Mars Candy Supports Animal Cruelty and Experimentation
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
October 1, 2007 4:58pm CST
I got an email from PETA and I was shocked to learn that the Mars candy company, maker of famous candies such as Snickers, M & M, and so many other favorite candies still does animal experimentations to see the effects of its chocolate and they experiment on mice. Here's part of the article about this:..."Mars has funded cruel experiments in which mice were fed a candy ingredient and forced to swim in a pool of paint. The mice had to find a platform to try to avoid drowning, only to be killed and dissected later. In another experiment supported by Mars, rats were fed cocoa and anesthetized with carbon dioxide so that their blood could be collected by cardiac puncture, a procedure that can lead to internal bleeding and other deadly complications. Mars also supported an experiment that involved cramming baby mice into small Plexiglas chambers and then submerging the chambers for nearly five hours in a chilled water bath to determine whether or not a chocolate ingredient affected the mice's breathing rates. In the second phase of this test, experimenters shoved tubes down mice's throats to force-feed them an ingredient in chocolate, deprived them of all other food, and finally killed them and cut them up for analysis..."
Like what the heck do animals even if they're ONLY mice, need to be experimented on by any candy company...As the article points out, Mars' competitor, Hershey's doesn't experiment it product on animals...
There's a spot on the page, where you can voice your opinion for Mars to stop its cruel
experimentation on animals--I plan to sign it myself.
Here's the entire article:
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26 responses
@laylomo (165)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Seriously, is there any proof of this? I swear, if PETA can write that President Bush keeps little puppies in his office and squeezes their heads as if they were stress balls, people will start flooding the White House with protest letters. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and I think that phrase should be PETA's motto. There is no justification, no source, no nothing.
Swim in a pool of paint... right. That is illegal; if that were the case, the feds would've looked into that. For research with animals, whether for a company, a firm, or a university, there are procedures that the researchers have to go through that provides ethic guidelines- they can't do as they please. Even Mars does use animals for experimentation, I doubt it would be anything of the caliber in this article. Maybe taste tests or something.
And they SO subtly mention that Hershey doesn't do this.
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@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
Everyone is letting their emotions get the best of them here. What he said was is there any proof of THIS claim. And there isn't. Short of PETA's statement, there isn't one shred of evidence. There is no mention of this anywhere but PETA's site .. and of course, ten thousand email rings.
Animal testing is serious .. of course. But just because PETA makes a claim, one that cannot be verified by any other source, does not make it true. It doesn't necessarily make it a lie, either .. but to accept it as goaspel just because PETA says it is ... sorry ... naive.
This one has been investigated, by many. Not one word to support this claim can be found anywhere else BUT on the PETA website. If that doesn't make a person wonder, then direct that person to me. I have a bridge I'd be interested in selling ...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Oct 07
This is such bull...just do a search on experimentation on animals in'll come up with some gruesome, disgusting and very graphic photos of what goes on in the scientific community in general
Here are just a few sites..why don't you watch them and be disgusted
Gee only a few out of a hundred...there are sites that show very graphic photos of this kind of needless experimentation of animals...and you have to have a strong stomach to see them...want to see...then I'll provide those sites next time to you
So you say that there are guidelines for these places to conduct their research ...wake up....that is bull ==wake up to the real world!!
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
Did you even read my post, or just skim and come to a conclusion of what you THOUGHT I said?
I'll try again. Animal testing definitely IS a problem. No one is denying that.
That said, there is no evidence to support THIS claim. The only word of this, at all, anywhere, in existence, is from Peta. That's it. If there were any validity to this claim, a news source, a documented source, ANY other source would have information on it. None do.
Your claim is that the people who've investigated this claim and debunked it can lie? My counter to you is so can PETA.
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
1 Oct 07
WOW! That is HARSH!
Those are some cruel people man!!!
It's bad enough they have to kill them so study them but their torturing them first!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Oct 07
I know GnosticGoddess...I think these experimenters have a real sick attitude
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
1 Oct 07
Yes they do. What is wrong with these people...
