Do you think it's ok to leave dogs and children with each other?
By moirax23
@moirax23 (317)
October 8, 2007 8:11am CST
What do you think about this? If I own a large dog (German Sheperd) and plan to have children should I lock the dog in a room? I personally think it will only make things worse - the dog will get savage and things like that. My nephew is 10 months old and he loves our dogs he likes to pat their head but they just get up and go under the table or somewhere, clearly they don't like him! Do you think that maybe the dogs would harm the baby if he scares them? What o you suggest? We love them all so very much!
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17 responses
@Noeliasmom (34)
• United States
9 Oct 07
if your dog hides from them there is a great chance that your dog will harm others. We have a chow german shepard mix and when I got pregnant everyone told us he was a bad mix and that we should get rid of him he'll harm the baby. So when I had her that day my ex brought home the blanket they wrapped her in when she was born and put it with him along with a recording of her crying. By the time we brought her home he was used to her scent and sounds..and when she was three days old we held him calmly on his back and held her over him and sat her on him..making her alpha from day one. She is now 3 years old and the only harm champ has ever done to her was accidently knock her down my leaning on her lil legs for a pat..when he did that he whined and licked her face..

@Noeliasmom (34)
• United States
9 Oct 07
oh and even though we trust him to never harm noelia on purpose...he is NEVER left alone with her because what if she was to pull his tail to hard or accidently step on his foot..its only natural for a dog to react.
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@houndsgood (774)
• United States
8 Oct 07
The worst thing to do is to seperate a dog from his/her pack and keep your dog seperate from the family. It is lonely for a dog to be relegated to a "dog room" when they were once a family member. They may develop lots of bad habits out of boredom.
Just because your dog went under the table doesn't mean he doesn't like the nephew. if you were all sitting at the table he went under he may have jsut been choosing your company over the nephews - and the child was a visitor not his family.
No one should ever leave any dog and any small child alone together. No matter if the dog is 2 lbs or 100lbs. Even if the dog is sweet as they come, small children have no idea about boundaries and may poke the dogs eye, or try to pick them up even if rationally their is no way a child could do so etc, or the dog may not even meaning to knock a child over. Also, when the child and dog are together be calm. When you are nervous, the dog senses it. Its kind of like - if you had a small baby - would you leave them alone with the 4 year old older brother or sister in charge while you take a shower? nope! You would just simply put the baby in his/her crib while you can't have your eyeballs on both of them, or in other cases, put the dog in his/her crate too.
A dog is unlikely to hurt a baby if the dog is scared if a dog doesn't hurt people now when its scared.
So, don't be afraid - just introduce them properly and be smart about things. millions of people were born into a family with an existing dog and it worked just fine.
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@moirax23 (317)
• Malta
9 Oct 07
your advice really helped, of course I never meant that I was actually going to lock the dogs in a room that would be very cruel. I agree, me too was raised with dogs and they never hurt me. And yes dogs sense their owners' feelings. Thanks very much!
@nejintedu (2)
8 Oct 07
really hard to tell when either of us has met the dog. i have a german shepard aswell and my own experiences with this dog is that they are very friendly. of course he/she can get upset if you seperate it from his/her pack. the dog need to have control over a situation like that. only when the dog behaved badly you should lock him in.
i think it will be fine, but that is all up to how you raised him..
good luck
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
8 Oct 07
You should not treat the dog any different because there are children around..Although when they are together they must be supervised..It only take a child to accidently tread on a tail or pull an ear for the dog to retaliate, not that it means to but its the only way for the dog to say that it hurts..I had my two dobermans around my babies without any problems at all.
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@alfecris (181)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
no it i not good for you to leave a dog with your kids because it is not good. for there is an instinct of a dog that really goes out in no time that you won't really know what is going on its mind. i used to have a german shepherd and i really love her. i trained her so well and the time came that she really understand me,i do not speak to her in vernacular but in english but one thing that i hate her is that her instinct goes out anytime and she does not take orders from me she becomes hard-headed and i hate it. she even bites to strangers or sometimes to me in no reason, i do not even harm her. she doesnt bite at any part of a human body but only in the neck... i bet i say its no good, please don't.
@sharine_l (78)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
i have a 3yr old son who really likes to play with our dog (Labrador)... it's okay for my son to play with our dog but he must be attended by someone. You can read a dog's mind even if it's a good dog. We have to be careful most especially with your 10month old nephew. I'm not saying that you should lock your dog, just be careful.Ü
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@needtoiron (82)
• Australia
8 Oct 07
I personally have had all types of dogs big and small all my life and right through raising my chldren. What I have found to be the trick for harmany btween both dogs and children is that when you bring the child home don't forget about the dog. A big mistake a lot of people make is when they have children the dog who has been the centre of your attention for so long all of a sudden gets pushed to the background or totally forgotten. What you need to do is give the dogs as much attention as you give the child. if forgotten the dog may become jealous and then who knows what it may do to get your attention.
