Any Suggestions? How I Can Do This?? Alerting People About Animal Tests Big Time
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
October 4, 2007 11:11pm CST
Okay I need some feedback here, since I'm all fired up--LOL
As many of you know I did a discussion of how many companies still test and experiment on animals for their products. Like you, I was amazed of how many companies still conduct cruel and inhumane tests and experiments on animals, and some of the companies I couldn't understand why they do...Like Mead, a paper product manufacturer, or Arm and Hammer, and even the same company that produces Fresh Step cat litter!! I'm talking about companies that we're so familiar with but still test on animals.
This is just a rather drop in the bucket thing...I was glad that I alerted a lot of you about this continuing problem...I'm now in the process of drafting a letter and plan to either by snail mail and/or email send my letter to each and every one of those companies. But I hate to be a one-person campaign here...
So my question is...and I mean this in all sincerity...How can I really make a big go of it? How can I start really alerting the public of the companies involved with animal experimentation and tests of their products....I'm looking at the big picture here...a real, true worldwide thing..and if necessary start some beginning action for a boycotting and moratorium of these products until these companies get the message that people won't put up with the senseless testing of animals for the everyday products we use such as cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos, detergents, toothpaste, and on and on. There are so many companies that DON'T test on animals and there products are every bit as effective...So why can't these companies follow suit.
So please...any suggestions of how this could be done will be welcomed, and hey...if you want to join me in this campaign..all are welcomed!! :)
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12 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
5 Oct 07
I think maybe getting more involved with the animal activists societies, I used to belong to a few of the big compnies animal protection and such they used to send pamphelets with what is going on all over the world, one that was very active at the time was The Anti-vivisection society, if I was still working I would still support these societies, even Green Peace does good, so many people trying....
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Oct 07
Yes, I was checking around and the Anti-Vivisection is still around--I might start and writing to the animal rights groups to see if they give me any leads on what to do here
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
5 Oct 07
I don't personally know of anything that any one person could do, but you could contact some of the groups that lobby for animal rights, etc. and seek advice from them. I know that even by posting discussions on this subject is doing something, it is making more of us aware of what's going on. Even myself, I love animals and I do not accept that animals have to be tested for anything, it is not humane and I would love to know of all the companies that do this. See even though I don't condone them doing this, if you had not of brought this to my attention, I might still be buying their products. Maybe we should all start writing and calling these companies and letting them know that there are numbers of us that are not going to tolerate them testing animals senselessly. I hope maybe someone else has a better suggestion for you, I applaud your efforts Pye, you are making a difference!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Oct 07
Well I've been multi-tasking here..LOL...between coming back here to MyLot, and digging up all these animal rights groups...holy moly there are a lot, but it makes me feel good that there are..anyway I'm starting to email letters to all of them for any advice they can give me. Someone even suggested here starting a Yahoo group on animal rights, and I might even start my own website thing..who knows?? The idea to get people drawn to it and maybe come up with ideas about this and maybe if people all band together and put pressure on these groups to stop testing on animals
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
6 Oct 07
Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you. It is something that you are very passionate about and if you do start a website, I know you can count on a lot of your mylot friends to back you up. I know if I had a list of the companies or brands that are animal testing, I would definitely tell others and I would also encourage boycotting them. Nothing like hitting them in the pocketbook to get their attention. I have always had a heart for animals, especially the starved, needy ones and it breaks my heart that others have no conscience or heart for them. To me, it's just not human if you don't have feelings for all living creatures. Keep us all posted on what your efforts are and if you need help.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
5 Oct 07
A few (hundred even) people writing to the companies will do very little, they don't care. Write to your congressman, your senator, all of your local politicians. Ask them for your help in the right direction to go. Tell them that you are opposed to animal testing. Have petitions made up and get signature and send them to the politicians. If they want your vote, they'll try to help you out a bit.
Also, DON'T buy the products made by these companies!!! None of my cleaning products, make-up, suppliments, persnal care items, etc are tested on animals. I buy all this from one direct-order factory here in the US that does no animal testing - oh, except the dog shampoo... They actually shampooed a dog with it before releasing it for sale to make sure that it cleaned the dog - hardly "animal testing". Tell all your friends and neighbors your concerns and have them do the same. If you're having a hard time finding affordable products that are NOT tested on animals, PM me and I'll get the info to you.
Take care! And keep up the good work!!!
ps - my son did a paper on this in high school, I was totally appalled and changed a lot of my buying habits after that.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I know a lot of people don't realize that they are supporting these companies just by buying the products that they are testing on animals. We also sometimes feel that "I'm only one person, it wont make a difference if I don't buy their stuff" But you are only one person - who can have a BIG mouth. When I believe in something, I tell EVERYONE I know about it, and some of them will follow my example. It's a small effort that can have a big impact.
I'll be sure to get with you about the products I'm using, you may find the info very useful!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I spent a lot of time emailing various animal rights groups for any ideas of things I could do too..and yes I will PM you about the lower cost products that don't test on animals...I could really use that! I was looking around my house today looking at common ordinary things, realizing that they all belong to the list of companies that do experiment on animals, so I really want to change my buying habits too!

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Oct 07
Good on you Pye.
Just off the top of my head I'm thinking - contact the experts and ask them...organizations like the SPCA or IFAW or maybe even Greenpeace. Hopefully they will be able to offer you suggestions and not just ask you to donate.
Good luck with it.