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@Asheka (107)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
I received that e-mail and was completely shocked!It disgusts me and makes me wonder, as well, what other fun and yummy candies do these cruel experiments. I will certainly join you in signing this campaign. I truly cannot understand why animals have to be tested for the most unreal things! I'm happy that Hershey does not test, at least, though it still mortifies me that any company for anything would test on animals, when there is next to nothing that can be found for humans by doing them.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Who knows why they are testing? Gee..are there ingredients in the candy that might not be safe for us??? Makes you wonder
@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
3 Oct 07
Cr@p there goes my one and only true love.. M&M's. I won't buy them or any Mars candy until they stop such practices. In fact I'll email that article out to everyone on my list. Who on earth tests chocolate on animals? Seriously even little kids know that if you give an animal chocolate, it is poison for them. Those test just don't make any sense to me or have anything at all to do with chocolate. And if nobody else is testing it, why are they? What is it that they're putting in it that needs testing? Makes one wonder if they're not putting in some kind of addictive ingredient? I wouldn't doubt it, for some reason with any of the Mars candies, once I have some (and usually I hate cheap chocolate, this girl's got Godiva taste) reason I need more, not just like a little, I'm talking a sh#t load more. And it's not the taste, they're not that good, make my teeth hurt and give me acid reflux, but just something about it that you can't stop eating it. I don't have that problem with Hershey's, which I'll have one thing of maybe every blue moon or even with my prefered brands. Odd!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Mmmmm..I love Godiva too :)
well, never was an m&m lover much..ah, but now Hershey's Peanut Butter Cups...just love those!!
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 Oct 07
Thanks for passing this on for I will not be supporting such abuse or any abuse of any kind. It makes me sick to my stomach to think and KNOW that people think it's ok to abuse animals through experiments but it's not ok to abuse an animal otherwise. What's the damned difference? Abuse is abuse.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Oct 07
You're so right--experimentation and testing on animals is the same no matter what..I'm still against any kind of testing for no wonder there are so many recalls of meds when they're tested on animals.
@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I had no idea either and mars is one of my favorite candy bars. If they wanted to know the effects they coulda called me and I woulda told them my cats and dogs love candy bars and even steal them from me from time to time.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Ever since I've read about this I've switched my candy brand, particularly now with Halloween coming up...loaded up on Hershey's Reese's Peanut Butter cup...yum
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
30 Jun 08
Forst of all I think it's completely sickening that animals are used for this kind of exparimetation. I will never understand it.
Secondly I want to know WHY they are exparimenting on animals at all, since one animal's reaction o something will differ from another's. Chocolate, for example, is poisonous to dogs, but not to humans. I just don't see the logic behind it.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jul 08
I'm very anti-testing on animals period...animal biology is so much different than us humans and since there are known alternatives to testing products and have been for over twenty years it doesn't make sense to continue
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 May 08
PETA isn't the only source I've heard about this but other animal organizations
@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
2 Oct 07
Thanks for posting this pye. I really thought they had stopped experimenting on animals for this kind of thing. Obviously I was wrong.
Its Smithkline and Beechams who are the manufacteurs and they are scumbags.
I signed the petiton and added my own statement at the end
Unless I hear that Mars has ended all support for animal tests, I will not be purchasing any products made by your company. I really thought these type of experiments were finished now. Maybe when you show adverts depicting how wonderful your chocolate is, you should also show us the experiments you carry out.
I do not some how think this will seduce people, especially women into buying your products.
Much Respect x
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
2 Oct 07
Sorry for mistake it is Masterfoods who are the manufactuers.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Thanks there..I'm glad you added your own message to the petition...good thing I'm not much of a chocolate candy eater --if I do I'll stick to Hershey's
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Oct 07
Did you get confirmation from another animal protection site as to the verification of your information? Do you have photos, or videos of the procedure? If you have, I will take that as truth.
Now for tests, if the test is helpful it is okay, but if it is not, then it is just cruel. They could use electrodes to determine if a chocolate ingredient affects breathing rate, and since people do not eat only chocolate, there is no need to force feed mice only chocolate unless it is to show what happens to people who hog out on chocolates. So they are trying to find the worse that can happen and you know what will happen, some 'scientist' will say that chocolate is bad for you.
Maybe you should quit PETA and join another animal protection group because it looks like PETA goes for sensationalism.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I don't just belong to PETA. I also am with The Humane Society of The US, Friends of Animals, ASPCA, Anti-Vivisection Society..too many to list...
All animal experimentation is needless and serves no real purpose..I've seen photos for instance of a beagle dog...It was purposely set on fire and burned alive as an experiment to see the effects of duh? Don't we kind of know that already? And the dog remained alive by the way while they continued to "test" the dog, which 3-degree burns on it's body and did nothing to help heal the burns...think that's NICE??
@Perry123 (363)
12 May 08
What people don't realise is that animals too benefit from vivisction. Literally billions of animals have been saved from disease do you think cures and treatments in veterinary science get dicovered? All of our pets and many endangered pecies are helped by animal experimentation.
