Father arrested for beating child over bad grades - What do you think?

@miamilady (4910)
United States
October 4, 2007 5:08pm CST
The boy could not sit in school the next day because of the welts on his behind. In my opinion that is taking things too far. In your opinion how far, is too far when it comes to disciplining your children. The father thinks he did nothing wrong. The first judge that saw this case, seemed to see nothing wrong with it.
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56 responses
• United States
5 Oct 07
My opinion that it is alright to discipline your children. In today's world children are out-of-control and feel that they can do anything they want. Then they grow into adults without any respect for the law or others. If the father did not use a baseball bat or the buckle of the belt then it should not be considered "child abuse". Arresting the father is sending a very bad message to children that they can get away with anything.
• Canada
5 Oct 07
thats a good point but still beating your child will not control him. It might to an extent, but really there are many other ways to help control him and make him into a good human being.
@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
4 Oct 07
I don't think that beating your child (especially an 8-year-old) is going to make him/her get better grades. As a parent, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that your child is completing his/her work and paying attention to the lessons being taught. Where was this man when his child was goofing off? I do agree with the judge that there shouldn't be any jail time served. But I do think that he should be court ordered to complete a parenting class.
• United States
6 Oct 07
A man hits his child leaving welts on his backside so hard that the boy cannot sit in school and you believe there should be no jailtime? I didn't read the article but if any parent hits their child and it leaves visible marks on their body(which means force was used) they should be put in jail. Now if a spanking means a little tap on the bottom to get a child's attention because nothing else has worked, (time outs, reward charts, taking away things)I might be able to accept this however when you get to a point that you are hitting your child and leaving marks to make them behave well i would have to say that some type of intervention needs to be brought into the picture...Children learn by example...and their are so many people out there that are parents that shouldn't be parents...It is not a bed or roses, parenting is a hard long road to make sure that our children turn into productive citizens and not a menace to society. I have three children and my oldest who is 18 was subjected to the spanking theory when he was little because I was young and didn't know any better.. My middle child is 11 and my youngest is 6 and they have never ever had one spanking in their whole entire life....I stopped the spanking theory when my oldest was around 8 or 9. Out of my three children my oldest is the most aggressive and hard to handle...I believe that kids learn by example and if we spank our kids out of anger than what are we teaching them and from my experience I remember spanking out of anger and not actually letting myself have enough time to cool down and think about it and if I had i would have realized that there was a better way to handle the situation... My oldest son is now 18 and can be a handful at times but through talking things out and learning how to deal with his aggresiveness life has gotten better..
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Oct 07
Thanks for your post luv. It sounds like your experience with your son was similar to mine with my daughter. The spanking just didnt work. It made her angrier.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Oct 07
A parenting class might be a good idea, but he'd need follow up visits from children and families at the very least. The thing is, the dad didn't think he did anything wrong, so I don't know if going to parenting classes would do him any good. You have to want to learn something knew in order for it to work.
@Stiletto (4579)
4 Oct 07
I disagree with hitting children anyway but this moron went way too far. He should be jailed and his son kept well away from him in future. What the heck was the boys mother doing when he was getting beaten? If anyone had assaulted my child in that way getting arrested would have been the least of their worries. Anyway I guess the UK isn't the only country that has lunatic judges. The judge sounds as lowlife as the father.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Oct 07
From the news clip I saw, I got the feeling he was a single dad. There was no mention of the mom. I didn't like the judge either.
@pumpkinjam (8860)
• United Kingdom
5 Oct 07
I personally think the father was wrong and he has gone too far because what he has done is not just a smack, it's a beating. I think there are people who still believe they should discipline their children however they see fit and they should be allowed to get in with it. I know this is acceptable in some countries but if we are talking about a "civilised 1st world" country, this behaviour is unacceptable. I don't have a problem with tapping a kid on the hand or the bottom but if the child is wounded so that they can not sit down then that is wrong and the judge in this case was either bribed or had the same outdated ideas as the father.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Oct 07
He had the same outdated ideas as the father. On the video clip of that judge it was clear. He sincerely believed what the dad did was okay. I'm glad it went to someone else after him.
