Snail Mail Is About Right At The Moment...

Snail Mail - A snail would be faster than the Royal Mail!
@Darkwing (21583)
October 9, 2007 8:28pm CST
In fact a snail would get here faster than any postal worker at the moment" The mail must be piling up as the postal strike goes on. I dread to think how much mail there is out there at the moment. I received nothing last Wednesday, two cards and a letter on Thursday, and nothing since! This spell is supposed to finish tomorrow, but if they don't get their way, I'll wager a bet that they'll call a halt to services again. Why are they allowed to do this? Most other unions had their powers taken away by the last Tory Government, so why can Royal Mail still strike? Why are there double standards? The price of stamps goes up and the service goes down... it's about time somebody set up an alternative and competitive mailing company, so that we have a choice, and then there would be no point in Royal Mail's staff striking. What are everybody else's thoughts on this? Does anybody rely on Royal Mail for delivery of cheques, and money orders, packages, whatever? What do you think we can do about it? I wonder just how the postman would feel if we taped up our letter boxes so he couldn't deliver the mail when he WANTS to! ha ha ha. Here's your chance to air your views.:)
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8 responses
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
10 Oct 07
Hey hun! Well, i may not live there and rely on that postal service but In Canada here we have Canada Post.... Recently, we have the same dilemma going on, i have been getting one or 2 things in the mail for the last 2 weeks, that's per week, the week before that, i had my mail box willed with everyone on my road's mail for 2 days and every other day someone else on the road had to deliver the road's mail. I haven't gotten my bills from the phone or power company until it's been too late and have begun calling them to make sure i know what i owe, so that i can pay on time, because late charges just don't do me well, and neither do disconnection notices!!! It's getting on my nerves something crazy, i already missed 2 rsvp'd events that only members can attend, had disconnection calls because i didn't know i was late, missed parcels, yeah that one makes me the most upset, and have had to link everything to my email or to calling the companies just so i know what's going on. i totally get what your going through hun! stupid governments and postal outlets!!!
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Oct 07
Hi Ash! It's sickening isn't it that they can disrupt our lives so badly by not delivering our mail? It wouldn't be quite so bad if they didn't have a monopoly. I think it's high time that similar to the phone companies, the Royal Mail had some competition and alternative mail companies set up business. That would put a stop to their striking, I'm sure! lol. Brightest Blessings, my friend.
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• Canada
10 Oct 07
You know, it sure is sickening, and i really wish there were smaller or newer companies to put up a fight with them, but i believe their all about government them post offices, and there's not much we can do, there would be a huge fight just to open your own postal chain or outlet and even then chances are you wouldn't make it into mail delivery for some dumb reason, they just like to mess with us... damn that curry discussion, now i'm craving curry chicken!!!
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@Darkwing (21583)
10 Oct 07
Lol... don't you have the ingredients in then? Yes, the post office is a government run business but then, so was British Telecom and they had to succumb to other communications companies, so why not the post office. Also, union powers were taken away from most professions here, and nobody can strike any more, so why can the post office? Quite frankly, Ash, it stinks! Go eat now, will ya! lol. Brightest Blessings.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Oct 07
as I dont live there not sure who delivers your mail union or Royal but to me it seems like the worker has a right to strike when they put more hours on them with less pay. they have families too. and I also feel sorry for people that are waiting for checks in the mail. WHen they strike over here dont last long for the mail piles up fast!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Oct 07
our mail men and women have a route they do and it takes them all day to do it and if w3e get a sub. we might not get mail till 6 ppm for they dont know the route. MOst of the time it is good tho. isnt it funny the differenece in our 2 countrys as to mail delivery.
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@Darkwing (21583)
12 Oct 07
Yes, it's surprising the differences. Even in Germany I noticed a difference. The delivery came at 1.30 p.m. today, but he was more or less on time yesterday, just after eight in the morning.
