kindergarten and First graders in trouble for hugging!!!
@princessmom1011 (719)
United States
October 1, 2007 7:15pm CST
my son is in first grade and my niece is in kindergarten, they attend the same school and have recess together well yesterday my sister calls me up complaning that my nieces teacher sent home a letter requesting an after school detention because her 5 yr old hugged another female class mate thats ridiculous they are 5 yr old little girls , well anyways my son and niece hugged good bye after recess today as they went their seperate ways to class and i too received a note requesting after school detention and my sister received a note stating it was the 2nd offense next time is suspension for 1 day i dont get it they are 5 and 6 yr olds not to mention family they see no harm in hugging there not at the age where they are purposely showing public display of affectionate i jsut dont get schools and how they crack down on simple things but i notice important issues to slip throught the cracks, whats your take on this?? are the schools your children attend like this too???
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14 responses
@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Wow. This is crazy. Schools have better things to worry about. I would talk to some one until you get a decient answer on why they are making this into such an issue. I would not want my kids punished for hugging.
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
2 Oct 07
dont worry i will be talking till im blue in the face i want answers and at the very most i want my son to not second guess hugging or showing any affectionate to people he loves or cares about.
@christineli (525)
• Philippines
2 Oct 07
Hello princessmom1011 :)
5 year olds are innocent angels. When they hug, that genuinely means care, love and affection. If adults put malice on this and the children gets reprimanded, they would think that expressing affection is bad and they would start to suppress their emotions. And suppressing emotions is not healthy in the development of their characters. My friend, this ages are crucial in learning and development, it is the parents' responsibility to expose them to the environment that will help them grow to be the best person that they can be. So better make sure that they are in the place/environment that can make them the best person that they deserve to become. Best of luck, take care of yourself and the kids :)
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
2 Oct 07
exactly what i was thinking at my sons age hugging means love friendship and what not and i fear that by pnishing him and scollding him for such a thing will affect his jusgement at home and out of school i dont want him to hesitate to hug me, his father, sister,cousins, friends etc so i am doing all i can to figure out why the schools feel its necessary at this age to take away the one way the kids know to show they care etc. thank you for your input it is much appreciated
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I actually heard this on the news today. Schools in Ohio banned hugging. That's insane! I mean girls of any age hug all the time I remember hugging my friends at the end of the day. I think schools are going too far with that and letting the issue of bullying go undetected.
@lifeiseasy (2292)
• United States
2 Oct 07
wow this is unreal ... I would hope someone would never disallow my daughter to hug her niece or nephew...the schools are getting way out of hand when they are going to give those age children detention for one thing ...that in it's self is crazy to me ... but for them nor bi=eing able to give each other a hug I think I would march right down to that school and tell them a thing or two thinsg like that really get me riled up can we teach our kids to love one another if they will receive detention ...
@MarkyB21 (1545)
2 Oct 07
This sounds like a vry strange policy to have in place. I think you should contact the head of the school or the school board and ask them to explain their reasoning behind having a policy in place which makes hugging a suspendable offence.
I find it disturbing that affection is being seen as a punishable offence for 5 year olds. What message is this going to give to young children?

@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Exactly they are showing my son that you shouldnt ewxpress your feelings and friendship except through words and well at the age of 6 all he knows is love and friendship being expressed through hugs and what not, im definetly working on finding out exactly why it is that kids especially at a young age are scolled,discipline etc for such conduct.
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@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
9 Nov 07
This is terrible. The laws your country has are making society go down hill even faster. Back your bags and move to Australia before it becomes against the law to hug your own child. A child that age doesn't understand what a detention is and would actually be very traumatized by the event. If I was told that my 5 year old was going to have an after school detention, I would be going straight to our local member of parliament and putting in a complaint. Children don't have enough of a child hood these days as it is and forcing them into more adult behaviours at this age can only cause harm.
I will be posting the link from here on the parenting site I am on and seeing what the other mums there think about it. My dear, you may be losing the battle with the school, but the battle of support will win in the end. You have my anger at such an action and I'm sure the anger of many other mylotters behind you as well as the positive thoughts. Your child is precious and needs to know that she has done nothing wrong. I don't know how you can explain to her what the school is doing as I have never heard of this before.
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Thank you for your response, also you cant post links on here but maybe you could send me a personal message to the parenting site you are apart of im curious to see what other mothers think. thanks again!
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@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
10 Nov 07
I posted it on my blog in My rating here isn't great enough for me to cut and paste sites yet, so if you want to see what i wrote and what others put as a reply, you can do a member search on Minti and look for Arna. The posting was under yesterdays date so should still be easily seen. I hope things have settled down for you now.
