Who is covered by the SCHIP Insurance
By bobmnu
@bobmnu (8157)
United States
October 9, 2007 1:59am CST
How many heard the story of the twelve year old boy who gave the Democratic Responce to President Bush's Weekly radio show? Graeme Frost of Maryland was the poor child who's life and his sisters life was saved by the SCHIP program. After being in an auto accident and his family not having insurance provided by their work SCHIP was a life saver. His parents (both working) have a combined income of about $45,000, per year. This is the perfect example of how the program is susposed to work and the type of working class family that need the help. NOW THE REST OF THE ... The Frost's own a 3000+ sq ft home in a neighborhood where smaller houses are going for $400,000 each. The two children attend a private school at $20,000 per year each. The father owns his own business and the building so heis the employer who is not providing Health Insurance. There appears to be another commerical property that is owned by someone who lives in his house. These basic facts raise several questions:
1. How do you pay $40,000 for school tution on a $45,000 income?
2. Is this the typical SCHIP family?
3. If they can't afford insurance why not cut some expenses?
4. How can the Democratics be so Stupid and not think that people won't find out about their lie?
I have included a couple of Links to follow for moreinformation.
If this is the type of children that are being covered by SCHIP then we do not need the program we just need more responsible parents.I have heard reports that SCHIP money in Wisconsin and Minnesota is used to provide insurance for adults.
The Frosts took advantage of the Income limit as based on the Income Tax Return and they do not count assets. Having worked with the Hot Lunch Program in schools I can tell you that farmers and small business people cna live in very expensives houses, drive nice cars and get free hot lunch because they have ways to hide income. To me this is a statement that we do not need a SCHIP program that is so wide open to abuse or are the Democratics trying to get Socilized Medicine in teh back door.
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5 responses
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
9 Oct 07
All I can say is BOTTOM LINE, despite what a person makes, and I am not hip to this SCHIP or anything(sorry I didn't read because I am trying to get in my limit before I get to work but I will), or whether we get Socialized Medicine, EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD HAVE THE ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE!! I make way less than these folks, and live with my mom. Both of my daughters got ALL Kids here in Alabama. I believe it turned out to be Medicaid and I am grateful for that. But when I was a child, I lived in NYC, in the projects, and yet my parents sent me and my brother to private school. My eldst sister got a scholarship to go to a private high school which was a great benefit for her. So, I guess you have to be real poor or what have you to afford this? Because I am a veteran of this country(and only because, I can access the services at the VA, Thank God). If not, I'd be going to the local clinic, which is good for those here who don't have what they need. Back to the example above, is it right? is it fair? not really, but let's be real. You can be at an income bracket to get into certain things, but not for another. Does that make it right? I don't know. It goes back to a point I have brought up before. The middle class as we know it in this country is shrinking. They making a living but just getting by, but on the other spectrum, we have a WHOLE lot of poor folks on one hand, and a WHOLE lot of wealthy folks on another, with NO middle ground and it's killing this country. I'll be back on this once I read the articles but speaking from a person who earns less than $20000, I have to speak up.
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@fizzytom (752)
• Maribor, Slovenia
9 Oct 07
I agree!
I know that it'll rile some people to mention Cuba but if you compare what is available free to people in Cuba compared with the hardship increasing numbers of Americans endure it beggars belief that ones of the world's richest nations should let people die because they are poor.
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
10 Oct 07
You are correct on Cuba, and not only does Cuba has excellent health care for its citizens, they also have one of the best medical training on this side of the world so I hear tell. If a country smaller than one of the fifty states can provide for their citizens(albeit Communist), why can we not do better? And not only does Cuba has this, England, Canada(our neighbors), Sweden(who 60 Minutes did a segment on theirs some years ago). Look, let me say this. Ok, so this young fella's folks have a house, who doesn't want that? I surely do. His folks have a business and do their thing, how many wouldn't mind that for themselves? we are going to say that is wrong? not to knock on the family, but we dont' know how or where their money goes. But yes, they are living the American Dream, but at what price? We keep talking about socialized medicine, ok, but are we really doing better in the system we have now? HMOs and what have you. and we call this the home of the free? and the brave? be for real. But, If your an American, you shouldn't have to worry about seeing a doctor as opposed to handling other business like some old folks do. Buy food or buy groceries? Is that right? come on!! something has to give.
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@fizzytom (752)
• Maribor, Slovenia
10 Oct 07
I don't get these people who seem to be saying that if you have a business it means you are well off - what are you meant to do? Sell your business to raise the funds to provide the healthcare? Which leaves you where exactly - without the means to support yourself and your family further.
I have a friend who is always telling me how much she thinks her house is worth (based on the price that other houses in that street sell for) - but I keep telling her the house is only worth that if she sells it.
What I'm saying is that people have other things they legitimitely need to spend their money on; you don't always know the full picture of someone's circumstances.
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@smurfettewv (359)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I beleve that there is always going to be those people who take away from those who need it and not all farmers have exspensive cars and big houses my aunt and uncle own a dairy farma nd they struggle every year with 5 kids, me and my husband make about 55 a year have 4 children drive one car a 92 model and rent a home we get reduced lunches for our children and 2 of my children (from previous marriage) get mediciaid cause their father will not pay ch or insurance and my 2 younger get nothing my hubby makes 5 dollars too much for the Georgia Peach Care Program i have to take them to health depts for shots and to see a dr for 45 dollar office visit. My son was born cleft lip and palate he needs a bone graft and we make too much for indgent care and there is no payment options so yes the SCHIP has flaws like all CHIP programs through out US but with out this there are people like me that cant get their child what they need. My hubbys work has insurance for him only if we added the family it would cost 775 a month and we cant do it there is no way. I know some will write back saying you shouldnt have kids if you cant care for them etc....and that we should sacrifice any luxury for the insurance we have no luxurys my kids sell their toys and video games to get enough money for dances and ball games my oldest two cleand a house all summer for money to buy thier uniforms and shoes for school.All Children should be approved for all health care and shouldnt have to fall into income brakets but that is my oppinion.

@smurfettewv (359)
• United States
10 Oct 07
When isnt a politician no matter who they are not a flip flopper they all talk out of both sides of their faces.
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@fizzytom (752)
• Maribor, Slovenia
9 Oct 07
There are always ways to get around the system. However, kids like Deamonte do need there to be provision to help them in times of need. The system needs to be tightened so it cannpt be abused in the way you described.
It's very narrow minded to suggesst that anyone can afford health insurance if they budget differently.
@lgwlong (199)
• China
9 Oct 07
in fact ,i my country,there are still many people have no insurance,once they have any accident,especially for poop people ,they cannot afford such debt,if the goverment cannot help them,their living condiction will get worst or even cannot live ,anyhow,so , SCHIP Insurance Project should be a good way even sometimes cannot do well
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
9 Oct 07
Thanks for posting this, It's the first I've heard of it. I am amazed but not surprised that the dems still think they can get away with this kind of sloppy work. The funny thing is, I am sure that there were better examples of kids that actually qualified for the program. They just chose someone who proves the conservative view that programs like this are rife with abuse. When I worked as an optician a few years ago, we had a patient come in driving a BMW, wearing a Lucien Picard watch and had his glasses paid for by Medicare. That doesn't mean we should cancel Medicare but just giving coverage to anyone who asks for it so that you don't lose your budget for next year is wrong. Gov't Program administators are not required to live on less the way real poor people do.
They try to paint Bush as the President who doesn't want kids to have health care. But he has said that he is willing to compromise on the amount of the increase in coverage of the SCHIP Program, it is the Dems who refuse to compromise.