@Darkwing (21583)
10 Oct 07
As I'm sure it will here. We used to have two deliveries a day... one early morning and one around lunchtime. Nowadays, we get one delivery a day which is supposed to be first thing in the morning, but some days, it's lunchtime. Then they want more money??? They get huge bonuses from the profits each year, and they only work in the mornings, basically, apart from collections from the post boxes. Besides that, if the union powers have been taken from everybody else, and the phone people their monopoly broken, then the post office should be the same, to my mind. Brightest Blessings, my friend. xx
@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
10 Oct 07
Pure greed that is what I say. I dont mind like in the past that people were striking for better conditions like in the digging for coal period but to strike for more and more money is not right. Putting up a service that we need and then taking it away from us when we are expecting our livelyhood through the letterbox is not on as far as I am concerned. What we need is a special box in our own house so that we can put our item in then when we switch it on it appears in someone elses box where we want it to go. Now that is what call service dont you think. INSTANT posting of mail - fantastic. Have a great day from Deeeky.
@Darkwing (21583)
12 Oct 07
The way I see it, the government stipulated that wages would not be increased by more than a certain percentage, so how come a government owned service still strikes for higher wages? What the heck is going on? They have a monopoly as it is, so get on with it, and make do with your bonus, is what I say. They get enough money! Why don't you patent your idea, Deeeky. It sounds a bit space age to me, but you might be able to swing it! lol. Brightest Blessings my dear friend.
@rosie_123 (6113)
10 Oct 07
Hi Darkwing. Well personally I have to say I don't rely on the Royal Mail for anything. I get paid monthly through the BACS system, I do all my banking o, the Internet, and our bills such as gas and electric are paid through automatic direct debitanyway, so it doesn't affect me much. The only thing I ever get is credit card bills (which you ca ring up the card company for anyway if you want to know your balance), and then endless juk mail which I'd rather do without.I ted t support the workers' right to strike. Seemngly the postal workers are haing their overtime cut and other things are changing, and I don't believe that is right. if you don't have strong Unions within a company to protect the rights of workers, then that is when things go downhill. I have a girlfriend in the States who was quite recently diagnosed with MS, and her employers treated her appalingly - basically sacking her because of the time off she needed for medical apppintments etc, and she had no one to fight for her because the Unions are not strong in the retail sector in America. That would never have happened here in the UK. I also had aother friend in the States who was sacked after 5 years in her copany just because her Boss wanted to move his girlffrend into her job and again she had no right to complain and protect her job, or at least receive a payoff. That is just my opinion anyway.
• Canada
11 Oct 07
Hi Hun, Here in Canada the post is definitely like "snail mail" too! I purchased something online Sept 20th, and it didn't get here till yesterday! So yes I agree a snail could get it here faster lol. Have a good day! Love & Hugzz, Your Friend PurpleTeddyBear!
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@Darkwing (21583)
12 Oct 07
Normally, stuff like that gets here quite quickly but we were a week without post and some people absolutely rely on the post at least one day a week, when they get their pension or disability money. Brightest Blessings my friend.
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@mummymo (23706)
10 Oct 07
I can see both sides of the story here Sweety and ninety nine times out of a hundred i agree with a persons right to strike but in this case it seems as though they just want more and more for less and less work - I think they should put themselves in the situation of many others who have far worse conditions and far worse money in exchange! As for the backlog - the latest figure I heard was of 60 million letters being backlogged in the sorting offices! xxx
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
10 Oct 07
It is interesting, and I suppose comforting in a way, to find that we have something like that in common. Our postage prices go up, our service goes down, and we go round and round. However, we do not currently have any strikes going. Hubby thinks that maybe we do not have postal strikes, just other goods and services.
10 Oct 07
I actually had a delivery of post this morning - three offers to reduce my car insurance and a take away menu. I both buy and sell on eBay and this strike is crippling thousands of buyers and sellers on there. I am currently waiting for bills, a hospital appointment, and three items from eBay but when these arrive is in the lap of the gods of the Post Office workers. Grrrrrrr
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@Darkwing (21583)
12 Oct 07
Yes, I had a delivery just after eight on Wednesday morning, but Thursday, he didn't arrive until after one thirty in the afternoon. Then, it was just a few bits of backlog... they haven't caught up by any means. It so frustrates me when I think of the elderly, disabled and mums on Social Security. What did they do for a week, without money? I get so frustrated that they should have their livelihood taken away from them, and how did the mums feed their kids? The bills are important too because if you don't pay them, the system picks it up without bearing in mind the postal strike, then they want to cut off your amenities. As for hospital appointments, I would imagine you have to arrange for a half-day or day off to go, so there's another thing messed up by greed. All we can do is hope they stay back now and that some agreement has been reached. I'm getting a bit sick of it, because they always seem to be striking. Brightest Blessings.