Sure sometimes it looks unecessary but we should endeavour to hear the other side of any argument before we jump to judge. So much of PETA and HSUS propaganda is later exposed as lies that it is difficult to take anything they say seriously any more.
As long as the animals are well looked after I don't have an issue with it. In some cases for example the ear growing on the mouses back...look horrible to our sensibilities but actually cause the animal no distress and those experiments in particular are already paying incredible results. Then often shocking photos of brain research on a conscious are shown but in fact this is regularly done on humans too: there are no nerves so sedation is unecessary.
What is happening is people like PETA exploit ignorance.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
1 Oct 07
That is TERRIBLE! I hardly ever eat chocolate bars (actually I never do anymore hehe) but I am def. never going to eat another Mars product again.
That is so awful what they are doing to those poor mice/rats! I am shocked to hear that a company is still doing crap like this! Just terrible!

@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Yeah it is stupid. Chcolate def. does not belong in a mouses's body. And chocolate has been around for A LONG time now, so why do they have to do so much testing with it now anyways? You think they would know about it now!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Oct 07
What I can't understand, why the heck do they have to experiment at all for chocolate? Doesn't make sense

@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Ok, now, this is freaking ridiculous! Maybe I'm dumb or something, but I can't, for the life of me, understand what the purpose of these experiments are. How in the world can they possibly be helping us, and if chocolate needs to be tested, then it must not be that good for us. I can certainly live without it, if they're doing such horrible experiments. I hope they lose all kinds of business because of this.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I know brenda...what the hell do they need to experiment on animals for chocolate for? I'm against ANY kind of experimentation on animals, but if it's done for medical science reasons that's one thing--though of course am against that one-hundred percent..but for chocolate??..give me a break
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@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
2 Oct 07
The thought never would have crossed my mind, that chocolate would have any connection to experimenting on animals. It kind of makes me disgusted on all chocolates. But at least I know, there's other brands of chocolate, if I want it bad enough, I certainly won't miss Mars, and if I find out, they all do it, I'll give up all chocolate. It's not a necessity to me.
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@MakinMoney129 (231)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Hi there! Thanks for your post. I'm NOT disagreeing with you at all, just so you know....and I do NOT at all believe in animal testing of ANY kind. I don't use any products that test on animals...but honestly, I wouldn't put too much stock in what Peta has to say. This article may be true, but it may also be another wonderful exaggeration by the idiots at Peta. I used to be a member of Peta, and actually cancelled my membership and leave them nasty emails and phone messages every time they contact me even though I "quit". There's a lot of really great websites you can look at that tell the "truth" about how they don't believe in people having pets of ANY kinds. Not even cats and dogs. Could you imagine where you would be without your pets? Even if we treat them like children, Peta thinks it's "too cruel" to tell an animal when it can go to the bathroom. LOL So I should also let my son just pee anywhere and everywhere, whenever he feels the urge, so that Peta doesn't think I'm abusing him? LOL sometimes they get a little too crazy over things. Like I said before though, I am not at all discrediting what you've said, because I 100% agree with you, and disapprove of animal testing...just look into Peta a little bit more. You'll be glad you did! Check these
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I'm very well aware all about PETA. PETA isn't the only animal advocate group that I'm involved with but also the Humane Society of The US, Anti-Vivisection, ASPCA, Friends of Animals and on and on. I also realize that PETA doesn't have a spotless record and some might consider them hypocritical, but they do make the public aware of what is going on in the animal world. If it hadn't been for them I wouldn't have known that two bills are being proposed in my state to once and for all make it illegal for the puppy mills to be in business. Sure wish other states would follow suit.
