Has anyone started on their Christmas list yet?

@jbb316 (1779)
United States
October 9, 2007 11:10pm CST
Has anyone started on their Christmas list yet? Do you have a list of everyone you need/want to buy for? Do you have a list for yourself as well? If you're like me, every year I say I am going to start early. And then, there I am in december the week before Christmas rushing around trying to get everything done. Well, I am proud to say that I do have my list together. My list of who I have to buy for that is. I don't have a clue as to what I am going to get them but at least I know who I need to buy for so at least that's a start in the right direction and it is still early yet. Have any started shopping yet? When do you usually start shopping? I always say I will shop early but never do. But at least I do always go the day after thanksgiving and get a few gifts bought. But then I end up not getting anymore for a long time and am rushing around in the madness at the last minute. What about you, are you a last minute shopper too?
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14 responses
• United States
10 Oct 07
NO. There are 11 weeks until Christmas and we are still enjoying this time of the year. I do not understand how anyone could even this about Christmas shopping 3 months early!. I like to have the Christmas spirit when I buy my gifts for that celebration.
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@jbb316 (1779)
• United States
10 Oct 07
There are some people who actually have A LOT of people to buy for. I have a large family. On my list there are 30 people to buy for. So it is hard to do it all at once. I like to try and start early. It makes it so much easier.
@jbb316 (1779)
• United States
15 Oct 07
We each have our own way of doing things.
• United States
10 Oct 07
Oh! I must be one of the "some people" as I also have A LOT of gifts to buy ..31
@ZumiHaru (38)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
Haha... I haven't started on my list... Its kinda hard to start especially when you haven't asked them the usual question "What do you want for Christmas?" And besides i haven't earned much money yet to be used on gift giving.
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@jbb316 (1779)
• United States
10 Oct 07
I know what you mean. On my list I just have the names of who i will buy for but I am not even close to knowing what I am going to get anyone yet. But at least I still have some time. :)
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Ive alway been a last minute shopper. Im not looking forward to shopping this year we dont have the money. I think I will make some gifts.LOL I wish luck when you do some shopping on black friday. That is one day I dont go the stores.
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@trinihd (996)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Homemade gifts are just as valuable as store bought ones...if not more....if they're made with love. I wish I had time so I could make gifts for everyone on my list! :) I always think I want to make at least a few of them for friends who basically have everything and I don't know what to give them anyway.
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
Just this morning,I visited my list last year,edited it..added a few and erased some. So next step would be,looking out,and canvass of the best gift I could afford to give to each one of them. I don't want to shop so late this year as I have been doing for the past year..I think most of us has started buying gifts already.
@shy_gal (235)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
Hi jbb316, I haven start my Christmas list yet. Now i am so busy with my works, a lot of works haven settle and finsih yet. Apart from that, the boss is asking the report which i haven't start to do.
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@kevere26 (223)
• United States
10 Oct 07
My method of Christmas shopping is a year long process where I question or keep in mind what the particular person would appreciate. If I see it, I buy it, then wrap it up! I can't handle the crowds after Thanksgiving so I'm usually finished by then. If I haven't purchased everything on my list by the middle of November it's usually because I'm buying the present online.
@trinihd (996)
• United States
10 Oct 07
That's a really good method...I usually buy stuff during the year but don't wrap...I think I will try to use your method this year...and get started early on the wrapping...because I always find myself out of time on Christmas eve with tons of gifts to wrap!
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
10 Oct 07
I usually spend time doing a list of gifts I am going to get, and then pick things up as I go along - if I happen to be close to the place I need to go to pick up the item. Because my sisters and I usually do gifts together, my middle sister usually has all of our gifts to our parents bought by November. I usually do the gifts we give to our cousins, aunts, and uncles, and I do these in November. I try to get everything done by the first week in December, and then I an wrap things and do my baking.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
10 Oct 07
I have actully started doing Christmas shopping this past week. I figure a head start on it is better then waiting at the last moment to get everything besides I hate shopping in stores when they are busy. I have started doing some shopping online like from amazon. Hopefully by next month I will be finished.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
10 Oct 07
I don't want to think about the "list" yet, it only adds more trouble and makes me worry of things I still don't have to think about!;) I don't shop much, because I mostly give presents through money. I worry mostly of my godchildren and my niece, me and my friends don't practice exchange gifts as long as we celebrate it on or before the day. My family are understanding, spending Christmas eve and loving each other is the most important gift we receive on that very special day.
@kuting (885)
• Philippines
11 Oct 07
actually i already did as early as september, just when the "Ber" months started, i also started thinking of early christmas shopping. i wasnt able to give anything to my friends last year because i gave birth and there was a lot of expenses. now im thinking of of making it up. but there's also a 1st birthday party to consider. im stuck up in the planning and preparation of the birthday party and my list is still just a list. i might be able to really start on it after the party which is about only 2 weeks before december. i have to cram with the shopping again!
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Nope its still to early for me to even start thinking about christmas the only thing about christmas im thinking about is going on vacation because where planning a trip this year to go somewhere and well we have to start early to make the arrangements and stuff. But as far as my christmas list havent even thought about it yet but if I didnt have a job I would deffintley have been thinking about it a while ago lol.
@mari_skye (1637)
• Philippines
11 Oct 07
LOL! I have been wanting to do my list but so far have not really sit down to do it yet. Guess I will really have to do it this weekend as it is already mid October and I never wanted to experience christmas rush again.
10 Oct 07
Wll I have a list and one small gift purchased. Like you I always promise myself to shop early and then christmas eve finds me shopping and wrapping and being totally insane. I have trouble matching gifts to my list of names and end up overwhelmed by the throngs of thanks giving shopper maybe this will help to give me the resolve to reform my shopping habits Thanks
• United States
10 Oct 07
I havent yet but thankfully we are haveing a 'chinese' christmas were we all by one gift and we draw to see who gets what. Its kinda fun, the only bad thing is that there is a couple of people in the family that usally dont by anything and then they still participate. Sucks b/c if you get there "gift" (something that there mom had laying around to give away) then you get something stupid. LOL. Oh well we save money more to get for the kids
• United States
10 Oct 07
I wanted to add my grandma use to buy gifts ALL year long and we would wind up getting a lot of gifts for christmas those days are over but on day I will do the same so that my children then later on grandchildren can get lots of gifts like I did.