What do you think of the idea that life is a workshop and you are the teacher?
@Perspectives (7131)
October 1, 2007 10:30pm CST
In my view it fits and it doesn't really come as a surprise that if we think life is for learning, we would view the process of life itself as a classroom. However, it is not the dull, sit in a row type of classroom environment we grew up with..quite the contrary. In the work David and I do we see it as life as highly experiential...and in that sense maybe life could be classified as more of a workshop. From my perspective..life is arranged so we learn what we need to know..when we need to know it. The operative word is NEED...not WANT. We all know life lessons come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes the most important lessons come in non-formal learning situations. Some of them are tough, painful lessons that maybe we didn't even know we needed to learn...but they are there and they always teach us something if we allow ourselves to know what it is.
We may learn more from observing how others do it, reading a book, hearing something somewhere that 'clicks'...than from a class room setting. Other times positive lessons are not taught in positive ways. A flat tire taught me the importance of 'thinking ahead', acceptance, patience...and the joy of service when my hubby and I helped someone else who had one. So do you see our roles as teachers in what we decide to learn in this workshop we call life?
The teacher part of it comes in when we start to understand that we all have to CHOOSE what we will learn from the many lessons presented every day in every way. In my view the real teacher of life is not really the experience in and of itself..the real teacher is you...and me. We are the ones who must decide out of all that comes our way what is true...and what is not..what applies and what does not. Two people can read the same book and attend the same lecture or have similar life and family experiences and see things entirely differently. The best life can do for any of us is present lessons to us...the learning is a choice we have to make for ourselves.
So having said all that I wondered how many of you view yourselves as the 'teacher' within your own life? Have you had tough lessons and handled them differently than someone you know, knew or loved? What tough lessons did you have to learn that maybe you didn't want to...but had to? Did something negative turn out to provide valuable life learning when you look back over it?
I know many things did that for me. The abuses in my upbringing set me on a quest to find truth, health, wholeness and balanced living and led me what I now do. Having had a considerable amount of financial security...and then not so much taught me that I can have an abundant life with less money. So I'd be interested in hearing some of your stories and whether you view yourself as the teacher of your lessons in this workshop we call life.
I love our chats and always appreciate your participation...best regards to all!
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12 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Seems to me like I have taught a lot of things to a lot of people during my life . cant pick just one thing I did but I know Igive alot of advice to people that come from things that have happened in my life and the lessons I have learned thru my mistakes.
And when I give it I just hope it helps the poeple Igive it too . hugs and blessings
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
Well my dear friend I do not call what you offer wise woman offerings for any reason other than that is how I see you.
You your life is a living testimony to how you have 'taught yourself' to make choices that many would find hard to do. They say the best way to teach is by example...and the way you are handling your healing journey is an inspiring example of strength, dignity, integrity and genuine communication with others.
So yes, you have taught yourself many amazing lessons in your workshop of life and impart that to others by what you say, do and how you live your life.
Thanks again for your input...always appreciated..
Hugs, love, light and blessings,
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
3 Oct 07
Those words are straight from my heart to yours...because I care.
Hugs, blessings and continued energetic support to you and yours. Signing off now...sleep well with those Angel Wings comforting you as you rest and recuperate.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
2 Oct 07
i loke the topic of your post, u think that it shows creativity and intelligence.
i think that life is a workshop, but i am not always the teacher.
I think that first of all you have to be the pupil, and only then you can take the teacher's part.
alote of people take the teacher's part without being able to really teach, and without really knowing what they teach about.
So first be the pupil, and then go on and be the teacher.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
Not to worry about the typos...it happens to all of us. Thank you for your positive comments about the post. I totally understand that we need to become pupils..but even within that...it is through our individual choice-making abilities that we actually 'teach' ourselves. Every choice, thought, action and behavior has consequences.
So in my view...we 'teach' ourselves within the classroom of life what we will and will not accept for ourselves. Our errors in judgments as 'pupils' still 'teach' us that we need to do things differently. Our 'failures' in class..often reveal the greatest amount of learning...so is is basically just a concept that emphasizes the absolute responsibility we have in eventually understanding that the ripple of effect within the one...can and does affect the all in the One Song of our energetic interconnectedness.
