Forum Ettiquette: What do you do about rude people and other vermin?
By Sojournstar
@cempires (171)
United States
October 4, 2007 4:48pm CST
I have been a member of one particular forum for a couple years. It is one of the few that I really like most of the members on, and have even had phone conversations with many of them.
Recently I put an excellent opportunity up there, about an online site that you can actually make pretty decent money with, without spending one single dime of your own. I have already made over $30 in free money profit, and when I placed this site up as an opportunity, I also laid down my system on how to work the system and make your first free cashout in 30 days.
Almost everyone followed my advice, except 2 or 3 peeps, and out of those people, only one threw $40 in without bothering to read anything about the program, nor follow my instructions. The other 2 willingly spent thier own for upgrades, so they could make a rebate each week, knowing full well that it was thier own choice, and that it went against my advice. They and the others Get It! and understand what I mean by OPM, (Other Peoples Money) as in this case it was Totally On The House.
But then there is this one rude guy, who is forever insulting people on forums everywhere, (and who I wish I had the option to delete him as my referral) and is usually the first to cry scam, as he did here, because he is too impatient to make money the honest way, and really likes throwing away money on hyips and scams, then complaining about how much of his own money he has lost, and how everyone including his fellow forum members are scam artists and worse. Almost everyone defending this program here, asked him how he figured something could scam you if the money you are making is free, good point, but not to someone who never reads or takes responsibility for themselves like this rude guy never does.
Anyhow, he personally attacked me on that forum, and I snapped because I was simply fed up with him and others like him. I told him without holding back, but in an inteligent and classy way, (maybe even like an adult reprimanding a child LOL) just what a %(%^$&% he is. Unfortunatley for our country, this guy is a retired Army Sargeant, and I was also compelled to tell him that he was a disrespectful, disgraceful and poor excuse for our nations military, and his fellow buddies must be quite ashamed of him.
Well, to my surprise, the whole thread turned into others congratulating me because someone finally told this guy off. Of course the guy is still making rude and vulgar comments in that thread to everyone now, not just me, as I have stopped posting there now anyway. The forum friends I have there keep PMing me, and posting in the thread that this guy is an idiot, and please come back, just ignore him, but I have said everything that I needed to say there, and feel it is more classy on my part to just stay back, and watch him hang himself with everyone else, which is exactly what is happening now.
Apparantly the moderator here, is either offline or on vacation, cause this has been allowed to go on a week or more now. And today it got worse all over again, when he called me a name again, even tho I have not posted another thing since this started, (goes to show what a jerk this guy is) and all the other members in that thread once again stood up for me, and some even told him off on thier own today.
Anyway, I am too busy and too mature for people like this. What about you all. How do you handle Forum Trolls, Moles, And Other Vermin. LOLOL....
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