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 Oct 07
It occurred to me from reading through this discussion that there are many groups out there already doing what you want to do. I think it would be a better idea if they all pooled their resources and worked from under the same umbrella.
It seems to me a united front would be much stronger than many little relatively ineffectual groups.
What are your thoughts on this aspect Pye or anyone else for that matter?
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I've been getting in contact with every major animal organization going and they've been giving me some great major one is to simply get a lot more politically active and pressure our leaders to pass different bills concerning animal rights...I sure have my work cut out for me all in all!
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
5 Oct 07
Hi pye,
The only "bad" part about wanting to boycott a major company is they have more lawyers, and money then they know what to do with so they could probably just buy their way out. My thoughts would be to get it on as many interest groups as you possibly can on as many sites as possible. Also getting people to sign a petition would be a good start too! You could also make your own website. Those are my thoughts anyhow. Good Luck pye, and let me know if I can help.
Luv & Hugzz, PurpleTeddyBear
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
13 Oct 07
Please do keep me posted, and let me know if I can help!
Love & Hugzz, Your Friend, PurpleTeddyBear.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I guess because I kind of slept on this last night, ideas came to me...First, I spent most of my time just looking up all the animal rights groups, and couldn't believe how many there were, which was encouraging..then I started emailing them to see if they could get me some kind of advice...but idea of my own website and have a petition thing on it would be a great idea...Keep you posted on what I'm doing :)
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@Schnorrawaggle (688)
• Austria
17 Oct 07
There's a great petition site here, I've signed many of them, you can also create your own petitions.
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@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
5 Oct 07
Hiya Pye, I think the best way will be if you make a petition and send the companies your are petitioning about the signatures of everyone that has signed online. This will make it a much stronger appeal - dont you think?
There are many petition sites online and some of these are for free even. Do a search, and let me know if I can help you in any way with it - :)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I just happened to find one such petition forming site and joined up...I have a lot of ideas suddenly zooming in my mind how to go about this...and a few here have given me some great ideas, starting my own Yahoo group for animal rights, maybe my own website about animal rights and I can have those on-line petitions on the site..I even have a name for my organization thought up--hehee
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
6 Oct 07
Great Pye, and keep me updated and I'll be glad to sign etc, so let me know ;) I knew you'll come up with some good thing and have it going in no time so to say :)
@recycledgoth (9894)
23 Oct 07
Just a thought hun, have you registered with Facebook yet, you can get your message out there via their groups pages and that gets around like wildfire.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
10 Oct 07
I'm thinking of maybe doing that...set up a website...I have a lot of planning to do to make a really good job of it and not something half-a$$ed--so I have my work cut out for me
@pismeof (855)
• United States
5 Oct 07
I think you could set-up a website and drive traffic to it.
Maybe start a campaign where people will sign-up.
You might want to draft a letter and then have visitors to the site sign the petition.
That's all I've got Friend
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Oct 07
That's a great idea there...I've started contacting just about every animal rights group imaginable to give me ideas too
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
5 Oct 07
I see you are still riled, pyewacket, and I would be happy to join in your efforts. I was thinking that Yahoo! Groups have the capability of reaching a wide range of people, so you could start a group devoted to this project. I don't exactly know how to start a petition, but I'm sure you could easily find out. I had this friend who used to forward petitions for me to sign all the time. Just a couple of suggestions.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
6 Oct 07
Then, by all means, pyewacket, you should go for it! Nothing else gets the blood flowing quite like a cause-and your cause is just and humane. Best of luck.(:
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I'm seriously taking your idea to heart...that really is a brilliant idea of yours...Thanks...I even have a great name for the group....hehe. I might even start some kind of website thing, and post everything I'm finding out...Spent most of today finding out about animal rights groups in existence and the encouraging thing is that there is a lot of them..Could even add my ideas on my blogs, anywhere I can think of..Yup--I am certainly fired up about this! :)

@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
5 Oct 07
well i think its a great idea and the only things i can come up with would be to posts on a few different websites to attract more people,and maybe set up like a petition for people to sign and that way it might stop all of this harm.pattie
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I'm starting to get a whole bunch of ideas swimming in my brain--LOL
I started looking up all the animal rights groups and couldn't believe how many there are which is encouraging...I emailed many of them today to see if they can give me some advice
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
5 Oct 07
Hi pyewacket..
Just one word of caution....make sure you can't be sued by these companies...they have lots of lawyers.
Here's a few suggestions...I'm ready to leave for work and if I think of more, I'll respond again later.
How about making up one of those free websites and stating your case, etc.....I'm sure you know what I mean, I'm not a good technical person when it comes to computers but I think they have free webs around.
Make up a PDF (I think that's what its called), E-book, etc.
Sell this on Ebay (Health and Beauty Category or Pet Supplies Category)....make sure you sell it for enough to cover your fee's and a small extra amount to "use towards your campaign." You want Worldwide Exposure? Ebay is Worldwide.......They sell e-books all the time on Ebay and this would be a very interesting one for the public to see.
Find a really cheap place for T-Shirts (wholesale?) and have some printed up with "Stop Animal Testing" or something to that effect and start selling those on Ebay also...include a free letter with your list of companies included. Again, use extra money for your campaign.
Get a bumper sticker made up for your car...sell those too.
All your extra money you receive can go towards your campaign on this........I'm sure you'll come up with all kinds of ideas once you start.
You can also check believe you can start a petition for free.
Good Luck....gotta go, talk to you later.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I spent most of today, looking up animal rights groups and the great thing is that there are a lot of them...I started emailing to them to give me ideas as well...but your idea about a site is a good one...I even have a name in mind for my "organization"
And doing some kind of ebook would be a great idea...thanks! It could list all the organizations for animal rights, plus a listing of the companies that do and don't test on animals
I'll look into that peitions thing too..fantastic ideas Kashmeremycat!! (((hugs)))
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
6 Oct 07
Just signed up as a member with the petitions website...really great idea there!