In my view we have 'forever' to learn this lessons because energy can never be destroyed. The gift of free choice gives us every opportunity to begin anew at any moment...and the learning continues. So we 'teach' and we learn...and when all is said and done I believe we are all students and teacher to each other. We touch, love, connect and share on varying degrees of awareness...and the great workshop of life allows us to grow our souls and express more of our co-creative abilities in ways that add to the greatest good of the all...and we have to keep doing that until greater stages of illumination are eventually achieved.
So thank you for your addition..I value who you are and the way you think.
Warm regards,
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
3 Oct 07
hey Raia, as always i find myself waiting for your response:)
My next thaught now is analyzing the environment in which we grew up in and it's effects on us, as a workshop.
i started doing that when i started seeing the difference in handeling things between me and my brother, and i found out that we both grew up in the same house, but he grew up in the online computer years, and most of his communication was through the computer, that goes also for his friends, they did not have much skills in communicating with each other and they did not and most of them still do not think that it is that important.
They find work in the high tech world based mainely on their computer skills and not the basic human skills, and that seems sad.
My brother did find out that somthing is wrong here and learned like a baby from the begining the human communication skills, when i helped him, it was amazing to see that what came natural to me, was new and amazing to him. He did the change but it took him a long time to turn from a pupil to a teacher in this workshop of life.
Thank you for this wonderful post.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
4 Oct 07
Ahhh how nice to hear that you await my response...thank you for letting me know that. Your comments always have value for me too. I appreciate hearing that some of the ideas presented here are leading you to analyzing the environments and people that shape our self-perceptions. Many in society are not taught to think of their 'conditioned' thinking as something they had little control over initially.
Studies have revealed that most children develop their sense of self by the time they are six...and sometimes younger. Little people are like a sponge and are very receptive to energies, subtleties within non-verbal communication among adults and care-givers often have a bigger impact than any words. Because they cannot speak or discern things they go by how things feel...love always feels good...rejection usually feels bad. Not being heard or understood doesn't feel good...but being the center of caregivers lives creates a sense of emotional safety and inner confidence.
Within this framework it is not surprising to see how you and your brother formulated your perception of yourselves and the difference within your social skills. What you have offered here is a wonderful example of how we often become who we are through our 'conditioned existence.' That conditioning also creates a comfort zone that can be very hard to break away from and throughout life many people just become more like they are unless they CHOOSE to do or become someone else. You and your brother are both to be commended. You for helping him not keep 'doing what he knew' and for him to have the courage to grow and change. It is a good thing that you chose to offer him another way because often time the more investment people have in their beliefs the harder it is to change them.
Thank you for your warm acknowledgments and for adding something so relevant to the post!
Good to be chatting more...hopefully we will keep in touch as we always do!
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
I'm a senior who gave up organised Religion as a young man. I agree that we are teachers, but the classroom is a world of illusion, (where Nothing is, as it Seems). Also we are here to Remember rather than to Learn. We have the knowledge of the Universe at hand, not to be learned, but to be remembered. WE never die, but change dimensions, and then are reborn,(or reincarnated) to live another life on earth. AS we evolve and remember,we become more Godlike. Great Scientists, Musicians, World Leaders, Writers etc, are remembering lessons from hundreds of past lives. They are helpers and teachers to the world. WE are teachers and helpers in a smaller way, but are just as important in the Grand Design.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
Oh Barehugs...if you were here I'd like to give you a big hug!LOL Your wonderfully wise additions to this discussion are a mirror for my spiritual beliefs...and it is very uplifting to read them from your perspective. We are obviously pursing similar
way of life learnings. To hear a similar chord being struck from a like minded others is always a heart-warmer.
Good to know you are out there...and I appreciated what you said about nothing being as it appears. Also the process of remembering...and waking up from the 'sleep' that sometimes prevents that from occurring is a wonderful example of your insight. I believe as you do that on the discovery trails of soul path development...each and every person is an important chord within the One Song of Creation.
