God, the creator.
By sheenshaukat
@sheenshaukat (2617)
6 responses
@coolmailraj (2460)
• India
5 Oct 07
Can't. It is not so simple, is it. I mean I was not even born at that time when all these things happened.
Jokes apart, but what I believe is that there is no god and one daty science will answer all the quries about the origin.
@kathisharpe (140)
• United States
7 Oct 07
Even if we stick with the simplest of definitions, that of "Supreme Being"... if something was to have created said Supreme Being, that creator-Being would be Superior, thus creating a never-ending cycle (and then what created the superior-to-supreme-being, then?)Well it's not really superior, is it?).
Mind bending, if you really think about it.
A being that is truly Supreme cannot be created - it must be eternally pre-existent, else it is not supreme. If it's not supreme, it's not God and ergo is not worthy of the time of day, let alone the worship of man.
@kathisharpe (140)
• United States
7 Oct 07
If anyone's interested in this topic, there is a great book called "Who Made God?" edited by Ravi Zacharias and Norm Geisler ... each chapter is by a different author, on a variety of topics related to questions commonly asked by believers and unbelievers alike - such as "Where did God come from/Who made Him" and "Why do people go to hell" and stuff like that. They made a deliberate attempt to explain things thoroughly BUT avoid evangelical/theological mumbo-jumbo. You can pick it up at most bookstores (Borders, etc) and some libraries.
@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
5 Oct 07
It is in the Holy Bible that God is from everlasting to everlasting. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Nobody created God.
@Galdim0r (28)
5 Oct 07
But thats just impossible, EVERYTHING has a beginning and an end, EVERYTHING. Where did 'God' come from? All it takes is a little logical thought. NOTHING can have existed forever, it cannot have just BEEN there forever. IT must be made of something some fundamental building blocks, and thus it must have been constructed by something else before it. Just like EVERYTHING else in the universe.
@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
11 Oct 07
"If space, our universe, has an ending as was said All things have an end, then whats on the other side??"
It is said in the book of Revelation that there will be new heaven and new earth. People who obeyed God during their lifetime will live with God forever in heaven. Those who did not obey God will be with Satan in the lake of fire burning with sulfur.
@rdurusan (624)
• Philippines
7 Oct 07
If you believe that God created the universe.then you must believe that God is everlasting,no beginning,no end.He is not bounded by time,he is always there.When he created the universe,that is the beginning of time and probably space.
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
7 Oct 07
Looks like one of those postings where we are not going to come to a resolution and we will continue to argue and argue and argue to the cows come home. Which, I suppose is pretty good since we won't have to think of new topics to earn our cash on this site and we can make do with arguing on this topic alone.
On a more seroius theological note, I'm in agreement with you. I mean if God created the universe...well, everything that we know in life had to start with God, right? It's not possible for there to be something before God, assuming you believe that the universe starts and ends with God - this is of course different if you believe otherwise
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
11 Oct 07
SheenShaukat This is not directed to you, but a few of your "all knowing" posters.
I can't beleive some of the insanity I am reading here. One saying that everthing has a begining and an ending, Okay tell me with your vast knowledge, Where does the universe begin, and tell me oh great one where is it's ending? Where does its borders lay? from where did it come from and what was its begining? Tell me oh all knowing fool from where then did all the matter in the universe beguin? as you have said all have a beginning and an end, so from where was the begunning of all the matter of space and the gasses? Carefull you can not say now that it has always been there becouse you are on record saying it had a beguining, So are we to beleive now the matter came from nothing careful now your talking about creation, You can never get something from nothing, Oh I see great one It was always there? so you do beleive in things eternal, ohoh thats right all mater deterierates, so it can not last for ever, and gasses are destroyed and consumed, so how did all things begin? we definatly had a beginning as you have stated, so the only logical conclusion must be that something or someone who never had a beginning created everything that does have a beginning, Problem is with all your intelect you thing so much in a box, You belevie that all that is must be material and physicle. Wrong the phisical is not the natural state of the universe. befor there was a Universe there was nothing. no matter, no atoms. all ther was, was the mind of the Creator. You can not except this becouse it would mean that you are not the smartest alive and know all things and that perhaps you are accountable to a creator. But to sheenshaukat great question and great host.
@mustafabadri (178)
• India
22 Oct 07
only a logic can solve this problem:
if i say yes i know who create the god,you will certainly ask me who created the creator of god?
so ultimetly the one no one created him we know him as god.no one created him but he is the creator of every thing. -- this is the only answer -- no one knows beyond this not even the heighest spirit.