What do you think of children playing computer games?

October 11, 2007 4:25am CST
Now, there are many online games and it kept on spreading to one another. Many of these games are very addictive and tend to let you get hook to it. I had this experiences and thats why, now i stop playing computer games and find ways to make money online. Once a student play the online game, most likely is that he would get hook to it, losing his self control and not concentrate on his studies, thus, ending getting bad grades. Tell me how you feel about this.
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26 responses
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
11 Oct 07
I also got hooked into it, worst thing is I still haven't had a PC that time. So I rent, I bust my out inside computer shops and cafes just to be like one of 'em. But now I already have my own PC, the thrill has changed and I became more aware of it's (computer gaming) effects. I always put in mind that it's better to bring money in and not out, since there are lots of online games that are introduced for the public to play at. I find it really annoying, since lots of children really spend too much time in playing these games and not to forget the money that they ask for their parents.
• Singapore
11 Oct 07
I think that they should not let people under 16 to play computer games.
@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
11 Oct 07
in my town, majority of the internet cafe has a separate cubicles for gaming. it's really ubiquitous here. they earn lots of money when they include gaming in an internet cafe business. i don't know why people even old men sometimes i see them play games. my classmates in college still play online games. i don't know if they earn from it or just plain fun. they even buy cards to play.. i don't have any idea what's that for.. lots of kids i noticed even deprived their studies just to stay at home and play online games or go to an internet cafe and spend almost all of their allowance just playing.
• Singapore
11 Oct 07
I agree with you that kids are spending all their allowance just playing. I live in Singapore and there is a game called maplesea. They have cards which cost $10.70 Singapore dollars to buy some useless items in the game. Some of them even not eat during their break and use the money to buy useless stuff for their games!
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
2 Dec 07
its depend to the parent how they will deal with thier kids, but we cannot even say that most student will end in this kind of problems. most of them just maybe for fun. we can say only if they lost thier money for that kind of games maybe yes.
@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
Computer games, and even any other games for that matter, tend to be addictive because gamers usually derive great pleasures from doing so as well as providing a great escape into another world away from the bad reality we are in. With the advent of the internet, a great explosive revolution on online computer games started to engulfed the whole world, victimizing mostly the gullible youngsters we have. The industry of computer games is one of the biggest in the internet earning billions of revenues worldwide and generating huge profits for the corporate giants. Oh well, I see no end on this trend. What we could do then? Well, the control is on the parents. Without parental guidance, our youths could really be gone to another world. And the ramifications would be worst, much worst for all of us and the future of these kids around.
• Pakistan
9 Dec 07
Computer games are not bad. But addiction in computer games is bad. Computer games are better than other games as these could be played on your computer desk, kept in a room of your house or in your office. Computer games do not allow or spare the children to go out or away of the home. They could learn a lot from those of computer games. But some people believe that the computer games are very time wasting. This could be control if the children should make punctual to work according to their work plan or schedule, If they give more than the time allotted for games then it is duty of their parent to stop them to play the games every time. Time for games, studies and other important work should be fixed and strictly work on the work plan.
@Nivek13 (124)
11 Oct 07
well it's ok to play computer games but not so much.. well like me i don't play much and in fact i don't play anymore of those games.. children who play computer games at an early age for me are so cool. but they shouldn't be hook onto it so much so they won't get low grades..
• Singapore
11 Oct 07
But sadly, many online games are so addicted.
@manzician (4727)
• India
12 Oct 07
Well... I have no bad feelings about video games. However I do agree that with increasing violence/adult content in the video games, we must make sure that we are checking which games our children are playing.
• India
12 Oct 07
I think that these computer and video games are in a way stopping the mental and physical growth of kids. Kids these days have so much pressure from thier schools for thier studies and get nearly no time to play any game which may cause their physical excercise and through these games they are mostly sitting and utilizing thier minds which gets too much preoccupied with these games that some kids even start dreaming about them and later causes problems in thier health and mental stability.
