that they 'sense' or 'feel' them and that is their 'seeing' in their minds' eyes. But is that seeing at all. We see many things in our minds' eyes without waiting for their true existences.
Yes, we cannot see the atomic particles in our naked eyes or sense them perceptively. But we can 'see' or 'sense' them with our scientific instruments. And we believe in the existence of atomic particles. That believing is corroborated by further consequences. So, that seeing or sensing is truly proved by scientific theories and practices.
Does God exist? Had God existed, he could be seen or sensed. Has anyone ever seen God? Or, sensed Him percetively? So, why do people believe in the existence of God? There is no reason to believe so. Still people believe in God. This belief is never corroborated by scientific proof. This belief is blind and the believers are driven only by their blind and religious beliefs or faiths.
2 responses
@candiec2005 (828)
• United States
1 Oct 07
Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Can you see the air you breath? Or the oxygen you inhale? No and No.
I'll tell you why I believe in God. And I'm not saying that you have to nor am I going to judge yiu in any way. I simply want to tell you why I do. Becuase I have felt in my own life, that he's there for me. Always have. I feel his presence. He takes care of me and has done so since as long as I can remember. I used to be a very sick child and I KNOW that I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for God's help. Also, when I pray, there's such inner peace that I get that cannot be explained and that I don't get with anyone or anything else. It's a spiritual thing. But not everyone believes. You see, there are 2 kinds of people in this world: Those with faith and those without faith. Those with faith, just KNOW there's a God. And those without faith, simply don't understand.
@candiec2005 (828)
• United States
2 Oct 07
That's your belief. I'm sorry but I do not agree with you. You really don't know what I have personally experienced in my life therefore, you cannot tell me why certain things have happened because you weren't there to experience them for me. I respect your opinion but please respect mine. And I don't expect you to understand right now. But one day you will. Best wishes
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
1 Oct 07
People believe in atoms because the scienctific instruments can detect it which would be considered proof or evidence. I heard some one say they believe in god because they can feel god in their heart. I don't know how they know its god in their heart or think its god in their heart. What I do know is that emotions are in the brain even though we "feel" emotions in are chest. They probably believe in God because someone told them to, they truly believe god exist in the reality world, and/or because they have faith in what they can't sense. The scientific community just acknowledges what is fact by what can be sensed and detected. It is up to the individual to choose to believe in a deity or not. I assume that people believe in a god because they want to have a purpose. They probably don't like the fact that the human race existed by chance. For me I would rather know the truth then believe in something just because I like it or feel that it should be done. I can give an example on how the results didn't turn out the way I want it to. But that would bore you so I will make it short and sweet. Instead of denying the truth I just learn to accept the truth even if it did go against what I previously believed in or hope for. I say that learning the truth and accepting it or at least not denying it would help us all grow and prosper.