i want to write
By michfroi
@michfroi (413)
14 responses
@unusualsuspect (2602)
• United States
12 Oct 07
Some people say that if you don't try something you don't have to worry about failure. But if you really want to do it and don't try, you've already failed.
For what it's worth, nobody starts out writing good stuff. It's a learning process. Your early stuff will probably be terrible, but that's something everybody has to go through. Take your time, learn, practice, ask for critiques, read good writing so you have some models.
And so what if it turns out that you'll never be a great writer? If you enjoy it, that's really all that matters. If you are happy, you haven't failed.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
12 Oct 07
This is something my dad always tells me. It makes sense to me, I hope it helps you too!
Just write. Never think about what you're writing. Tell a story. Don't think way ahead into your story and try to make it all work out. Just write and let it go where it takes you. See what happens, surprise yourself!
And now here's my own advice =P Write what you know and like. Write about something you are familiar and passoniate about. If you don't feel a connection with what you are writing about, it'll be boring and you won't want to do it. Like me, I like writing fiction. And I like cops, so a lot of my stories have some sort of Law enforcer as the main character.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
12 Oct 07
There is really no such thing as writer's block, it is really a fear of failing that prevents us from doing what we need to do. If you read Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" or Phil Keoghan's "N.O.W. No Opportunity Wasted" you will learn how to fight the fear and move forward. As for "N.O.W." you only have to read the first chapter to get the real message, the rest is about how to do it and stories of people who did.
People keep telling me the reason I am not finishing my book is because I am afraid of failing. I think I'm just a procrastinator. Plus I didn't realize how much work was involved when it comes to revisions. I have to buckle down though and finish my sixth, and hopefully my last, edit.
You can do it. Do it for yourself, no one else, and you will succeed.
@dani27 (544)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I agree to a point. I do think sometimes you can have writer's block you just don't know what is next but at times it is fear of failing. With my story I stopped for several months cause I didn't think it could be as good as the first chapters. It is hard but I started writing again and ideas are flowing out of me.
@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
13 Oct 07
Try writing like you are writing to a friend Telling her/him a story you have in mind. When you think you have completed the story. Read it again and revise as you see fit. When you are happy with what you have written Post it in as a blog and invite some of your friends to comment on it. If you do not have a blog site yet. join me at http://nuurl.us/a3417 . If the link does not work type it in your browser and it will lead you to the site. fill in the data. The site is free to join, you get to blog, socialize and meet new friends. You will also learn a lot more and the best is you earn money while you are doing what you enjoy doing. Have fun and God Bless
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
15 Oct 07
You need a story about a subject that you know about.Just write what you know and don't be afraid.Just go for it.If you are writing , you won't fail.
@gwendovere (1279)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Don't worry about failure. You have to practice at anything to become good at it. I would start writing a very short story. It's easier for me. The plot & characters are most important to me. You need a good plot & believable characters. You need to know the characters, to kind of become them & see their points of view. You need to know some of their personal history: what they've been through, where they're going. What's important to them, what they like, what they dislike. You can do it! Just have some faith in yourself! :)
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
12 Oct 07
I think the most important thing you need is a love of writing; and the ideas will just flow out of you. Ther are lots of writing sites on the net, and you can grow as a writer and get better and better by writing for these. Don't worry about criticism; just follow your own dream of writing. Write for you. Very best of luck!
@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
12 Oct 07
Check out www.helium.com. It has a creative writing channel for which you could write something anonymously. You'd get a feel for writing for a public forum, but with no real fear of failure. You might even get paid for your story. Good luck!
@passwordrain (123)
• Algeria
12 Oct 07
I'd read an article ago about a BANK FOUNDER in BOSNIA and he was TURKISH , he said that if you dare to do something hard to believe or too dary you'll fear from failure or you'll be happy for the sucess but those who don't dare are already lost , that's what I believe , but looking for the most of writers we find them have a very big imagination and they have a sharp sense of noticing and remarking , then you must find your self a calmy place where no one will bother you and should be free of noise , what I should tell you is GOOD LUCK and don't look backwards.
@surajpkn (582)
• India
12 Oct 07
The first important thing needed for the story writing is a good story. Of course if you have that in mind you can proceed writing,.
But one should not get afraid of failure, it will never let a person step forward in anything.
Its better to write whatever is there in your mind, put it on the paper, whether it is good or bad is a different thing but at the end of it, you'll realize what you are made of, what your style is and you can also learn the techniques to improve in the areas where you think you are not fairing well.
@mypannga (7)
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
hi.. why are you afraid on writing stories? its a good hobby and you can earn money from it.. you can post your story online.. its the best way.. i have a website .. and i can give you your own subdomain to post your stories.. for free.. just tell me.. okay? God gave you a talent, use it.
@angelsmom (58)
12 Oct 07
All those responses I have just read are right. If you have a story to tell then tell it through your words. I just put a short story on a websight, and I'm waiting for some constructive praise or criticism. But that is how I'm going to learn. I've been wanting to do that for years, but like you was afraid to try. I haven't had anything published yet, but I hope as I put more short stories out, I will get better, and eventually get a book published. That has been a dream of mine for a few years now. You can do it. I know you can. Good luck to you!
@rochel1011 (63)
• United Arab Emirates
12 Oct 07
hey failures are stepping stones to success.So let your creative juices flow.They say that anything begun is half done.Before writing a story I would suggest your write an outline.A plot for the story.Then elaborate on it.The internet also has alot of resouces and information just incase you are writing a story and use a factual place you can get information from there.Once you write read it and try editing it maybe you would make great additions to it as more ideas flow.The ground rule for is to first start and mainly devise a structure or plot for your story.Believe in youself coz the story is gonna be your creativity.All the best.Its gonna be a hit I am sure.
@ljl19861120 (4)
• China
13 Oct 07
Why? I don't think that you have that thinking,I'm from China! And my English is not good .oh...you English is better than me. Writing is good habit.you can put your advice and some story to write on the exsercisbook