Do you use Genuine windows or pirated windows?

windows xp boot screen - Microsoft windows xp proffessional bootscreen
@iamsree (440)
October 13, 2007 3:30am CST
please answer honestly do you use genuine windows operating system or pirated version or do you use other OS?i used to have cracked windows version but after Microsoft offered genuine windows validation i converted it to genuine licensed version.what about you???...
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5 responses
@coolmailraj (2460)
• India
13 Oct 07
my copy of windows - My copy of windows looks like this one, but I really don't know wheather it is original or not.
Hi. I don't know. How can I check waht is installed on my system, please tell me. And if I have a pirated or ceacked version I'll surely like to go to microsft for an original one.
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@iamsree (440)
• India
13 Oct 07
my copy of windows xp proffessional i got it from my PC vendor and it was on a local brand it was not genuine..i had no problems using that copy of windows but when when i started using my pc for surfing web somehow microsoft detected that the os is not genuine and at the welcome screen of xp there was a new message saying that this copy of windows is not genuine..first i ignored it but later it began to affect my pc's performance and internet speed. so i follwed the link provided my microsoft ans registred my copy of windows.i had to pay 20$ for the procedure...good thing my dad has a credit card...
@Jamian (2603)
• Philippines
19 Oct 07
yup, i use genuine windows. I dont use fake.
• Malaysia
17 Oct 07
i'm using a genuine windows version, which comes with my laptop ever since i bought it last year. haven't upgraded it or anything.
• China
13 Oct 07
i use pirated windows operating system, because i have no money to buy a genuine one. i dont think the pirated one is worse, as the operating system works ok in my computer. of course, if i have money, i would prefer genuine one.
@prazad (281)
• India
13 Oct 07
ha ha what a funny question, i use fedora 7, i don't like windows vista well as XP. But i have had genuine windows 98 CD. i found that there is nothing more in windows XP and vista just some addition of some visual effects that all. Mainly because of the high costs of windows CD i moved to Linux. IN my computer you can find window 98, fedora 7 and suse 10. Now i am planning to run a MAC on my system.