Why is it easy to forgive than to forget?

United States
October 4, 2007 3:13pm CST
While forgiving is easy to give, forgetting is hard to achieved. You forgive someone but you can't forget the things that she/he did to you. Whenever you can see the person who cause hurt and trouble to you, things will flashed bach which is hard to forget. Do you forgive easily and forget easily?
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3 responses
• Australia
21 Nov 07
Forgiveness is a great thing, but only if you mean it. I forgive you are not words that should be said just to smooth a situation over, if you don't really mean it. I don't think that things should be forgotten though. The idea of life is to learn from mistakes, to grow from things we learn or have happen to us. Fogetting something that has happened goes against this. Instead, I think you should take the lesson from the experience, and then move on, forgiving the person if possible after you have had time to think about what was done.
• India
6 Oct 07
You are right. no one can forget the bad thinks happened in thier life. even i forgive i can never forget the things. some bad experiences turns out in to lessons in our life. may be that's the reason we can not forget such things
• Philippines
4 Oct 07
when we hear that saying to forgive and to forget the offenses which were committed against us by anyone, it simply means to say that we must forgive the person who has wronged us and then when we do so, we shall also forget the pain that the wrongdoing has caused us. it is virtually impossible for anyone to forget the wrong doing which was committed. it is printed in our brain and in our consciousness. time and again we will recall what transpired but, we can feel that we no longer feel the pain that it has cuased us previously. when this is so, we have already forgotten the pain due to theincident. meaning we have truly forgiven the person who has committed the offense.