Trick or Treat?
By kevere26
@kevere26 (223)
United States
October 11, 2007 1:10am CST
Hello myLot parents!
I'm wondering if you allow your children to go door to door on Halloween. I've known some parents that trick or treat with their kids and other parents who take their children to a Halloween gathering but won't let them go door to door. If your kids go door to door have you ever taken the candy to be x-rayed? I'm also wondering if you monitor the amount of Halloween candy you allow your kids to eat per day. When my daughter was young she could have as much as she could hold when making a fist. Thank goodness she had tiny hands!
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8 responses
@Noeliasmom (34)
• United States
11 Oct 07
my lil girl just turned 3 and halloween night starts early. First I take her to a church near my aunts house and she meets up with her cousins and they go "Trunk or Treating". Then we go to my moms for a lil halloween party with my mom, sisters, and cousins. We eat and then we go trick or treating in my moms nice neighbor hood,me and her father take her door to door and we dont go through the whole neighborhood because shes tiny, she dont need that much candy lol. I jdo monitor how much she eats and I dont go as far as x-raying candy but I do check it, open it, and taste it.
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@Noeliasmom (34)
• United States
13 Oct 07
ok people that think halloween is for devil worship or something get on my last nerves..Its a festive time for children to dress up and have fun. And almost every church does some sort of event for halloween now..go back to your witch hunting days
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
12 Oct 07
what sort of church do you go to unbelievealbe it is witch craft i never ever go down that road i don't want demons around thanks it is leading to demons and i rather walk in the light then walk in darkness

@Amberina (1541)
• United States
12 Oct 07
I let mine go door to door my sister or older daughter takes them I can't walk around in the cold cause of my hips. I don't let them eat any candy until they get home so I can look at all of it. If anything looks wierd I throw it out and no no no on the home made stuff that goes right in the garbage. I've never x rayed any candy. -Amber
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@kevere26 (223)
• United States
12 Oct 07
I use to walk with my daughter door to door. The neighborhood was safe, but I wouldn't let my young one out of my sight (I'm quite the lioness about her). When I was a kid we looked forward to getting popcorn balls from a neighbor but I wouldn't eat homemade candy this day and age.

@inked4life (4224)
• United States
12 Oct 07
I takes my kids (aged 7 and 9)door to door and i usually dress up too. We stick to our own small neighborhood where we pretty much know and trust everyone so there are no security issues. We usually let the kids go nuts with candy on halloween night and then restrict after that.
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@kevere26 (223)
• United States
12 Oct 07
Now that's the way to do Halloween! I use to love dressing up with my daughter (usually as a witch not to be confused with a b). My daughter went to a neighborhood like yours and it was her best trick or treating experience. My parents let my brother and I go nuts on the candy. It was the only time of the year when we had it in the house!
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
11 Oct 07
We usually go the the local churches that have "Trunk-or-Treats" (where they decorate the trunk of their car and hand out candy in the church paring lot). They are usually extra fun, have lots of candy and other games for the kids. I don't like going door-to-door you never know what crazy thing people will try do to these days.
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@Dee351972 (743)
12 Oct 07
yes we take ours door to door. We do have the candy checked. they do have to watch how much they eat. most time they always have some candy left over.
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@reneecancun02 (7)
• United States
11 Oct 07
I have 4 children. although 2 of them are older (18 and 12) and don't go trick or treating. They always did go door to door. When they were little our hospital did do the x-ray thing. We live in such a small rural community though that the threat of someone poisoning the candy is basically nill. I do, however, monitor how much candy my children eat. If you let them, they would everything in one night! Especially my 6 year old. He loves candy!
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
11 Oct 07
well ive got a 12yr old and i still walk with her as she goes Trick or Treating. we drive to the better neighborhoods of course. but i just feel safer that way.
ive never had her candy x-rayed, but i do check each and every single piece before she is allowed to stick one in her mouth! course she hovers with the "are you done yet?!" on her lips every couple of minutes!
and i do limit how much she can eat per day. i usually let her have about 6 pieces all told thru the day i imagine.
enough to satisfy her sweet-tooth yet not quite enough in one big lump to cause an aggravating sugar rush!
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
12 Oct 07
sorry but i would not let my kids to halloween it is evil witch craft its evil 100% evil i am a christain it is a sin
@kevere26 (223)
• United States
12 Oct 07
I understand that Halloween is not acceptable with some religions. It is, after all a pagan tradition. I have friends that are Jehovahs Witnesses and they don't get involved with Halloween. October 31st is also Nevada Day and a holiday in that state.
@hopejordan (3561)
• Australia
12 Oct 07
what i am saying that this is no relgion i am talking about it is the truth don't want people to go the wrong way that is darkness and i can't force anyone all i can do is pray that you see the light but anyway have a great day