hate this

October 7, 2007 5:57am CST
i hate this kind of peple who are good infront of yuo but when you turn around they are very mean and they talk mean things about you and very nasty things abut you. but what i really hate about them is that they pretend they are your friends but at the end of the day they stab you in the back.
2 responses
@muscare (3068)
• Australia
7 Oct 07
My wife has a 'friend' like this, and I use the term very loosely, as she sort of only tolerates her on the occasions she gets invited for coffee. This woman is so self centred, she bad mouths everyone behind their backs, but also can't do a thing wrong, she is perfect in every way! According to her! As I've always said to my wife, however someone talks to you about another person is the exact same way they will talk about you to another person!
• India
7 Oct 07
we find this kind of people every where we need to be aware while doing friend ship with such kind of people if i dont have friends also i wont bother but if this kind of people are my friends i really bother