Is it neccessary to have a baby ?
By rb200406
@rb200406 (1824)
October 2, 2007 9:03am CST
I know this is a silly question but i am in very much dilemma.It is not that i don't like babies but i am not sure that i would be able to give him or her a secured future.This is more to do with the modern life where there is no security of the work & the cost of living is increasing day by day.Actually we struggle to make our own needs meet .There is so much pressure on my Husband .I also work but then also it would be really stressful.thas why we are thinking about the option.Am I right in my thinking?The Child is our responsibility if we have & we should be fully prepared.What are your views?
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23 responses
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
I think you should be applauded for taking the time to think it through, on all the angles, before making such a heavy decision to bring a child into the world. Good for you! It's a shame how many don't.
Having a child, and raising it properly, is a huge responsibility. Aside from the time and energy invested, it's a huge financial responsibility. And a person can't help but wonder what type of world they're bringing the child into.
I have some friends who have chosen never to procreate. I have others that have chosen not to have children because of the drastic overpopulation of children sitting in foster care already needing homes ... they've chosen to adopt instead and fill that void. Then there are others who've chosen to have their children. I'm one of those.
None of the above are wrong. It's a personal decision that only the person involved is qualified to make. :)
I do have to say that with your mindset, the way you think things through beforehand .... that this is the mentality required to raise responsible children. I think that if you do make that decision, you'll do wonderfully.
That being said, whatever decision you make is the right one for you, and that's all that matters. I wish you luck. :)
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
3 Oct 07
My views about this is that the life is meaningless without children, there is a great pleasure in becoming parents and grow children. After few years of your marriage you will feel loneliness and would feel yourself to have children, think of those people who can't have them and go for various options like adopting a child etc.
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@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
6 Oct 07
Think of those women who HAVE had them and regret it. I'm glad that children bring meaning to your life ... but that's your personal opinion. Just yours, not everyones. There are MANY, many people who are choosing not to have children, for whatever reason. In the past, it was pushed on women as being their 'job' ... society has changed and evolved. Women aren't brood mares any more. We have careers, goals and ambitions that don't always include being a mother first and a thinking individual second.
For every woman that regrets NOT having a child, there is another abusing or neglecting their children, because she wasn't ready to have them. It works both ways.
@rb200406 (1824)
• India
4 Oct 07
Its not that i don't know that but practically it is not possibel at least now.& when it will be if it is not possible than i would definitely adopt but is there any wrong in thinking like this.Giving priority to my present rather than thinking what could happen in future.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
3 Oct 07
No, it is not absolutely necessary to have a baby. A baby comes to this world not by its own choice but because we chose to have it…so the entire responsibility of providing a secure future for it is ours and on no pretext can we escape this. A see a lot of couple going on having babies without having the proper means of raising them. By ‘proper’ I mean a good education, wholesome food, clean clothes and a loving family. If any of these are missing, the child grows up as an incomplete adult. So if you feel that you are at present unable to provide any of these, please don’t bring another life into this world and leave it to its own fate. As it is, we have millions of children who lack everything in life, who are just dumped outside hospitals and adoption centers. If ever you feel that you can give your child a stable future then only take the plunge and if by then it is too late for you biologically, you can always sponsor some unlucky angel with money, food clothes etc.
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
Its not That silly. I know what you are thinking. I'm male, 74, a Grandpa, and I've been around. A baby will change your life. If you don't have your family when you are young, later on you will wish you did. Life is can be a difficult struggle, and seemingly uncertain, but things have a way of working out. My advise would be ... Have your baby as soon as you can. Things always work out for those who have a plan and stick to it. The extra costs, and the lack of income, will be more than offset by the pleasure of having your Baby. This is what makes Life complete! Go for it, and have Fun!
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
Oh please. I'm sorry, but this hogwash irritates me. Women are not brood mares. We now have the choice to raise children or not to ever have them, if that's our choice. MANY women have chosen not to have children, and do NOT regret it. You, especially you, being a man .. and of another generation completely, are in no position to say what ALL women feel.
Please don't listen to this 'advice'. Just do what your heart tells you is right. If a baby is the right choice, wonderful. If it isn't, wonderful too. The only person who knows the right path for you is YOU.
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@dpurchas (91)
• United States
3 Oct 07
Kudos to you for asking this question of yourself. I waited for a very long time to have a child for many of the same reasons. Finance is a big issue with having a child. I am actually not having a 2nd one at this time because of money. (Which makes me sad!!) But for me, I wanted to make sure we were secure in our relationship as well as in the work we do and our financial situation before having a child. I knew between the extra costs at home plus the child care (which is expensive where I am) that we'd need to be very smart about how we did it. I still work (which breaks my heart) but we just couldn't afford to have me stay home with our daughter. It is a sad day in the world when people can't just have a child as a representation of their love rather than having to weigh whether they can afford to or not.
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@rb200406 (1824)
• India
4 Oct 07
Actually the dielemma is that i feel it is not the right time.I can't because if i choose to have a bay now thane it would be really a pressure situation for my Husband.He already has parents to support who are dependent fully.As a wife i have to be with him & not just think about myself.
@wseayuan (372)
• China
3 Oct 07
Well, i have not married. But i want to say i will have several babies after marrying.Because i think we should not think much about the future of my child and the pressure .What should i do is teach them moral charaters and the way how to live happily.I am sure if the person own the moral character ,the success wii follow him.I like the saying:In the end ,there are always mends.I also sure,if you want to enjoy the happiness ,you should like the pain that come with it.I like child ,they are the tomorrow .
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@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
3 Oct 07
"Because i think we should not think much about the future of my child and the pressure ."
