What do you prefer, plastic or real christmastree?

Real three or plastic - Allegri make people have make the chose of plastic in flowers,
threes, other stuff.
@anetteh (3590)
October 4, 2007 2:54am CST
In todays world we have lot of things that people get allergic of. This make them have to use other things when you talk about trees, flowers and stuff like that. We are about to enter the time when we pick our trees for Christmas. I like the plastic becouse it is not so sticky, but it is also the only reason I do use plastic. I do miss the smell of a real tree. But what do you prefer and why? One reason to not use a real tree can be for allergi, but also not use the real trees in order to save them. There are millions that use trees for Christmas. One day these trees will be rare. What do you prefer Plastic or Real trees?
14 responses
@noriko (1254)
4 Oct 07
i would like to use palstic, coz it saves me money i can always keep it then reuse it for next year.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
4 Oct 07
Yes, I agree. I do also use plastic. It however looks real so the only thing I do miss are the smell of the real tree. But when you had decorate the tree it do looks like a real one. I store the tree in the seller looked up from being stolen. thank you for responding Have a nice day
@noriko (1254)
4 Oct 07
and whats nice now a days there are more fancy and groovy christmas tree for sale. yes it do look like the real tree when its decorated already minus the smell of course
• United States
4 Oct 07
I prefer plastic for three reasons. 1. I like to not put much focus on the glamor of Christmas but rather the reason, and my tree is all 1pc, pre lit fiber optic..I just set it up and sometimes we don't even decorate it because its so pretty bare. 2. I don't like the smell of pine to be too strong in our small home. 3. Winter's are hard on me physically and emotionally so I go with whats easiest.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
4 Oct 07
Ok, It do not sound like this season coming up is your favorite. Everyone do whats best for them self. thank you for responding and sharing Have a nice day.
• Romania
4 Oct 07
I too love the smell of a christmas tree but where i live the trees have very thin branches so there's not hell of green when you decorate it. So i'll choose the plastic one because it's design more perfectly, the right size, thinckness, and even color (some are white and they look so cool). Another reason is that plastic trees resist a whole lifetime, after the celebration is over you gather it and put it somewhere save and it will still have it's leaves for the next years. And another reason is that the real trees are spared from being hacked with the axe and dry and spares you from cleaning the mess it mades after it dries.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
4 Oct 07
I agree with you totally. The plastic are more and better for the wallet, woods, allergic so I do use mine years from years to come. It looks similar to a real one and the only thing I miss are the smell of it. It is special for the season. Thank you for responding. Have a nice day
• United States
4 Oct 07
I would rather have a fake tree only because you don't have to worry about the needles falling off and the tree drying up and catching on fire ! You also don't have to worry about bugs being on it or the sap getting on your carpet and you really don't have to worry about allergies with a fake tree and the fake ones look real now a days. They even have pine spray to replace the smell.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
4 Oct 07
Yes, a real tree are sticky. I do not like that either. I use a plastic to and save it all over again year after year. It is cheap, saving woods, and can be as look a like the real once as well. I decorate it with all sorts of things my children maid in school. It looks so nice. But, I do miss the smell. Thank you for responding Have a nice day
@laura20 (128)
4 Oct 07
I far prefer real Christmas trees because of the unique smell of them, and because, to me, they conjure up a romantic and nostalgic image. At the end of the Christmas period, the tree is lifted out of the tub and it is replanted - in soil - in the garden. You are absolutely right that the supplies of these are dwindling, and I may need to go over to other types of trees in the future. I am not overly-keen on plastic trees because they never look as good, when they are brought out the following year as when they have just been purchased.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
4 Oct 07
I save my tree in the seller. It is standing on its feet. So it do look the same as when I bought it. But you are right. It can never replace the real once. But some are allergic and can only use the plastic once. I use it because of the expense of the real once. But I do prefer the real once, of the smell that I always miss at Christmas. Thank you for responding Have a nice day
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
4 Oct 07
I prefer real trees. They smell nicer and make the whole idea more realistic. Im also an outdoors person, so having a little bit of the outdoors brought into my house is a good thing for me!
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
4 Oct 07
Well, I would use the real once to if they wore not so expensive. I would also use it if it would not case any damages in the woods. However I feel the woods need to be saved and I also do not like the sticky things coming under my feet's. I therefore Use the plastic once. I have one look like a real tree and use it over and over without any costs. Thank you for responding Have a nice day
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
11 Oct 07
Real tree... but I have plastic tree in my apartment because I'm afraid I'll catch my house on fire. It would be my luck...
• United States
4 Oct 07
I prefer the plastic ones. They come in all sorts of styles and you can pick out the that suits you just like the real ones. I have one that is pre-lit so I can add hundreds of more clear lights to it. There is also not a fire hazard issue with plastic ones. I don't care for the smell of a pine tree either it reminds my of the floor cleaner pine-sol. And after christmas is over you just take apart and put away for next year and you don't have all off those sticky little pine needles that you find for years in your carpet
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
4 Oct 07
Yes, Me to. I bought mine for severely years ago and it still looks like it would be real. It looks wonderful once you have decorated ti. It is also cheaper. Every year you still use the same tree. And you spare the wood and all the trees. However I also miss the special smell from these trees. But You can always use a substitute. thank you for responding Have a nice day
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
4 Oct 07
Before we got our fiber optic tree I liked the artifical trees better then the real ones. However, now that we have the fiber optic...I love it. I love the changing lights, no strands of lights to mess with and it's so cute. LOL **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
@yojspew (171)
• Philippines
4 Oct 07
We don't have a lot of pine trees here in the Philippines (except in Baguio City wherein you can find a lot)..^^..that's why most of us are using plastic Christmas trees instead. In our case, we seldom used the plastic tree because it doesn't really look good and it's quite dangerous if you put some lights on it. So instead we used dried branches of trees and placed them outside our house. We just then put some decorations and lights on it. It is cheaper, unique, environment friendly and safer...^^
@kayrod2 (1304)
• Australia
10 Oct 07
I use the plastic trees. rEAL ONES END UP MAKING ME SNEEZE. here in Australia, most use plastic. There are some of course that use real trees, but you dont see them around for sale that much. best wishes to you, anetteh, and take care
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
4 Oct 07
Hi Anetteh, I love the real trees but do not buy the cutt off once for in thehouse due to my cats mostly. They always manage to make the tree fall nd break the balls and such on it ;) I prefer the real tree in thegarden, on which we place lights and balls and stuff also, but it doesnt fall down. Inside the house we have small several plastic once placed in such a way that the cats cannot come by and break ;) TheFortunes
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
4 Oct 07
Smile, I can see how you cat play with your tree. It is a fun thing for them. It is a sight I tell you. I do understand that you keep your real tree in the garden. When you have animals that like kids do not hear what you say you have to put efforts to find out ways that you can have a christmas spirit with trees, and other stuff you decorate the home with. Thanks for responding Have a nice day
@kiobug (2250)
• United States
5 Oct 07
I can not stand fake trees. Real trees are the best and if you arent going to get a real one dont one at all. Unless you are allergic of course but otherwise no way!
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
4 Oct 07
I like both actually some years I will do plastic (I have one in the garage) and some years my kids will insist on a real one. It does let off a nice smell and it just looks better than a plastic one but then there is the convience of the plastic, it's free and easy to put up an down and it doesn't shed. Plus a plastic one is nice on the wallet when I don't have much money.