@MakinMoney129 (231)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I think it's great that they want to pass bills like that, I don't believe in puppy mills either. But I own Pit Bulls and would never in a million years support a group that recommended the mass euthanasia of all Pits. When I was a "member" of Peta, I believed everything they said, and actually contacted them on numerous occassions via email, regarding some very serious issues, and all I got back were nasty, "person" written emails (not auto-responses, I mean) pretty much telling me to shut up, they knew better than me. I was looking out for the animals. THEY were looking out for their big donations from celebs with deep pockets. I read in one of the issues of animal times that Peta was recommending retractable leashes, so your dog could run freely. I simply emailed them and said they should maybe suggest the all tape retractables, instead of the ones with part cord, because I work at an animal hospital, and have seen HORRIBLE injuries, and A LOT of them, associated with cord leashes. We've actually had to amputate legs and tails, because pets were getting tangled, their fur burned off, with awful lacerations. People get injured by them, too. They told me to mind my own business, since they had never heard of anything like this happening. I once again emailed them after all of America saw Dennis Rodman running with the bulls, and having a great time doing it...NOT there to "protest", like he should have been as a "member" of Peta. He had just been featured in an issue of Animal Times for one reason or another, and I just thought they should be aware. They said "Oh, well, maybe he wasn't aware of the cruelty of that event." UM HELLO?! I don't think a blind 4 year old could be unaware of that LOL...all they care about it cash, checks, and celebrity faces. And if they dare come after MY pets, there will be no more Peta. I'm a member of the HSUS, HAHS, as well as volunteering and donating to local shelters and organizations. But Peta is one that I don't think deserves any of our time and money.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
1 Jul 08
The last ones I would trust to give me the truth is Peta and these supposed tests sound a bit far fetched to me. It is as silly as Peta complaining when they test dog food on dogs.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
1 Jul 08
I know a lot of people are very anti-Peta but they have at least for the most part made people aware of some of the cruelties that do go on in the animal world...I happen to be very anti-animal testing when alternatives methods have been known for over twenty years and started by Johns Hopkins. I actually do happen to be a member of Peta..LOL...but I never go solely on what they say, but also get email alerts from HSUS and ASPCA...also Best Friends....between them all I've learned about puppy and kitten mills, factory farms and a lot more. I don't necessarily agree with everything Peta says or stands for...for instance I'm not a vegan, which might sound like a contradiction with my love for animals but only because going vegan (which I once did) created a lot of health problems for me
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
1 Jul 08
My complaint about Peta is their putting animals in danger just to fulfill their agenda. I know one case where they freed the animals kept at a college for Vet Techs right by a busy highway. These animals were being well cared for by the students with the permission of their owner.
At the end of each school term all the animals are adopted out right down to the mice. The new owner get a healthy pet and the pet gets a loving home.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
1 Oct 07
OMG this is disgusting, I checked out there webpage to see the other things they make as I will not buy their products now, and they make dog and cat food as well, their cat food Whiskas my cat wont eat anyway so thats good, there is no need in todays world for food or even cosmetic companies to test on animals any more, I have sent an email in protest to the company and told them the news is being spread on a world wide forum. I see they must have started out being a vegetarian type food but are no longer this either, they are going backwards, I hope all their chocolate melts, they make a lot of other chocolates as well as Mars so I will never buy them again, see how cats are cleverer than us my cat has always thought Whiskas was crappy cat food... thank you for this information I am very much against animal dare they,
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I know..Mars makes a lot of stuff...thank goodness my cats don't like Whiskas either--guess they know better, huh?. I'm glad you sent a letter of protest to them, and the added touch that the news is being spread in a worldwide forum--that was a great touch..thank you! :)
@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Wow! pw that's news to me-I love animals & am not for cruelty to them in any form & those things described seem very cruel.It might be okay if they just fed the mice & then tested their blood sugar but just like that thing a while back where they were saying eating saccharine was harmful b/c of testing done on mice it really doesn't add up b/c a human would have to eat a boatload to comapare to a mices tolerance.Really I guess all this testing is irrelevant.
I'm gonna peep out the link thanks for sharing.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I think any kind of testing on animals is does it prove anything when the biological make up between species is so different?
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Arrrggg Chit chit chit humans have been eating the coca bean in one form or the other for centuries. If they would just leave our food in the natural state where would be no need to experiment with questionable ingredients.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Maybe they're adding some kind of ingredient that has it's origins in China?? And we all know where that goes...recalls
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
7 Oct 07
Pye I went to the link and I also signed the petition. I am also going to send it to everyone I know. I used to love those candy bars, and Lord knows I've eaten enough of them, but now when I see them I will be reminded that they test on animals. I'm with you on this one, what in the world does a candy company have in common with mice or animals at all? Great discussion, thanks for getting the word out!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Thank you for signing the petition...I've never been a big candy eater..but I did love The Three Muskateers, Snickers, etc...definitely changing my candy eating habits now
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Good for you...I think I preferred Hershey's too...who can't resist a Reese's Peanut Butter cup--yummm
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
2 Oct 07
Gee Pye, talking about cruelty, as I am left speechless from what I just read about it. And am glad that I dont eat anythng of Mars myself. I signed up too and sent the email to many friends of mine. Scandalous really what people do to animals, as we are the BEATS actually, such a shame really :(
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