The spiritual framework of you input is greatly valued...thanks for the valuable input!
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@agnescav (566)
• United States
3 Oct 07
I think you have something here. I have always thought that life is a workshop and I was the student. I am the world's worst student. Keep making the same mistakes. If I start thinking as the teacher, maybe I will learn my lessons and feel free to move on to making other mistakes!
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@joshboz (1209)
• Australia
2 Oct 07
this is absolutelytru because in short life is soething to be handle or manage you are the only one who will work for it nobody else becasue its your life. no matter what decision you will make, still your life is the product out of it.we have the freedom to dictate ourself and choose options on how to live our life.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
How good to hear that you like the concept and have grasped the reality of it with the number of times you have been around the sun. Everything line in your response confirms the idea behind the concept of us being our own 'teachers within the classroom or workshop of life.' In the end it is as you said..."No matter what decision you will make...your life is the product out of it. The freedom to dictate ourself...and CHOOSE ON HOW TO LIVE OUR LIVE.
Your message comes through loud and clear my friend...and in my view you nailed the idea right on the head! Good one..and of course a plus rating for you!
Thanks for adding great ideas...much appreciated
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
6 Oct 07
I must admit, since I was a young child I have always been my own teacher. I learnt at an early age how to deal with upsetting times in my life, not always the best ways, but ones I can analyse and see why I did them.
I am always on the go in learning new things all the time and am usually on some sort of mission, to the annoyance of my family sometimes.
I believe that what I put into my life is what I get out of it and thankfully I have been blessed with many good things that definately outweigh the bad.
I do however, have concern for what goes on around me and everyday I teach myself something new about the world and most often make a stand against what I see is wrong.
I must say though I do bunk off a few times and just vegetate on the odd ocassion, otherwise I think my head might explode!!LOL
PS, I also have many good and wise teachers around me who have given me many new opportunities to explore new things too!!
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
2 Oct 07
What do you think of the idea that life is a workshop and you are the teacher?
Quite frankly... I don't think so...
In order to become a teacher... you have to be a student first. And very few want to learn.
I was guilty of this too... just like everybody else. I was caught up in my own little life and was only interested to do what was good for me.
It was only when I turned 50 and changed my lifestyle that I learned to look at the big picture. I then saw that my life in the big scheme of things was irrelevant.
The internet has been an eye opener for me. It gave me the opportunity to interact with thousand of people over the years. And it has not been a pretty sight. People are people... and it is not my job to change them. Only them can change themselves.
But if you ask my opinion... only ten per cent of them qualify as teachers. Another ten per cent are willing to learn... and the rest are living in fantasy land.
The hardest part of being a teacher is to be able to find a student. laugh.
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@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
3 Oct 07
The difference between you and me is that you don't judge and don't take a stand and most issues. That is what's make you popular. You do teach... but your teaching is so subtle that most people would miss the point. How many people on myLot would read and understand what you have just said to me?
I have a good friend who is a lot like you... but at the same time... he also ask the hard questions like I do. He taught me a lot in the last 7 years. I actually told him about you. It is a shame that he has no interest in chatting on the internet.
I only said that my life was irrelevant to the planet. It is not irrelevant when it comes to interaction with other people. What I am about to say won't make me popular... but if you consider that the only contribution people make to the planet is to destroy it... it only makes us relevant in a very bad way. A sheep is more relevant than we are. At least it serve a purpose. It provides wool to protect us from the cold and meat to feed us. What do we do for the sheep? Like with everything else... we are users and selfish.
Your approach of each one of us being our own teacher is another way to look at things. But even with that... you need a teacher to teach you how to teach yourself. Which come back to my saying that you need to be a student before becoming a teacher.
When people teach themselve the wrong values because they don't know any better... does this still qualify as teaching? If you had a teacher telling you that two plus two equal five... would you regard him/her as a teacher?
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
4 Oct 07
Ahhh..Aussie..I love the way you state how you feel with such conviction!! I am not sure what you mean that I do not take a stand. If you recall I took a stand on what I thought was a rather chauvinistic and sexist description of the young, bond airhead, spineless, opinion-less view of your ideal woman. You commented that I didn't see the humor...and I said absolutely not!
