is it safe for kids to trick or treat

United States
October 27, 2006 5:40pm CST
is it really safe for your children to trick or treat.. mind you i love halloween myself and love getting dressed up with my kids but honestly you never know if someone has tampered with candy they could have stuck a needle in it sometimes i would just rather take my kids trick or treating and then secretly throw the candy away and replace it with the candy i buy what do you think??
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17 responses
@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
27 Oct 06
Well, the way I see it wunderbred is that there are risks in life on a daily basis, no matter who you are or how careful you are. Kids are in danger at any given moment at any given day. Will some sick people use Halloween as a tool to inflict harm on our children? Yes, they will. But, should we allow our children to miss out on having fun with their friends and family based on the fear that someone will be cruel. I don't think we should. We have a responsibility to protect our children, and so we should thoroughly check the candybags for evidence of tampering before allowing them to dig in, but I wouldn't go so far as to keep them in the house for the rest of their childhoods. You could replace their candy, but I'm sure your kids aren't stupid and they would realize that the candy they remember putting in their bags is missing and that what's left is all the same.
@Cindyh2k (308)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I agree with you - you can't keep them locked up away from the outside world their entire lives. And, there are many things that are dangerous - swimming, riding bikes, walking anywhere in the neighborhood, riding rides at carnivals, any number of things that pose a danger to kids - and you just can't avoid letting them live their lives.
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Oct 06
I think because the safety of kids and candy has changed I think Halloween should change with the times, Parties only, no door to door, unless its to neighbors you know. Now malls have parties, churches have harvest functions, and schools have always had something like parade and class party, much safer.
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@phyxius (3464)
• United States
28 Oct 06
It is about as safe as our children going to school. I would recommend not letting them go to either one.
@phyxius (3464)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I really hate to say it however, i think it is time to get brutal and public and with those that commit crimes against children.
@Cindyh2k (308)
• United States
28 Oct 06
That is so true!! If school is in and I hear a siren, I just stop breathing for a second or two!
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• Philippines
1 Nov 06
I think parents should choose which places or homes their children will go to trick and treat. In our time today, it's not safe anymore. Another is because of health reasons. We are not sure what are the ingredients/contents of the foods being distributed. Proper guidance should be observed.
@Cindyh2k (308)
• United States
27 Oct 06
I think that parties, churches, malls, and even schools are providing the answers that parents are looking for. But, I think the Halloween scare of tainted candy is just that - a scare. We heard the same things when we were growing up, over 20 years ago - and once Halloween is over, you don't hear about lots of kids getting tainted candy. Hospitals used to let you bring your kids by and they would x-ray the candy for them - but, I don't know if that is an option anymore.
@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've ever actually read a report of a kid receiving or having been harmed by tainted Halloween candy. People are too paranoid. If anything, parent's should be more concerned about making sure their little witch or pirate is wearing something reflective or holding a glow-in-the-dark bucket so careless drivers won't run them over.
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Nov 06
I feel it isn't safe now a days.It was safer when I grew up in the 70's but families I think should make parties for their kids and their friends to be safe.Yes people do put all kinds of stuff in candy to hurt and trick kids and it is very wrong.I can say that there are still some very special and honest people out there.
@sevenseas (754)
• United States
1 Nov 06
I guess it really depends on where you live and if the kids have enough supervision when they go out. As long as a parent accompanies them and looks thru their candy when they get home, then all should be well.
@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
1 Nov 06
I believe that if the parents are involved and aware of what's going on and what's going in the bag then it can be just fine. In our case, we take my son only to the neighbors who live close by who we know. In different years we get varying levels of trick or treat action at our house. There are many other options out there in our town - everything from the mall to office buildings to churches and even the library - and we have taken advantage of some of them, but usually we just hang around the house. Even if our son was not to get a whole lot of Halloween candy it would still be fine because he's only 4 years old and doesn't need to be eating all that junk! He never ends up short of candy, though, because all of the grandparents think it is important to buy trick or treat candy just for him... so he always racks up. Long story short - I think the parents make a big difference in whether or not it's okay for a child to participate in trick or treat.
@wiccan (347)
• Australia
1 Nov 06
I truly agree with you.... better to have a kid's party where they can pig out in fancy dress and watch scary movies........ too many nutters out there sad to say
@delina123 (2453)
• Canada
1 Nov 06
I think so as long as you know the person
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
31 Oct 06
I think it's probably almost as safe as it has always been. People are more aware of danger these days (which is a good thing) but also, perhaps, more fearful of what MIGHT happen (which is really not a good thing because it's an unreasonable fear that eats at the heart like a worm). It would have to be a very sick person that tampered with candy! I think that as long as you know your neighborhood and take sensible precautions, teach your kids to be polite (and suitably scary, of course!) everyone can have a little bit of fun.
• Canada
1 Nov 06
People tampering with the kids candy is an issue that was here in toronto too, but honestly just know the area that you're trick or treating in if you're really concerned, but I honestly will never check my candy for trick or treating.
@chance00 (3331)
• United States
1 Nov 06
i think it is safe with a parent or adult.The adult needs to be in full control of the area you go to and the goodie bag after.Check the bags good.
@shaggin (74033)
• United States
30 Oct 10
Where I live I think it is perfectly safe to trick or treat door to door in the dark. If I lived in a bad area then I would be leery. In our small town everyone knows everyone else. There are now three malls around me that offer trick or treating. One was Thursday from 6-8pm and another is tomorrow at 10 am. I am taking my kids to the mall for whats call Malloween because I will be up there so I might as well they will have fun. But on Halloween I will also be taking them trick or treating door to door in the neighborhood.
@tater03 (1765)
• United States
28 Oct 06
We take the boys to our local community center for a Halloween party. We also let them go out but only to the neighbors that we know. It is sad that you have to be so afraid now to take your children out trick or treating.
@bigedshult1 (1613)
• United States
27 Oct 06
it just as safe NOW as when you were a kid just we hear more about so let the kids have fun
• United States
31 Oct 06
I have never had a problem with the candy even when I will little. We always go in our neighborhood and we know everyone.