Problems with cleaning...
By Tatsuya
@Tatsuya (1149)
United States
October 7, 2007 10:53am CST
Every morning when I wake up, I awake to a mess. My 3 year old keeps getting into her sisters clothes and throwing them in her bed. Every morning I spank her butt for it, not too hard, just enough to let her know it was bad. Every night before she goes to bed, I tell her if she gets into her sisters clothes, she going to get a spanking. But she repeats it every day! I am at my wit's end with this! WHAT DO I DO TO MAKE HER STOP? I've tried baby gates by her door, and she keeps either breaking them or knocking them down. She can open her door and climb the other baby gate. Any advice would help! Please, I'm desperate!
7 responses
@nyumix (1658)
• Belgium
8 Oct 07
I think it is not only you who has a problem about messy house. I have two small children who always throw toys every where in the house. In every corner of the house I can probably find their toys since they really like to make a mess. What can I do, the moment I start to clean the toys, that's the moment they will play around with their toys. In the end, I give up.Just do cleaning when they are sleep.
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@kiobug (2250)
• United States
8 Oct 07
I agree with previous posts. Make her clean it up herself if she is capable. I would just stop putting the clothes there for a while or put them up higher so she cant reach them. Maybe if you make it less tempting she wont do it.
@luvadeal46 (289)
• United States
7 Oct 07
First off.. stop the spanking, it obviously is not working. I mean if she did it and you spanked and she stopped then spanking would have worked.. However you have stated that it keeps happening even with the spankings..I would then go with the other opinions stated here. Get a luck to put on the drawer so she is not able to do this. If she does happen to do it again..some three year olds are quite clever...then I would insist she clean up the mess herself..I wanted to make it known that I believe if spankings are used appropriately than I am not against them and you seem like you have used them appropriately..
@p0tterific (73)
• Pakistan
7 Oct 07
dont spank him/her cause it will only make him/her stubborn make him/her clean the mess with u if s/he tries to run away close the door and make him/her do the cleaning dont pay heed to crying
@kathisharpe (140)
• United States
7 Oct 07
I firmly believe in spanking as punishment, but it really has to be a "logical consequence" -- in other words, if you catch her in the act, by all means spank her for it. However, if you wake up to a mess in the morning chances are she's forgotten all about the clothes... and she's wondering what on earth she's done wrong!
I second the suggestion for drawer locks, and making her clean any messes. Another suggestion is to wait her out... set your alarm for EARLY and catch her at it... you probably won't even need to spank. A strong, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" may nip it in the bud.
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
7 Oct 07
Like most 3 year olds if you tell them one thing in about 2 minutes they have forgotten it she has gotten into the habit of doing this every morning, you can either live with it and hope it passes or maybe set and alarm to get up before she does and make some coffee, wait for her to wake up and then track her every movement when she goes for the sisters room stand in front of the door and say NO. Do this every morning and she may lose interest. Or you could buy those little alarm things that you put on a window or drawer and when the magnetic field is broken (opening of the drawer) the alarm will sound and either she will be scared off or it will wake you up. We did this with my niece who liked to sneak outside when no one was looking she was about 3 yrs old as well. It worked she got caught everytime LOL. I hope these ideas work just remember she won't be doing that behavior all her life lol.
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
7 Oct 07
The easiest thing to do at this point is to just put some cabinet/draw locks on the dresser that hold the clothes. They don't cost much, are very easy to install and are very hard for little hands to open. It will save you the heartache of having to spank your child every single morning. Seriously, how awful to start your day off with having to spank your child. Not too mention how awful it must be for her. She is only 3 so she just may not be making the connection between why she is gettign spanked every morning. Just my advice.
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