Anytime men portray their ideal women at that way dehumanizes them...and I still don't find it funny! In regard to your comment about me being subtle and not stating my position. I am not sure whether that is a compliment and to say thank you..or to have my feathers ruffled because your opinion makes me sound wishy-washy. I appreciate you offering what it is..and we will still be friends no matter how you see it.
The way I come across in whatever I write is tempered by my training as a journalist and work as a talk show host and producer on television. My most admired mentor put it to me when I was in training with him.."Your job as a reporter or journalist is to keep your opinions out of the story or with the person you are interviewing. The best way to communicate ideas is from a neutral base where you do not take sides and project your views with an 'in your face' argumentative approach.
Within respectful dialog you will gain a broader perspective and greater overview if you are not trying to sound off about what you believe and really listen to what others have to say." It is good to hear that you do not see my approach as judgment...because that is my goal. I honestly do not believe I have a right or the wisdom to judge another's soul path or how they are choosing to learn their life lessons whether it is from a teacher...or pupil's point of a awareness. That is their job to do...not mine.
The work that David and I do involves the development of ideas and concepts that hopefully will enhance the quality of people's lives. Within an 'offering' I do not feel the need to take a stand. If my approach really is seen as a 'teaching' as you refer to it...(and I thank you for that by the way) I have found it to be most effect when done in a spirit of respectful dialog. Whether I am writing, doing public speaking, leading groups or sitting face to face in private life coaching sessions respectful dialog allows others to see things they way they choose to and accept or reject what does...or does not fit for them.
I am also confident within my spirituality, value system and world view that my self worth is stronger than the rejection of my views by others...especially those who only know about me through my articles, blog or media appearances. After communicating ideas to others for years I have found that a more subtle approach creates greater openness and trust and allows all sides to hear the information and choose what is right for them...not me. Within the confidence of my convictions I feel no need to try and swing people over to my way of thinking...because deeply respect their right of free will.
You ask how many people on Mylot will comprehend what I said to you...well I would not venture a guess or judgment about that because I have no idea. I directed those comments to you...because I knew you would understand it. Similarly when I respond to someone else about anything within a given forum I speak to them in the way that seems appropriate to the chat we are having. If others read it and do not get it...oh well it wasn't a direct comment to them and they can take what they want from it...or not.
In my personal life I feel much more willing to confront things that do not sit well with me. If you ever have a chance to chat with David he will attest that there in the 17 years we've together I have never backed away from a good fight with him or anyone else. Face to face is a completely different dynamic...people are dealing with me...not just what I write. I can clarify my intent and ideas in ways that are not possible when you put something out there and the words are open for interpretation.
By stating ideas from a place of neutrality in a non-accusatory or judgmental way has, in all my years of experience, incited far more meaningful exchanges with people than when in my youth I used to argue for the sake of arguing or needing to prove that I was right and others were wrong...oftentimes just for the fun of it. Been there...done that...not something I choose to do anymore. So I know we are veering off from the original topic...but it hasn't been the first time and with us it probably won't be the last. I guess in closing this part of the topic I guess it is all about sharing ideas in a way that does not create rancor.
I have found I can get my point across with subtle means far more effectively than by pointing finger and making others feel wrong. I wasn't aware that my approach was creating 'popularity' here. If that is so it is lovely to hear...but more than being subtle any sense of popularity could come from the fact that I am truly open and interested in what others have to say. My spiritual views are based on a respect for differences and honoring all whom I interact with whether I agree or not.
Within the teachings of Buddhism right/wrong and black/white are simply based on our perceptions and belief systems within what they call the 'conditioned mind.' The heavy investments people have in being 'right' seem almost laughable to me at times and a colossal waste of time and energy. Oftentimes people who believe things can't be done will go out and prove they are 'right.' Others will take the idea that something cannot be done and prove others 'wrong.' Either way heavy investments in beliefs makes it that much harder to change them...and in a way this is a good segues into the teacher/pupil idea.
