we don't get paid squat?!?!?

United States
October 27, 2006 4:50pm CST
I know i ony have 67 posts but I only made 22cents...thats less than 1 penny per post...whats the deal?
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1 response
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
27 Oct 06
to earn more you have to make shure your post's are more than one line answers. They should be 4 sentences or mor to continue the discussion. you also need to rate as many people as you can in that discussion. You also need to have a few discussions started your slef and have people responding to your discussions. I know it sounds like alot but once you get in the habbit it is cake. Dont feel bad I only earned .75cents for yesterdays earnings. But that is my fault I was not on myLot as much as I usually am.
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• United States
27 Oct 06
I have been answering way more than 4 sentences on most of my posts. how do I rate people? and how do I get people to rate me? I have 6 or 7 discussions I created, but not all of them have been responded to. Does the pay increase when your number goes up? BTW thanks for the help
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