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
4 Oct 07
What I really think, myLot won't let me say it here on the discussion board, I've already tried! I'm still trying to get over the guy that drowned his girlfriends' baby, in the komode, and the judge only gave him a five year suspended sentence! There is definitely something wrong with these judges, and I dare one to defend such atrocities that don't go punished! And I believe in punishment of your children, but god has given me the knowledge to know the difference between punishment, and just plain abuse!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I had not heard about the case you just mentioned. I can't believe that was the sentence! It really is amazing how unbalanced justice can be sometimes.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
4 Oct 07
I don't think there anything wrong with spanking, but if it is leaving welts where the child can't sit, that is going too far. Plus, it is early enough in the school year and this is an 8 year old, why didn't the father and teacher discuss what this child was struggling in? Sometimes a child needs a little help in some areas, like the girls in my family need all the extra help in math, it is not our strong subject..A little tutoring could have gotten this child better grades..
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I didn't actually read the article. I saw some news clips on televison. I didn't realise the child was only 8 years old. Somehow that makes it even more deplorable to me than it was before. You KNOW this dad wasn't sitting there with his kid trying to help him along with his homework to help him do better! I wonder how well the dad did in school. Probably no better than his son.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
4 Oct 07
I think they should throw the man in jail and throw away the key! Im so sick and tired of these adults taking out their angry on their kids. Oh course he thinks he did nothing wrong. The guy is a joke!
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
4 Oct 07
I forgot to attach the link to the story. Here it is. http://www1.wsvn.com/news/articles/local/MI63660/
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• United States
7 Oct 07
The boy could not sit in school would mean it was to hard a spanking. The idea of the father spanking him for bad grades isn't a wrong one. It doesn't say if the child had being doing this regularly or if it had been discussed with the school. It just has the sensation part in the title to catch everyones attention. The schools complain that parents aren't involved but don't like it when they are. This guy was probably doing the only thing he knew how to do. He also might not know how to help his son with school work and want his son to have a better future. Spanking isn't illegal. You try everything first and leave the spanking for a last resort but never when angry. I don't know why it would go to another judge if the first didn't see anything wrong. something seems off about this whole thing.
• United States
7 Oct 07
I don't believe in beating a child, but I do believe in spanking when needed. The news always tells the part that gets peoples interest that is what sells papers.(or keeps them watching the news on TV) Again you never spank when angry and as a last resort. It doesn't tell the whole story only part and we need all the story to make an informed decision on this.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
7 Oct 07
I was waiting for someone to come up with the opposing point of view. I think what he did wasn't "spanking". I believe he used a belt. I sill disagree with what he did, but I was waiting for someone to point out that in the old days this was common practice. I know there are still people out ther who believe in a "good old fashioned a$$ whooping" to keep their kids in line. Although I don't agree with that form of discipline. I don't know that I'd take their children away. From what I saw of this guy in particular though. I truly do think he was out of line. I think he did it out of anger and ignorance. He may have just had a sadistic nature about him. Again, I don't think beating a child will make them do better in school. As some posters have said. Beating the kid isn't gonna make him smarter. A parent needs to figure out the root of why the child isn't doing well in school. Not just hit the child because he gets bad grades.
@derek_a (10873)
5 Oct 07
yes, I agree it is taking things too far. The boy will end up associating fear with pain, and if he doesn't get any other attention, will find his grades suffer even more. I remember as a kid my piano teacher hitting my hands because I kept making the same mistake over and over.. She went off for her tea and her daughter (also a music teacher) took over. I played perfectly 5 or 6 times over because she was very nice and calm. My bad-tempered music teacher returned and I started making the same mistakes again. My hands were red where she had hit the backs of them - it's a very painful area.. The punishment we giving me a huge mental block whilst my teacher was around - yet at home and with anyone else around, I played it perfectly every time.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Oct 07
Thanks for your post derek. Hurting a child because they can't perform to someone elses idea of "sufficient" definitely is NOT the way to teach them to do better. If a kid is struggling in school, they need help with learning. They don't need a beating. The same with music lessons! I can't believe she did that to you. How horrible.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
4 Oct 07
I can understand the father who wants his son to have good grade, but his son failed him. This seems to happen also in China. I think that the father is also responsible for his son's failure. He needs to check the reason why he failed instead of beating his boy rudely. This will only make the matter worse instead of getting better.
