Of the five fingers of our hands, why is the middle finger the longest?

@carol_m (709)
October 13, 2007 1:16am CST
LOL! maybe I got a lot of things in my head right now that Im asking this nonsense question. Care to answer?
5 responses
@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
13 Oct 07
May I quote the response of Dr. Universe in his homepage - http://www.wsu.edu/DrUniverse/finger3.html regarding the question on why the middle finger is the longest of the four. Here is his explanation - "Pat Carter is an evolutionary physiologist, which means he studies how animal bodies work and why they evolved that way. He says the longer finger is probably left over from human ancestors' paws and is probably a matter of SYMMETRY. Something that is symmetrical basically means it's balanced." "Ken Kardong, who is an evolutionary morphologist, which means he studies the form and structure of bodies and why they evolved that way. He says he likes that idea of symmetry, also, but takes it a little further. He says the different length fingers have to do with the "geometry of closing." Try this: Bring your fingers together into a fist. Notice how when they reach your palm, they all touch at the same time? They meet equally, so when they grasp, they share equally in the hand's work. Over the millions of years of evolution, hands became this way simply because this shape works so well. Karen Lupo, who is an anthropologist, which means she studies humans and how they developed. Her answer? "I have no idea." However, she said that a longer middle finger is not necessarily the case in other primates, humans' nearest relatives. In fact, in some primates, the fourth finger is longest.
@carol_m (709)
• Philippines
13 Oct 07
That was very informative, thank you. Yes, I tried bringing my fingers into a fist..and isn't it amazing that they touch the palm all at the same time?
@carol_m (709)
• Philippines
13 Oct 07
hey, jd...there's two of us now =)
@raulgc01 (306)
• Philippines
14 Oct 07
If I may add, the middle finger is some sort of an identity. If a man's ring finger is longer than his middle finger, there is a very high probability that he is GAY. So watch out, examine your suitors' fingers first before saying yes. (This is not a joke, this is based on a scientific study)
@carol_m (709)
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
really? wow, thanks for the info
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@noriko (1254)
13 Oct 07
well maybe because, so we can reach the part of our body then give us a good feeling, like a good scratch at the back of hard to reach areas.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
18 Oct 07
Hi, As all other fingers are shorter it became longest. I hope other finger had growth rate.May it is eldest. Any how some one has to longest.
15 Oct 07
maybe God made it just to make it sexier to look at. coz i dont have anything to see reasons why and maybe to reach longer on to something.