• Pakistan
12 Oct 07
Games are basic need for childern and their right by birth. Childern and also elders need to enjoy their live. Hi cmfoo. They go for outing and also use to enjoy outdoor game. Computer games could be played in a room of your home. So we can save our childern to go out and play in dangerous places like video games shop or other places far away to their homes. Wiser parents want to keep their childern before and in front of their eye. So the computer games are a source to keep them at home. Parent could guide them and play with tem to control them to not be addicted. A time table could work to prevent them from wastage of their study time
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Oct 07
I don't think it is a bad thing but I do agree that they can be addicting. I think the key here is for parents to be diligent in limiting the time spent on the computer doing things other than school work. My daughter would stay on the internet IM-ing her friends and playing games 24-7 if allowed. I know she would. I set limits and also she has chores to do and is involved in other activities. Moderation in everything!
@alfecris (181)
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
it is not good for the children to get addcited to computer games because it lessens their knowledge suppose to get from school. instead of focusing their minds into learning things much essential from school, their mind would get out from their body and think into computer games, the moves and stuffs on what to do.. they would be waiting for the day to finish in school anmd would directly proceed to house and play all night... it is better to refrain them from doing it because it influences so bad in the way they will grow and it would be so hard for us to control when time will come in the future... so it is better to build good foundation in the start rather than to build a good character when they are grown enough...
• United States
12 Oct 07
Thats great from one angle and from other angle it is a disadvantage...... In our period i.e in 80's and 90' there were no computers to work or play and most of the might have not known in the future whether computer a new technology will replace the world soon will arise or not..... but nowadays these youngsters are using these computers to play games online and all those stuff.... Because of this there is change for thier creative thinking and logical thinking to increase at a major rate.... SO dont avoid your children from playing online games and all those stuff...... But ensure that they are not always on the computer so that it might be dangerous to their eyes and brain... Sometimes it can increase to an extent that they will not think about anything..... So be carefull at all time with your children and note all their activities......
@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
12 Oct 07
I will agree with you. Computer games are very addictive(it never happened to me though). I know a lot of students, even college students, who's studies are going nowhere because they are getting hooked up with the game. Personally, I agree that children should be allowed to play computer games granting that they can show to their parents that they have control over themselves as to when and how long they will be playing. Likewise, they should make it sure that they are doing good in their class. Otherwise, parents or their guardians should forced them to stop.
@bayue12 (38)
• China
12 Oct 07
spend too much time on playing game is bad.do not allow children play too much, let him do something else
@r0ck_r0ck (1952)
• India
12 Oct 07
yes sir ive ben playing online games since 5 years now, n i dont think i did bad at schools, it really depends on the person how he takes the game as.
@azimsay (543)
• India
11 Oct 07
Children are playing games on coputer some times it is good some times bad because They are negleting study. And good means without trainning they are operating computer.
• Singapore
12 Oct 07
I think that it is perfectly normal for children to be hooked up in computer games. I used to play console games alot when I was a teenager. However, there must be a limit to it and I can still study when there is a need to. I think it's about self control in order not to indulge heavily on gaming. If a teenager is not able to control, the parents should intervene.
@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
12 Oct 07
well, i wouldn't let them play computer games then because they can become addictive. instead, maybe they could play board games get more involved in chores around the house, watching a video or dvd, and get more involved in their school work. since you yourself experienced this maybe this is a good thing not to have your children play these games
@ZumiHaru (38)
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
Well, I am a student who kinda sits infront of the computer for the rest of her free time. I play games, study, make money and balance them. And it depends on the student who he/she wants to live his/her life. If the student wants it to go down the drain then they'll do it. But if he/she could make better priorities then maybe that student won't end up like the one you said.
• United States
11 Oct 07
Studies have now shown that those who frequently play video games do better in their careers. Video games teach many skills.