Please, please, PLEASE tell me you're kidding. Please. This very line dictates the mindset behind the people who 'shouldn't' be reproducing. If you do not consider the future of your children before you have them, then you're not taking the responsibility of being a parent seriously and should try another route.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
3 Oct 07
To have a baby or not is a personal choice. Having a baby is a lot of work and responsibility. The fact that you are considering all aspects is a first step in the right direction.
I have friends who have decided not to have a baby because they feel they are not in a position (financial) to have one right now. They do miss having a child around, but they fell that it probably would be worse if a child is born and they are not able to afford a decent standard of living...or maybe the finances would be so tight that they would not be able to enjoy the child or parenting.
This is my friend's opinion and her's alone. I thought I would share it.
This should be discussed with your husband and you should be able to work out something that suits you best.
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@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
My husband and I want to be fully prepared, too. That being said, there is no perfect time to have a child, either.
I think it would be stressful to have a child right now, when we are barely making ends meet, but in a year or two, when things are a bit better, we will probably try.
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@nitinnaresh (51)
• India
3 Oct 07
to move ur generation ahead u definately need to have the babies,
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@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I say whatever you're comfortable with. I would decide at what age you think you might want a child. i think it is a personal choice. there are a lot of people who don't have children, it's not a requirement of living.
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@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
3 Oct 07
It's up to you and your hubby. Just think it through so that you won't have any regrets in the past. I have a cousin who's decided not to have any kids. Now they're in their late forties and they're still happy and they can even help their nieces and her mother because they don't have any kids to feed on.
I agree with you that having a child is our responsibility and we should be fully prepared. But if someday you have the urge or "calling" to have a baby, maybe you can just try having one.
Based on my parents' experiencing in raising me and my brother, they also had financial problems, but then they said that God always helped them in the nick of time. For example: when I was old enough to go to school, my Dad got a side job and so they got enough money to pay for my tuition fees. ;-D This kind of experience happens over and over again...if you believe in God, then you should believe in His provision. OF COURSE we have to plan everything, we have to do our part, too, but I mean if you've done everything you can and still find yourself lacking financially, trust God to help you out.
If you don't believe in God, I've heard some people's testimonies that life helps you out when you're stuck (after you've done everything you can again). A friend of mine also says the same thing...that blessings always come right when you need it, as long as you work hard, as well, and do your part. ;-D
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
Oh good gawd.
There are people the world over deciding not to have children. If you believe otherwise, you need to pay better attention to the world around you.
THIS is a prime example of society pushing their archaic views. A woman is identified by her role as a breeder, instead of being commended for analyzing the situation to make sure she's making the right decision.
As for your last line, the poor who are still having babies? That's called irresponsible parenting .. having children you can't financially provide for. Responsible parenting is waiting until you are financially secure before accepting the responsibility of a child.
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@Cheerful_Beauty (89)
• Australia
3 Oct 07
If you don't want to have it, don't then. I do not want kids myself. Never like them. And I will make sure I make it clear to my partner, so after married, there will be no argument about having kids.
@aduck06 (19)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I think it totally depends on what you and your husband want. Don't let anyone else say whether you should or shouldn't have a child. I also think you are being very responsible by considering all the factors before deciding when/if to have a child. There are people who have children without thinking about what they will be able to give them.
When my husband and I had our first child, we were doing well financially. Since our child was born, we had several financial obstacles that set us back, making things very tight for a while. However, we never regret having a child. It just depends on the type of lifestyle you want to live and what will make you happy in the end.
@jetlady (338)
• Philippines
6 Oct 07
I think there is no other reason for having a baby than wanting to have one. Women who got pregnant and ended up aborting their baby did not really want the child in the first place even if their excuse is that they are not prepared to be a mother, a responsible one.
If you and your husband want to have a child of your own, you don't have to worry about the future because your love for your child would be enough to nurture him and secure him a good one. You don't know the feeling of being a mother or a parent once you see your baby and watch him grow. Your sacrifices will be all worth it.
I see some people taking care of animals but not people or humans. Why can't you take care of your own, coming from your own blood... who will take care of you in the future? Someone who can talk and can laugh with you, someone you can be proud of?
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
3 Oct 07
True, it would take a lot of money to support a baby, but if you have always wanted a baby, you should have a baby. But if you are not sure, then don't have a baby.And unless you are in your late 40's. there isn't a rush to make up your mind.And if you think you don't have enough money now to have the baby but you want one, then save the money up and when you think you have enough money , then try for the baby. But on the other hand, if you are not sure if you ever want a child, then that's okay too. You should follow your heart and talk it out with your hubby.As long as you agree , everything will be fine what ever you choose.
@subathra (3519)
• India
3 Oct 07
Your thought is right as i can understand that if you have a baby you cannot go for work for atleast 3 years still she attends school because she/he needs the immense care of you eventhough if you have elderly people to take care of your baby..but your marriage bondage will be colourful if you have a kid..before taking decision i would suggest you to make some savings for your kid before she/he sees this world so that you can provide all the comforts needed for your kid..
Budget the familys expenditure to meet the expenses needed when an additional member enters your family..Also consider age limit which is much essential as i have seen some couples postponing the idea to have kids and later go into some complications..I wish you go for of luck..
@andrejuly84 (1047)
• Romania
3 Oct 07
well,i think children are not a must,nobody force us to have kids,but depends on everyone's desire.every man,every woman should have his own opinion if he/she wants and needs to have a child.but is better to think a lot about before having a child cause is a really ,really great's a very important decision that will totaly change your hole is not necesary to have a child,only you can decide and you can feel when is the right moment to have it
@jtr115 (722)
• United States
6 Oct 07
It's not a requirement or a law to have a baby, and you shouldn't let anyone pressure you into having one if you don't feel comfortable with it. If you and your husband are already struggling and both working, adding another mouth to feed will only make things more stressful.