Within your framework of the teacher and needing to be a pupil first I completely understand your position and do not disagree with it from the way you present it. Within my perception of things I am speaking about the Inner Teacher we all have. It is from that place that I was using the metaphor that within any learning situation two people can read, see or be exposed to the same material and still take something entirely different from their experiences.
For example; a teacher presents the curriculum and every student applies to 'teach' themselves differently and use their choice-making to say.."Yes, I will use this...I will study...I choose not to apply myself and flunk out...oh well...or maybe I will have to repeat this class..so what? The teacher within us or the pupil if you want to switch them over..(I am not hung up on semantics) because we are talking about a principle that is more about choices than it is the actual method of learning. Because in the end the learning is alway up to us..in this classroom or workshop called life.
The choice is ours whether we allow ourselves be be taught/or learn from all that comes along. Yes, I will open myself to this possibility...clunk..no mind is already made up...this is true...this is stupid..what applies...what does not..what will be integrated and applied now...what will be put off until later. So I guess the whole idea here is I do not care whether we call our life learning being a student or a teacher. We still learn what we do by our choice. So, in my view mind you..the real teacher of life is not experience but the teacher is within us. It is all about how conscious we choose to be about accepting the cause and effect of every choice and the ripple effect of them. So that is all I have to say...good thing this was on the lengthy side. I thank you and applaud you for always making our chats to stimulating and thought provoking. Within our mental jousting I feel a deep sense of mutual respect...and I value that in both of us.
Now one thing before wrapping...and this next question is probably going to sound really New-Agey...but what do you expect from an energy based thinker like me? Anyway..here goes...
"Hi Aussie...I am Raia...and uh...I was wondering...what sign are you? You are probably thinking it is a bunch of hooey...but if you are up for telling me I'd be most interested. I am just curious because of the way we chat and formulate ideas. If you don't know if you give me the month and day I can tell you. In case you are interested...I am a Capricorn...stubborn goat that I am with Virgo rising. That may not mean zippo to you and that is OK...just another personal bit of trivia that I'd like to share if you choose to.
I will look forward to hearing back from you on this one..and we'll keep on keeping on. Also I've meaning to ask..how is your cat...and the she cat doing...been wondering if they have mated yet...or is that too 'wild' to ever consider?
So this really is a wrap...so long..chat soon..
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
4 Oct 07
I better understand what you are about now. In fact you are a teacher. But a subtle one... just like my friend.
My friend has tried to start a workshop in our little town for the past five years... with very little success. People simply don't want to hear the truth... it is far too scary.
I am the opposite. I have very strong opinions and I don't believe that being subtle with people achieve anything. Only one per cent learn something from it... usually the intellectuals who have an hunger for learning.
When you ask a question on myLot... while expressing your point of view... if you simply accept everyone's answer in a non judgemental way... there is no doubt that it will make you popular on every forum... because you are telling everyone how wonderful they are in their thinking. You are praising them and people love that.
If your intention is only to collect information about people behaviour... it is a wonderful way to do it. But what do you do with it?
I won't pretend to be a teacher... because I am not. I prefer to see my role as creating awareness about what is going on in the world.
If I decide to talk about climate change... and someone tells me that he don't believe in climate change... If I don't challenge him by accepting his opinion... I am not achieving anything and it is a waste of time to come here to ask the question in the first place. That's the way I see it.
The world is in big trouble. There is not enough time left to be subtle about it. We need to take some drastic action... and we need it now. Thirty years of politically correct subtilities has landed us in the pooh... and we keep getting in deeper without any attempt to try to get out of it.
The younger generation tells me that they have it all under control and that life is wonderful. I am told that my generation are has been who won't move with the time... which leaves me speechless.
Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing and you won't find someone who loves freedom more than I do. But by the same token... if you gave people total freedom... you would have anarchy.
If you told the kids it is their free choice to go to school or not... how many would go to school to learn something?
By the way... under my tough exterior... I am a wonderful loving cancerian. laugh
The cat is driving me insane. He had three fights in the past six weeks. I yelled at him about it last Tuesday and he understand. He has not asked to go out since then. laugh.
