People now adays

United States
October 8, 2007 5:55am CST
Seems like people hjave forgotten how to be people anymore. I mean seriously a friend of mine got hit by another person vehicle and not one person stopped to help her or her hubby. People kept on driving by...... its sad if you see someone in trouble try to help then I saw a add asking if the community helped this elderly woman would the legally get in trouble if she spilled the soup they made her or if they were over if she fell out of shower. I mean hello they were offering to help this alone elderly woman and here they are tainting the help by thinking the woman is gonna sue them (shes in her 80's) then on my job everyday I see a parent who may not have custody but sees their children refuse to pay childsupport and to the guy who told me a walmart card is childsupport "are you for real? what would your parents have thought to hear that from your mouth? and your child?" ok Im done venting this morning :)
8 responses
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
I really don't know what goes under people's minds right now, but we all know that they don't mind helping others. Less and less, if not all, prefer to move on and don't give their time to help others in need. From pushing another person's car, to guiding children and elders crossing the street. These simple things does not need much of our time, that I hope people would come to realize how good it is to feel when we offer our help to those who needs them.
@kodie420 (872)
• Canada
9 Oct 07
Well its true now a days people have change and are really just out for themselfs. I have seen older people struggling to carry things when Im downtown and no one even bothers to ask if they need help or not. Even my mom who is really disable has been out and fallen down has had people basically ignore her and walk by while she struggles to get up. People make me sick now a days because they don't really help each other out anymore like they have done many years and decades before.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
9 Oct 07
It is strange to me, how people have gotten so uncaring. I think alot has to do with the lawsuits and things that can happen if you do help. I can't think about that, if I see someone in need of help, I stop and help. I can't stand to see anyone alone and in need of help.
• India
8 Oct 07
‘Getting into trouble’ with the authorities if your good intentions somehow backfire, is one of the major reasons why people refuse to help others. The situation is same almost everywhere…you take an accident victim to the hospital, you will be detained and asked a lot many questions the answers to which are not known to you. Even if you do know, it is not always possible to devote the time to such interrogations. If your call the police if your neighbour is in trouble, you somehow get entangled without any rhyme or reason whatsoever. Same goes for custody of children…I know such thorough checking does have its own purpose, but at that particular moment you really feel like ‘Oh God, why did I get myself into this!’
@skydancer (2101)
• United States
8 Oct 07
It's always a relief to know I am not the only one who notices this. Quite often the people I know who are mean and manipulative are thought by the masses to be nice and genuine... and I get ranted to by other friends about how much they enjoy their company. Makes me sick. Maybe they are nice compared to the stories you hear on the news and stories such as these, but that isn't saying much. It just shows me how low our standards have become.
@dpurchas (91)
• United States
9 Oct 07
Wow. That is really sad! People are so self involved anymore they just don't notice or if they do, don't want to get involved. I would like to think I would stop to help someone that needed help like that. You know though - there is another side that is even just as bad. Alot of people who have stopped to help have ended up getting sued themselves for various reasons, so on that note, some wouldn't want to get involved for fear of getting sued. Pretty sad all of the way around. Why can't you just help someone out of the goodness of your heart anymore!
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
8 Oct 07
It amazes me, that I always hear this (and worse, much worse!).. but yet of all the people I know - and I know lots - none of them are like this. Hubby and I have a good friend who risked his life and walked out and grabbed a guy who fell through the ice.. people froze for a moment or so, then were looking for rope, but he decided to just walk out there before it was too late. Makes us very proud. Then you hear downright horror stories like in Chicago, I think it was where a guy fell down where the train tracks were and no one reached out a hand! And the train ran him over! Can you imagine!
@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
8 Oct 07
I agree, people these days just seem to be mean. I hope that doesn't sound childish, but it's the truth. It's sad how uncaring some people can be. It drives me nuts, being the caring person I am :).