Do we have the rights to judge other people just because of their mistakes?
By jackxav
@jackxav (660)
October 8, 2007 3:46pm CST
When i was 18 and i got pregnant people looked me down.My parents told me that i have to marry him because im pregnant and i must do it just for the seek of the baby inside my womb.I did what my parents want.I heared people talking about my name.One of my neighbors told me that im not a good woman and dont deserve anything.
Hmmm so hurting.But i cant blamed them i make mistakes and i have to face it.But we as individual,do we have the rights to judge other people just because of their mistakes? what you think?Do you have any experience that someone is judging you because you did something wrong?Share us yout story here...
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22 responses
@twilight_75 (479)
8 Oct 07
People make mistakes, its part and parcel of life. Unless you delibratly go out of your way to hurt another, mistakes should be forgiven. No one goes through life without making at least one big mistake. You move on and learn from them. You getting pregnant was an accident, i hope your child doesn't still feel like a mistake. Being pushed into marriage might have been though-unless of course your happy?
Just curious about where you reside, because here (england) 18 and pregnant is almost normal-sad but true.
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@jackxav (660)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
Ohhhh thank you so much for your words,,i really apreciate it.I do agree with you all of us made mistakes and not to blamed or judge but to understand and to be supportive.What we can get if we will be judgemental to others?We just hurt others feelings.
thank you so much again..god will always be with u now and forever..
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Oct 07
We do not have the right to judge someone else for their mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes and unless their own background is lily white they don't have room to talk about anyone. I have been judged before and if I have the opportunity I remind them of their mistakes and ususally that stops any talking or pointing fingers.
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@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I try very hard not to judge people by their mistakes. Lets face it we all make mistakes. I know that I have made a lot of mistakes. The biggest thing for me is when I see some one make the same mistake over and over. That is when I find myself judging them.
@laurika (4532)
• United States
9 Oct 07
This is really hard question, but very good one.i think we don't have the right to judge other people , but we do it anyway.I think it is natural , how we do it.the most time we don't mean to do juge somebody , but we do.How cruel we people are sometimes.
@jackxav (660)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
Hmm yeah,sometimes people to be like that.And im just trying my best not to judge with anyone cos i know its not good and me as human dont have any rights to judge others.Only god knows.
your right sometimes people just cruel...
Thanks for responding laurika...
@ellavemia (30)
• United States
8 Oct 07
Yes we do have the right to judge someone. The reason being that nobody can stop us from what we think. Our thoughts are our own and even the most harsh of governments cannot prevent private thinking.
Personally, I do tend to judge people based on decisions that I do not agree with. I'm not saying that I am right for this, but it happens naturally. I am sure that I have also been judged for behaviors that did not seem to agree with people as well.
This is one of those things that you may as well accept. You don't have to like that it happens, but you have to get used to it.
Maybe come up with some cognitive rehearsal for anytime someone says something judgmental about your choices. Something such as, "I be young but I am just as qualified as anyone else at being a good mother". You come up with whatever you want, but the key is to just repeat it anytime anyone says something. Offer no apologies or excuses, just stick to your phrase.
@jackxav (660)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
Thank you so much for your words and thoughts ellavemia...I think i cant be judgemental u know.Even people judging me becos of waht i did but i cant do that to others.As what GOD says:''DONT EVER JUDGE TO OTHERS AND I WONT JUDGE YOU''
Thank you so much for responding..god bless you !!!
@abbierose (39)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
for me we have no right to judge someone coz we our selves are not perfect too.. i was been in high school life when my Aunt judge me that i could not finish my studies and instead i will get pregnant.. i ask to my self why they judged me those thing.. they did not even know what's my plan for my future? but inteads of affecting on what they said, i was proved to them that they are very wrong and intead i was finish my studies with flying colors.. and you know what happened to them? their daughter was got pregnant w/o a husband.. God is Good right?
@jackxav (660)
• Philippines
11 Oct 07
Thank you so much for sharing us your words and thoughts about this topic.And im sad too for you abbierose regarding what your aunt tells you about your studies.Really we dont know what life we had tomorrow,so we really cant judge person.But sometimes people are cruel.You know abbierose im very proud of you,You made it!
Just wish all the best in your life and always remember that god loves us always.....
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
9 Oct 07
We all have mistakes in our life. And no one has the right to judge other people. We must learn by our mistakes and go on and try to better ourself. Some people enjoy talking about our mistakes and enjoy judging us. No its wrong.
@jackxav (660)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
Yes i do agree with you terryz,human are bound to make mistakes but im always asking for my forgiveneess of what i did,and trying my best to be better for the next.I learned from my mistakes.But in my case i cant judge anyone.Even god dont judge hes people by just of their mistakes.Gods loves us so much.
more blessings to you terryz and thank for dropping by.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
Gossiping and spreading rumors are not my craft, jackxav. I'm a guy, in my own point of view, it is not a man's job to talk of things which is degrading for their fellow men. I get irritated and annoyed whenever I hear people of discussing something that is against another person's side. It is unfair, because the other person cannot defend their side and didn't have the chance to air his/her side.