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@CEN7777 (855)
• India
18 Oct 07
Hi Raia, Iam fully agree with you that life is a big workshop, but Iam disagree with you that we are teachers here. Infact we are student here and will be student life long. Only god is our principle teacher as life. We keep learning through out our life , minute per minute, hour by hour, day by day , year by year. We learn lot of new things in every moment.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
19 Oct 07
Hi.again..you ideas are interesting and appreciated. The idea of being teachers comes from the reality that God gave us the right of free will. The lessons will be there but it is up to us to choose the ones we will learn or reject. This viewpoint does not in any way diminish a connection to our Creator...in whatever path is chosen. Within the God-given right of free choice...we can 'teach' ourselves and learn our spiritual lessons...or choose to opt out of class and go another way.
So I value the way you see things...and that you came by to offer your views here again.
Best regards,
@andyliuzn (1029)
• Guangzhou, China
6 Oct 07
Hi Raia,
Thanks for teaching me about being the teacher/guide of myself in the workshop/life. Well, I do think that we need a lot of teachers besides myself, since they could teach me a lot of things that I am now knowing about. And most of the time, they teach me something, but I nead to teach myself again before I could really know how to manage it well. And I do think we should teach ourself well enough so that we could set good examples to the childrens.
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
6 Oct 07
Hi again Andy..
I am glad you enjoy this concept and can put it to use. Your comments about 'teaching' ourselves so we can be a good example to others. When we teach by our own example rather than saying one thing and doing another.
Once people understand that we are always exercising our right to learn or reject ideas there is a greater sense of personal responsibility for the cause and effect of our choices.
Thanks for your input on the topic..
@alamode (3071)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I find, as you well know, that I am becoming more of a teacher than a student. At this time of my life, I have seen and done so much that I must edit... examine realistically what I have the time and the ability to accomplish. Many of my goals had to be sidelined by more important factors like raising kids and grandkids, working in our businesses, and those cursed injuries I've had to deal with! I am hoping that I have reached the place where life becomes consistant, so that my personal goals will be within reach.
With Hun's retirement coming up rapidly, I have spent the last few years organizing our personal finances to where I can say we are debt-free. Our home is paid for, and low maintainance. Our children and their children are secure, and the entire extended family is close-knit and loving. This is what security is for me.
So I believe it is time for me to spread my wings a bit, to see if I can achieve one of my personal goals. Finishing the inventory for my shop is a primary goal for me... the shop will not be for income, but for the satisfaction of sharing my work. All the years before now will prove to be my training ground for the rest of my life.
You always make me examine, my friend... here I thought I was just going to have fun from now on... now I realize it will be the culmination of my lifetime of self-education... I may be a bit intimidated now by the importance of my next steps!
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
Hi again...
Thanks for your response and the chance to learn more about where you are..who you are and where you are going. It sounds as though you have a lot in place to 'launch' your dreams and finally 'fly high with you own wings.' That slogan for my site really comes to mind when I read your post.
The idea of us being the teacher is ground in the fact that now matter what is presented before us to learn from any one or any source can only be 'taught' if we allow ourselves to 'learn' it. We, as teachers to ourselves within the classroom or workshop of life can only learn by every choice we make. We can and do within every moment of life say..."Yes...that works for me...or no it doesn't." When a yes turns out to what should have been a 'no' we are given the chance to learn something we may not have wanted to...but 'had' to. Once we begin to look at every opportunity, problem, hurt, suffering, disappointment, success through the eyes of ..'what did it teach me...we truly understand that we are teaching ourselves by making different choices. It can be both immensely liberating and rather scary. The seat of responsibility comes back to us...and as you said it can be intimidating to grasp that concept.
But what my many errors in judgment, follies filled with sorrow have taught this teacher..is that I cannot really regret anything that helped me reach this point of self-awareness and personal accountability. Now I try to keep the 'think ahead' ides stamped on my forehead so I see it every morning as I begin my day. It took me awhile to get here...but how can I regret anything that has brought so much awareness to my life...and those that I work with on a daily basis. I would not be able to pass it along had I not 'taught myself' in this classroom or workshop we call life. And so it is.
