Do you think cannabis has long term effects on health?

@earnie (16)
October 13, 2007 1:27am CST
I was watching the news this morning on parents being really worried about cannabis use and their kids smoking it, when i was younger like most young people i smoked cannabis and i continued smoking for about ten years, but as you get older you get wiser and stop stupid habits, but i have no health or mental issues from using it, so why are these parents so worried, I have kids and i would rather them smoke cannabis than take cocaine, heroin, crack or any other hard drug, I have dabbled with ectasy and cocaine even and still no long term efects, all things in moderation are not as bad as long term use, I would never encourage my kids to take any drugs at all, but you can't stop them experimenting, I know cannabis has health risks like any drug but rather this than some of the others and I know some people have adverse effects from the drug but these numbers are minimal, just to clarify I don't encourage anyone take any type of drug even smoking cigarettes as there are health risks associated with all drugs, what do you think?
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