when potty training how often do you escort them to the potty?

United States
October 2, 2007 8:35am CST
we are home all day today so i thought id put my almost 3yr old in underwear and i pulled out her princess potty chair and the bag of "treats" for rewards however with my daughter bribery just isnt working she is not getting the concept that you go on the potty then you get a treat, or maybe she gets the concept but doesnt care, but anywyas my question to all of you is how oftern should i escprt her to her potty?? every 5 10 15 min??? i want her to not habve an accident but at the same time get anoyed with me that eventually shell just escprt herself. any helpfuyl advice would be great i have a baby due in 3 months and would like just one child in diapers!!! thank you all in advance
1 response
• United States
2 Oct 07
When I taught in daycare we were always taught to take them every two hours. The two hour thing also worked with my daughter. I agree though, it works better at home.