Anyway, thanks for your great words of wisdom...and offering me the benefit of your life experiences..in your classroom!LOL
Your friendship is a gift..
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@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
6 Oct 07
This is a VERY interesting post, Raia. I never really thought of myself as a teacher, but I do believe that everybody we meet can be our teacher (just as long as we learn something from them). But in that case, I can also be somebody else's teacher if that person chooses to learn something from me.
I think every one of us has different ways of coping and handling with tough lessons. Sometimes we learn how to handle them by hearing how somebody else did it. Sometimes we learn how to handle them simply by going through "trial and error" phases and at last we find the best way out for us.
What tough lessons I had to learn that maybe I didn't want to? Letting go. Reducing my intensity. Spreading my intensity so that my closest friends don't feel too overwhelmed by it. Lowering my expectations from my loved ones, esp. my close friends (I haven't managed to do this yet).
I love the way you shared about "having an abundant life with less money". It's VERY true! ;-D KEEP UP the GOOD work, Raia!
@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
6 Oct 07
Hello again...
Before going into the topic itself I want you to know that your comments about your response to the ideas I share is a wonderful reminder to me about why I show up here every day and add my words to the comments of others. It is very heartwarming and rewarding for you to be so open and offer your appreciation for the ideas presented. I communicate ideas for a living but finding a forum to offer them others without a fee base is soooooooo rewarding to me. The exchanges we have here are based on our our care and concern for each other as people and I am delighted when things hit the mark. The warmth that comes back to me from you is comes through beyond the words on the screen and my life in enriched with every exchange.
I also respect your self-honest approach about personal and self-development goals. Just to let you now my friend some of what you describe are patterns that I had to overcome as well. If you were to have seen my hubby and me earlier in life we were both intense rather driven people. How we changed it was doing what you are...developing the awareness that it wasn't working for us and making up our mind to change our thoughts and behavior. All change begins with awareness and the fact that you are aware of yourself and the effect your actions have on others shows wisdom...as any age. Knowledge is one thing but the ability to apply it is all wisdom really is...so good for you!
I am glad you like the idea that true abundance has more to do with the quality of our life than the amount of money we have. When attention shifts to a sense of gratitude for what we already have rather than lamenting what is missing a more joyful sense of life returns. Also whatever within the law of attraction we draw to us whatever we give attention to...so in my view giving attention to the blessings will increase them. It is not a principle I invented...but it is something my husband David and I pass on in everything we present. So you appear to be on a great path with a lot of inner knowing. I am sure you will be successful in whatever goals you set for yourself and I wish all for you wish for yourself.
Good chatting with you again...
@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
6 Oct 07
This is why I love talking with people like you...positive people!!! I find that in the blogosphere, it's VERY rewarding to be honest to oneself and to be open, 'coz then other people who've gone through similar or the same rough patches that I'm going through now can encourage me and it makes me feel SO empowered, knowing that they've conquered the problems, so I can do the same. Sometimes when I'm frustrated, I feel that the mountain I'm climbing is TOO high for me, but when I read comments like yours, it makes my step lighter and my smile wider. ;-D
THANK YOU for your faith in me. ;-D I TRULY appreciate it, coming from someone like you, Raia. ;-D
It's SO true again what you said: "giving attention to blessings will only increase them." I'm also trying to find beauty in every little thing in life every single day and taking time to cherish it. ;-D
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@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
7 Oct 07
I'm gonna check out your links later today, Raia! THANKS!
Yes, I understand what you mean about your tough younger years. Some of my blogging friends have experienced similar troubles and I'm glad I know them 'coz they've grown SO MUCH and they're now able to empower others who may be struggling with what they've conquered.
I also believe in hope. God won't let us experienced trials beyond our strength and that's what I'm holding on to.
You're right that most of the time, guidance and clarity don't come as fast as lightning, but they're both worth the wait. ;-D
THANK YOU for your compliments again. ;-D Anyway, enjoy your Sunday, Raia! ;-D It's a PLEASURE meeting you.
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