God, what is your belief on Him?
By pcruz77
@pcruz77 (449)
August 12, 2006 12:19am CST
Do you think He's controlling all our lives or is he just the Guy who created all of this and let's live our lives our way?
32 responses
@rladiga00 (1165)
• India
18 Aug 06
GOD IS A POWER EVERYWHERE. Remebering God will give strength, courage. God will fulfil my aspirations.
@ccoriel (571)
• Philippines
12 Aug 06
God is our creator, w/o Him we are not here. He loves us that He does not control our lives but give us freedom to decide what we want in our lives. To decide on whatever we want on certain circumtances or things. But when we decide to turn to Him, He is always ready to extend His hand and help us. He never forsake us as we are His children. How can a father forsake his child/children?
@gohsh3 (28)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 06
No. God, even if you believe in one, cannot be controlling all our lives simply because that would be an impossible task taking into account of the numbers in population and events to each individual. Assuming that He is omnipotent, can do the controlling with ease; then, everyone will be living a perfect life in peace and harmony.(my concept of God is He wants everyone to be happy) If not, why should we be believe in him? So, in short, He may be the Guy who created us, but definitely couldn't be bothered with how you live your lives.
@ebberts (784)
• United States
12 Aug 06
Good Morning to all and blessed be everyone's day!
As I said my family has recieved Gods Miracles. I very strongly believe this. When my oldest child was born, he was injured and has cerebral palsy. I don't blame God for this it was the doctor's and nurses decisions that caused his problems. He is a wonderfull person to be around and is 27 now. One of our miracles happened when our oldest was a small child and had test done. the doctors told us he had something in his head the size of a golf ball and thought it a possible tumor. I was home alone with our children when the doctors called and was frantic. I was watching the 700 club and they said they had a word of knowledge that a little boy named Adam had a problem in his head and that God had healed him. When we went back to St. Louis Childrens Hospital. the doctors did an MRI and to our great relief, didn't find so much as a speck on the results. To me this was a miracle, and our child was safe. Also back in 1997 he had also injured an eye and had a corneal abrasion, the doctor gave him medicine for pain and his kidneys shut down completely, He was in the Hospital for 6 long days and they were starting to talk about dialisis. We were very scared. Having CP when one eye is injured He couldn't open the other eye either. So he was blind for a few days, the doctors cut out all liquids because of his kidneys had quit and for 3 long days he was so thirsty he would sign for water in his sleep, it was very had to take. They decided to do a kidney biopsey and had to take a rib out to do so. As soon as he was out of surgery and being taken back to his room I noiticed that his urine bag had quite a bit of urine in it. We had prayed alot over the past few days and he was also on a prayer chain. At the time we noticed the urine in the bag The TV in seth's room started changing chanels rapidly and the remote was on the table next to his bed no one had touched it I took this as a sign that we were not alone and everything would be fine and thanked God. He had a full recovery from that moment on, and we thank God for this. I believe God answers our prayers, but he does so in his infinite wisdom and we don't allways know we recieve, maybe we don't allways recieve what we asked for but recieve what God knows is best for us. I also think that sometimes things happen in our lives, to teach us a lesson, doesn't the bible speak of trials and tribulation. If we share our stories with other people maybe it will give them strength and faith. God's Love is strong and he only wants the best for us. I believe he does send Angels to us as well, and that each of us has a guardian Angel. I also believe he gives people special abilities to help others as well. I thank you all for your time and have a wonderfull day.
@JoRubee2 (8)
• South Korea
13 Aug 06
God made you for his enjoyment. So, he wants you to do what you really are interested in doing. He is happy with what you do to do in your life. But he doesn't control you like a robot. But, he sure is guiding you in every way possible. So, when you go off track, he guides you back on track. So that may mean that you don't like what you are doing right now, but it will help you to get to the next phase in your life. God always wants the best for you. We are free to do what we want, but he guides us to do the things that will get us on the right path of life. He gave us life to enjoy because he loves us.
@munchkin69 (6)
• United States
12 Aug 06
In addition He doesnt control our lives. If He did you would not be asking this question now as you would know beyond the shadow of a doubt that He exists. If He controlled us we would not have choices and as such sin would not have existed and so He had to prove to satan and his hosts that man was made to choose good or evil
@cacorkins (11)
• United States
12 Aug 06
Sorry, I think I did this wrong the first time. I dont believe in God or Satan, Heaven or Hell, or any of that. I need physical proof to believe in something like that. Im not even what you could call an emergency room Christian who believes in God at that point in time. I simply believe that if we are going to live then we will and if we are going to die, then we are going to die.