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@wiccania (3360)
• United States
4 Oct 07
That's a bit extreme, I think. I'm all for the occasional spanking, but I don't think that a child should every be spanked to the point of welts or bruising. There's a fine line between discipline and abuse and that doesn't just cross it, that speeds right past it. When I was a kid I got grounded for bad grades. Until my parents got a progress report that indicated significant improvement. I also got hounded from the minute I got home from school until I went to bed about doing my homework.
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• Canada
5 Oct 07
I'm sure I'm not going to be popular for this answer but here goes... I think parents should be allowed to spank the kids. I'm speaking of bare open hand spanking not beatings and not something hard or mean - and absolutely no weapons or whatever. What this dad did was abusive and that's not parenting, it's bullying.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Oct 07
"I think parents should be allowed to spank the kids" Oh I agree with you completely on that...I use to spank my kids when they were younger and I think sometimes a good whack on the behind is necessary as far as I'm concerned...
@m0mmy0f03 (364)
• United States
5 Oct 07
OMYGOD..are u for real? That is why the world is so messed up because of people like.Maybe he needs to help his child more instead of beat him up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Philippines
5 Oct 07
I agree with child disciplining but not with child abuse. The child could be hit but not to the point of crippling him. Plus, the child should be made to understand what he had done wrong. In this case, the father had acted in anger and that this punishment would leave a damaging effect to the child.
@MGjhaud (23239)
• Philippines
28 Oct 07
Beating your kid just because of bad grades is a terrible thing to do. That’s not how parents supposed to teach or discipline their kids even if the kid is so hard headed. I believe that there are really late bloomers or slow learners but that can be solve through the help of their parents in a way that they will be proud of when they grow up.
• United States
8 Oct 07
I definitely see something wrong with that. I would talk to my child about the grades and try to help him get better grades and even extra credit or something from the teacher to try to make the grades better. I would not beat my child for that. That is just terrible. Some children really have a hard time learning things and beating them isn't going to help them learn any better. He should have just gotten him some tutoring and helped him.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
7 Oct 07
That is taking it way too far. What is the point of beating a child over bad grades? Maybe he needs a little extra help, or a parent to give him help. If it is a continuous thing, or if the child really doesn't make an effort in school, I know there are other alternatives to correcting the problem. That father needs some anger management or needs to take a class on child discipline because a parent shouldn't ever beat a child.
6 Oct 07
If you notice kid and teenagers now have no respect for anyone, Not the authorities, parents or elder. In the UK we have a ruel which was reasonable chastisement. Which meant you where allowed to reasonably smack your child providing it did not leave a lasting mark. This law has been changed under no circumstances are you allowed you smack your children. That is total rubish with children telling them something is dangerous will not work a quick slap on the legs will. I dont care what the law says its rubish. Recent generations have lost respect this all stems from when they stoped smacking them at school. Which I am in favour of. In the UK kids and teenagers are ruleing the streets and cause havok everywhere maybe a good beating will stop them. Where I live the kids are scum if they where mine they would get a smack not just a little one either. What these holigans need is a good kicking
@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
9 Oct 07
I work in the lgal department and I was preparing some documents when I remembered your story about the child. However in a document that was prepared by Our Attorney General's chambers (Lawyers for the Govt ministries here in Jamaica) i found a document dated Janaury 1994 which speaks to corporal punishment in schools. At that time it was ok for children to be punished that way but as we now know its different in this time and age. However, it states "Instances when, and children on whom it should not be inflcited - e.g. - not to be inflicted for poor school work or on disabled children". I did not even know that teachers in Jamaica where supposed to make a records if when corporal punishment is inflicted on a child. Anyways, where are seeking to get this changed because it is contrary to the child Care and Protection Act now enforced in Jamaica. Wow! I love to read!
@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
8 Oct 07
Honestly I used to beat my daughter for that too but I never ever went that far. What I now do is withhold certain thigns that she loves like tv, movies and so on. He was angry and hit the child in anger. The poor child must have been ina gony. Poor thing!