Another thing is as your child grows you must teach it how to approach the dogs and to treat it the right way. I find today this is very lacking and have seen children who have not been taught differently teaseing animals for fun. With animals in your home it is a good way to teach tour children responseability too.
A dog can not only be a friend and companion for your children but also a protector.
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@magilives (261)
• Australia
9 Oct 07
There is a couple living in Perth Australia who lost their baby about a month ago because their husky killed the baby while it was sleeping. They didn't realise the dog had gone into the baby's room. I would be very careful and never leave the dog alone with the baby.
@toyboxer04 (353)
• Malta
8 Oct 07
In my opinion you should just teach the child to respect the dog and not bother him. If the dog makes it clear that he doesn't like your nephew,could it be that he is jelous for the attention you show your nephew?? I think so.
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@Lecaro (1100)
• Romania
8 Oct 07
no, the dogs never would harm the baby/child... they love kids!
i know many cases that the dog protects the baby, and let them to pat them any way the baby wants without hurting the kid even if he makes him something that hurts him!
when i am going with my dog in the park i see many mothers that warns their children that my dog is biting and is not good to pat him... i think those children will always be afraid of dogs... and i think that isn't good!
and more if is your dog and you know his personality...
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
9 Oct 07
My son has been around my dogs from the day he came home from the hospital. I have a lab mix, and an 18 pound terrier mix. As soon as my son could roll over, he would roll around the floor trying to find the dogs to cuddle with them. Once he started crawling, he would chase them and play with them all the time. They love each other. Both dogs like to get in bed with him, and both will allow him to use them for pillows.
My son is 20 months old now. We definitely don't let the dogs in his room when we aren't in there, but as long as there is an adult present, they can play together all they want. My son knows to respect them and to quit playing with them if they start to growl or anything like that. Maybe when he's about 4 or 5 we will consider leaving him in a room with a dog with no adults present, but not until then.
@recycledgoth (9894)
8 Oct 07
I would be inclined to make sure that there is an adult in the room at all times, just to be certain that no problems occur. It is difficult for anyone to believe that their pet would ever harm a child but it would be prudent to keep an eye on both dog and baby in any event. At least you would be able to ensure that the dog is happy with the baby around and the baby would learn not to annoy the dog.
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
9 Oct 07
That seems a bit cruel to me! I feel bad when I have to put the dogs out when my kids' friends who are scared of dogs come over.. Our puppy love kids because he's been around them since day one. My Rat who was owned by my BIL and not exposed to much of any one use to nip at the kids and get grumpy. Now that he's used to them he does much better. He doesn't love the kids but he tolerates them.
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
9 Oct 07
lol sorry I meant Rat terrier... He's a pill but I love him. I couldn't just let them take him to a shelter and have him put to sleep. He's not a good adoption candidate because he's temperamental.
@kathisharpe (140)
• United States
9 Oct 07
In a word: training.
If you're sensing potential problems now, in two words: Professional Training.
Also, provide a place where the dog can absolutely escape the children, that the children cannot get to, that the dog can retreat to...
@Dinku123 (21)
• India
8 Oct 07
I think locking him in a room would only make him more furious as well as cirious which could later result in a disaster. It is advisable to let him gel with the conditions. ,the dog would itself become ignorant about the babies and conditions would very soon return to normalcy.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
9 Oct 07
I think where animals are concerned, caution should be exercised. No matter how loving and friendly a family dog usually is, to me, leaving a very young child alone with a strong large dog bears a certain amount of risks. An adult should be around at least. Animals can be very unpredictable, and all it takes is one mistake or oversight, and the little boy can be harmed even if unintentionally or in the act of playing. I've read about children being maimed by big dogs when they are left alone unleashed, and the owners claimed that their dogs are usually friendly and do not attack people. Sometimes, people cannot understand what triggers an unprovoked attack.
@foxygirle (376)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
i wouldnt advise anyone to leave small children especially 10 months old with large dog no matter how friendly you think the dog is. Dogs and children are very unpredictable and locking them in a big room can only mean trouble especially for the small boy. The dog may react diferently seeing the boy's action especially at 10 months. I think its best to keep them apart or under a supervision of adult, but never two of them together and alone.