@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
12 Aug 06
yes, as a muslim i believe in god, he's the one, the mighty. It's not like every decision come from god, god gave us brain and willpower so that we can decided what is good and what is bad for us. HE is the creator of this universe and master of heaven and hell. Islam religion is based on human instinct or human nature, such as good behaviour or bad behaviour. God dont control us directly, unlike angel or devil, they were created to one purpose only, angel is a dedicated servant to god while devil is oppose of angel, but for us human god give us a choice, either be a good person or a bad person. HE only imposed certain rules so that it can serve as a guideline for us to achieve better life on earth and in afterlife
• Iran
14 Aug 06
hi dear
thanks God for your message that encouraged me to refer to my feeling again. he has created us but neither to control us nor to forget his purpose of this creature.but I think he tries his best to creat status in order to improve in our life.life is ours to live through not to be skipped over or forced to.the life given to us is a new exprience of love, life ,and God.what it would like to be a God?
• Australia
13 Aug 06
RELIGION - Yes I to do not belive in religion.. Religion is a routine on a sunday or what ever day.. Real Christian Live it... Live ...or do their best to live Gods way.
Christianity has many bad opinions.. Theres been heaps of scandals...So I never blame people for being weary of them.
But once again... if you read the bible... God says their will be many 'Fakes' representing Him.... there will be scandals - Preachers after money... or any other gain..
Really if you look at man as a general race... Its hard to find the 'Good'.
And this is why God says to focus on him and not on man.... Coz if you focus on man, chances are you will not belive in God and end up getting disapointed
@ebberts (784)
• United States
12 Aug 06
I believe!
My family has recieved his miracles.
God not only created the heavens and the earth, but he also gave us free will to make our own choices. Many times people say why did God let this happen. God doesn't let it happen. We make our own choices every day, and not only do these choices affect us but also the people around us. Remember the movie, its a wonderfull life, and how his choices affected the people around him. This is true in everyday life as well. Ever think about how the choices you made touched someonelse's life? This is one person's opinion, but I believe!
@declanp (17)
• United States
22 May 07
If everything has a beginning, then who created god? If the answer is, "God has always been", then it's a contradiction of your own statement. Why does everything have to have a beginning and an end? Just because humans are not able to comprehend anything but that doesn't make it absolutely true.
@declanp (17)
• United States
22 May 07
I agree that humans and all living things are amazing and we don't, and may never understand how everything works. However, I don't think that just because we, as humans, don't have the ability to understand something that it must have been supernautural. Humans created gods since the beginning of time when they didn't understand something. Thunderr (Gods are angry!), rain, the earth, volcanos, etc. People believed that there was magic or something unnatural happening. Why don't we still buy into that? Because we have the ability to learn, discover and educate ourselves. No one knows the answer for certain. If you believe that it has something to do with a "God", then you are entitled to your beliefs and you should rejoice and not be judged. I, myself, find it too easy (maybe even a cop-out) to conclude that just because our brains are not currently capable of understanding something, then it must has been a higher being. I feel presumptuous. Actually, I'm just as amazed by ant colonies!
@musikwizard (47)
• Ghana
12 Aug 06
Apart from the fact that God is the creator and Supreme above all, He controls everything in the world. One may ask, why then do we have all manners of negativities? The answer is simple. God has given man all the freedom we need. HE ONLY COMES IN WHEN WE CALL.
• United States
12 Aug 06
I wouldn't say I'm religious. Far from it. The closest thing to me being anywhere close is during times of strife, bad luck, or anything that puts me in a disposition. Selfish, very. It's very me-centered.
Doesn't make me a bad person, though. Everything in my life is centered around others, and making sure they enjoy their lives to the best of their abilities. If no one's around to return the favor, sometimes I ask for a little help. It brings up another subject: religion teaches morals. But is it the only way to learn morals? No, it's just the easiest. Give the kid this book, he'll learn it. No extra effort needed. Some parents, mine for example, teach them without quoting some event that took place thousands of years ago (stories that, might I add, sounded so fake and unrealistic to me as a child. I thought they just made them up).
To conclude, time to time, I do believe in a God, but there's no way in Hell that I believe in religion. ; )
@cooldudes29 (5)
• India
12 Aug 06
yes he controls our lives even without us knowin ... just the fact that v do things is that ter is some force that is ter that helps us make our decisions ...
ter r some times when u cannot say y things happened thats when v come to know that ter is some force that is ter that v cannot explain ... some guiding force that v cal GOD...