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@southernpixie (741)
• United States
2 Oct 07
That seems way too harsh. If my child were punished for something like that, I'd probably homeschool.
They should be focusing on bullying more than hugging. I have seen bullies at my child's school get a slap on the wrist on more than one occasion. To me, that is more worrisome that children hugging.
@beutfulmama6701 (1718)
• United States
2 Oct 07
That is ridicoulus!! Its pathetic of how the schools have deforemd these days... i belive that it happened it happened to a boy in my daughters kindergarten class last year, he too got suspened. there was this big ordeal about it and what not.. I agree the school systems have over done themselves on the less important issues and do absoulety nothing about the important issues!
I hope your gonna go to the school and fight this!
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
2 Oct 07
most defintely kids shouldnt even be scolled for hugging especially if they are young and close friends, if my niece wants to hug one of her female friends from her class hello after a long weekend of not seeing one another , or my son and niece want to hug goodbye there shouldnt be any reason for discipline its ridiculous they are young children and id rather they express love and friendship in this form rather than turn out to be unaffectionate bullies
@Commonsense0 (516)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Wow, that is waaay too strict. I would complain. I mean, hugging? What is wrong with them. Hugging is not public display of affection. Its a sign of friendship. And these people are in kindergarten! I mean, come ON!
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
2 Oct 07
EXACTLY they are 5 and 6 yrs old they see it to be nothing more than showing friendly affectionate !!! i dont get schools and their weird rules these days!
@19ewf84 (461)
• Austria
2 Oct 07
this is very strange..
to be honest I would think about to change the school and kindergarten.. (I said I would THINK about it.. not that I would do it for sure)..
never heard about something like that where I live and as I said.. this is very strange...
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
2 Oct 07
i cant really consider changing schools for its the law you can only attend the school of the town you reside in so my only option is to homeschool or work on getting this ridiculous rule changed, and at the moment im working on getting it chagned or hoping to ! thank you
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
Youve got to be joking!If my daughter hugged another friend of the opposite gender and i got a note from the teacher saying what it said to you,you can be sure i would be at that school the very next day putting a complaint against the teacher to the principal.If the principal said something well i would absolutely go to the higher upper and they would have a piece of my mind and foot in the butt!lol.Is this teacher an oldie with old fashion ways behind her?Children at this age are just starting to make friends and have maybe some relative in the same school that they might go to and giving hugs is an affectionate way for them at this age.My daughter is four and a half and just started giving hugs to her new friends.She feels so good and is capable of giving love when she hugs and i dont want to stop her and no one else should be able to either.If there is parent teacher meetings or school meetings,i would bring this up to discuss in front of the other parents.Im sure you will get alot of positive reactions from the parents and put the teachers in their place where they should be put.This is what i would do in the meaning of the matter of the crazy detention note,its ridiculous!!I might be small but i say what i have to say even if its a teacher trying to make their big mucky muck.:)
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Wow, I can't believe that.
I don't have any children in school, in fact my daughters are 34 and 39, but that is the saddest thing I've ever heard.
They're only little kids. What is the harm in this?
Honestly, I'm at a loss for words. I don't know how to react to this nor do I have a good answer for you.
It use to be when kids fight, there were warnings. Now, its going to be showing affection to a relative? I'm lost.
@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
2 Oct 07
thats my take im at a loss for words as well they are very young children and to be honest i raise my son to be affectionate and loving rather than a bully etc so its in his nature to want to hug etc but the thing that gets me the most is the hug wasnt unwanted they were 2 young children who care about one another and to them its 2nd nature ! it blows my mind
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
2 Oct 07
You know, maybe she is one of these weird strict prudish women that think in the back of their minds (which is really eccentric), that something like hugging is going to go further down the road.
If that's the case, they really need to get rid of her, quickly.
I do agree with everyone here to go up to the school, which I figured you were going to do anyway, and find out what the heck is with this teacher and her strange way of thinking....ew, it gives me the willies. It really just doesn't sound right.
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@bluesapphire1978 (61)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
i understand having discipline in schools, but for stuff like kids being mean to other kids, fighting, sassing the teacher, etc. but i totally agree with you that the teacher went too far on this issue. if i were you, i would call the school board and file a complaint. if that doesn't resolve the issue, i would have my child placed in a different school. The school my son goes to, they don't give you notes like that for such little things
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Exactly i can see discipliine for misconduct such as violence, bullying etc but showing affectionate and at that young of an age is ridiculous i wasn going to write back to the teacher but i think ill take your approach and call in over her and see if i can get my point across thank you for your input