what would you do?
By floramwaters
@floramwaters (1595)
United States
October 9, 2007 2:49pm CST
I have been watching this boy since April and in the last few months mom has complained about everything (the way he acts at home compere to the way he acts with me, my husband taken a vaction day and being home....)So yeasterday she sent me a note saying she(mom) thinks her son looks scared when she picks him up. Well I called mom at work and told her that we needed to set down and talk (moms room mate picks the kids up a lot so she send notes most of the time. I told mom that it seems as though she has been verry unhappy with the care that I have been given her son. And we talked about a lot of differnt things I began to relize that there was a lot of misunderstand, wording wrong. I was beginning to fell better about her son being here. Well right before she walked out the door she looked at me and said that if I decided not to keep her son anymore that it would be no big deal that her room mate could keep the boy and she could save alot of money that way. I was very hurt by this comment I felt like I was wasting my time tring to work though the proplems that we were haveing. I decided with this latest statement that I wouls no longer keep her child. So my question is Do you think that I am over reacting?
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8 responses
@twilight_75 (479)
9 Oct 07
It sounds like this woman could be a lot of trouble,and in your position as carer, you will be better of out of it! You are certainly not over reacting, I think you've made the right decission.
I don't understand why she doesn't just say she no loger requires your services? It sounds as though she wanted you to make the break.
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@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
9 Oct 07
That is exactly what I thought I even said that to her.
@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I forgot to add that this morning she sent me a text mes. asking if I was going to send her a note or did she need to come it. She has complained about so much but she is never the one to pick her son up it always the room mate.

@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
10 Oct 07
I don't think you are overreacting. I think some parents, would rather blame the caretaker for their children's misbehaviors than to take responsibilty for it themselves. Weather it be because they don't want to admit that they are lacking as a parent, or they don't want to think that all that time away from mom and dad is affecting the child. EIther way it's a cop-out and an easy way out. I'm sure once the roomate starts taking care of him, it'll be the same thing.. somehow the roomate will be doing things all wrong. SOme people just can't imagine that they may have made some mistakes. I think she would rather save the money, and use her roomate, but doesn't know how to say it politely. I think you did the right thing... I'm sure it will mean less money for you, but it will also mean less hassle and stress. and a lot of times, it's more than worth it. Good luck! (:
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@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
21 Nov 07
Just wanted to give everyone an update. it has been about 3 weeks since I let that boy go and I have started watching a new kid and things in the house are so much calmer. There is no dought in my mind that I did the right thing.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I too don't think that you are over reacting. If the woman is not satisfied with the way you care for her child then she should get someone else. In my opinon she was looking for an excuse to have her room mate care for the child. Too many people believe that their child can do no wrong and it's alway some one elses fault when in fact they are too lazy to correct the child. you are better off with out the grief that is down the road.
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@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
9 Oct 07
That is just the thing he is such a good boy for me. I really don't know what she wanted from me.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I don't think you are overreacting at all. I also watch a little boy at my house so i totally understand. I've had little problems also. His dad used to get upset because he kept getting hurt at my house. but then he saw how accident prone the kid is. plus he's at my house 12 hours a day 4 days a week so hes going to get hurt sometimes. lately the mom has been talking about how much of a brat her kid is becoming. she keeps insinuating that its my daughters fault. my daughter is 2-1/2 he is 1-1/2. they most of the time fight like brother and sister, but lately he's been aggressive and mouthy towards everyone. we were at an amusement park and he was hitting other kids and my older daughter for no reason. yet all she focused on was when he was fighting with my younger daughter and that "both" of them were being horrible. atleast 75% of the time it was him. my daughter can be a stinker sometimes, but theres being a stinker and being a brat.
ok sorry, needed to vent lol. didn't mean to go off track so much. anyways, i think you were right in no longer watching him. she obviously was having issues and it probably wasn't going to get better.
@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I gave her two weeks, I am kind of edgey about the next weeks. I kind of hope that she just goes ahead and says that she will just stop bring him. I did not fill right telling her that he could not come back any more so I hope she makes that decision. I will miss the boy, he is really good and gets along with my kids.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I don't know what this woman's deal is but I think yo'll be better off not watching her child anymore. It sounds to me like she just wants to make you out to be the "bad guy" in this. She complained about the care he was recieving (and hinted about the money she's paying you) Now she's wanting you to "quit" probably so she can say that YOU refused to watch her son.
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@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
9 Oct 07
thanks for the suport I am glad that I am doing the right thing.
@azimsay (543)
• India
10 Oct 07
When we see one of the poor child but very smart I am thinking about him.I am thinking If I cary him to my home and give him to efductoin. To give him khna.I am thinking abou chlld care.
@floramwaters (1595)
• United States
10 Oct 07
I am sorry but I don't understand what you are tring to say
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
2 Dec 07
You are doing just the right thing flora, this person you talk about does not appear to appreciate what you are doing for her child, infact she feels she is paying far too much money and even wants you not to complain about any misbehavior of her son-just kick the boy out of your home and have your peace.
@sunmoonandstars (46)
• United States
10 Jul 09
It's hard enough operating a home daycare without having to deal with difficult parents. And parents deserve to find a provider they feel great about. Neither one of you are getting a good deal out of this. I say let the boy go and fill the opening with another child taht will work better for you.