Like you, I'm also a victim of rumors and such. I wasn't aware that people are already taking "behind my back" right until a friend of mine told me so, but I didn't do anything at first. I observed and planned for a perfect timing to give them their own dose of medicine, and when that happened, they were all dumb-founded to see me unexpectedly appearing in the open. I told them that they should mind their own business, to avoid spreading hear-says and misleading informations that is degrading on their poors victim's part. I also told them that they should focus on their families and other loved ones, because most of them were much worse of what they believe I was doing.
@jackxav (660)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
I understand you raijin.And im proud of you ,you are brave enough to tell them.Me,i just kep quiet and never say anything when that time happend to me.I just think that god is always with me and i offer it to god all my heeartaches.Really god is great raijin.
thanks my friend.I really appreciate your words and thoughts...
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Oct 07
You know what? There will be those who really believe they have the right to judge you but in my opinion they do not! Becoming pregnant at 18 isn't some kind of a horrible, hateful act, far from it. I became pregnant at 17 and my parents as well as my future husband's parents shocked the heck out of both of us by taking it in quite well, all things considered. They all said we must get married but that was already our wishes so that wasn't a problem. As it turned out for us, nearly 38 years later we're still happily married and now our lives revolve around our grandkids along with the rest of our extended families. I'm not recommending to anyone that getting married so young is the best thing, sometimes it works out often it doesn't; what I am saying is there are many things you could do that are truly bad mistakes and would maybe be deserving of being judged but this isn't one of them! Those who judge you probably have made their own share of mistakes so don't let it bother you, they're not worth your time of day! Live your life in the best way you can and be true to yourself.
@jackxav (660)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
You know im so happy to readyour responds.Honestly my tears just comes out.Maybe a tears of joy.You ease my pain.Thank you so much for the cares that you showed to me.I feel ike im secured now.So many people are very supportive to me,and makes me to be strong when it comes to this matters.Ohh even though this is just a words but it really touches my heart.Im so touch.I can remember my past.
Annie thanks so much for your concerns,your being understanding.And im happpy for you too.You deserve to be happy you know.Im so happy now with my kids.
god will always be with u now and forver,,,
@meenneixz (668)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
well as of now almost all people will look on mistakes rather than looking on good thing, we couldn't avoid it.So its better for us to be watchful for everything and have some patience for the rumors you've heard about you.Actually mistakes is just normal in life but you did it several times it is not a mistake anymore
@Ozie11 (28)
• Philippines
11 Oct 07
its just happen, and time will not move backward, jacxav just focus to your ownlife with your baby, and dont listen on what others sais about you, i dont know why people always want to destroy others life, but not people are like that, there are some, just be proud of your baby, and forget other peoples pushing you down.. take care
@surajk4u (23)
• India
9 Oct 07
I do not have any personal experience regarding this topic, but since the topic sounds very interesting i thought may be i can pass a comment and go. You can judge a person by his mistakes, however you also need to put yourself in to his or her shoes and try to understand why did they made this mistake. I am very sure that after doing this you will not be judging that person blindly..
@recycledgoth (9894)
9 Oct 07
No one is entitled to make a judgement against anyone purely on a mistake in the past. I was what was termed a *wild child* in my younger days and got into trouble regularly. My family virtually disowned me after I was caught riding a motorbike with a bunch of other bikers at the age of 16. Even now my family will happily gloat over my *disgraceful past*
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
9 Oct 07
Thanks for sharing your story with us. You are a very brave girl and you dare to admit your mistake and not learn from it. I applaud you for this.
None of us have the right to judge others. Only God has the right. As humans, we all make mistakes. Some of us are luckier not to make big mistakes. Everyday, I pray for myself not to make mistakes that I will regret. I know I will still make mistakes as it is part and parcel of life. None of us are perfect. All I can pray is that we will learn from our mistakes and not make mistakes that we will regret.
God bless you.
@surajpkn (582)
• India
9 Oct 07
One can definitely judge a person by his/her mistakes. But that should not be the end. After judging, one should not look or talk to that person with that pre imposed notions in mind. It should be there in the mind, yes, but it should not be shown outside or spoken outside that might hurt the person.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
We don't have any right nor in the right position to judge others using their mistakes as our basis. All of us do fall to pitfalls, make mistakes and wrong decisions, and pursuade doing bad. So hoiw come, we will going to have a right? It is only our God has the right to judge us using the measurement we are using when we judge others.
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I have had people judge me and at first it hurt but as I have gotten older I have more confidence and if people don't like me or what I say or what I do well thats tough it's my life I have to live with my mistakes they have thiers. People who judge you have too many mistakes of thier own.