What do you do when you go into a store and ......

@peanutjar (5198)
October 14, 2007 6:12pm CST
there is a person at the front door offering/handing out application forms for some kind of membership/credit card from that store and they seem persistent in trying to make their point.Do you try to go without being seen,politely say your not interested,fill it out or take the application paper and throw it away.
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12 responses
@ggaaiill (196)
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
It depends if I like what they are offering them I will stop by and look at it. However if I dont like it, I usually ignore them and walk straight lol. If you are familiar with Family first, their agents in the Shopping Malls are exactly what you have describe, they are persistent.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
15 Oct 07
If its free munchies and that of course i will stop and do the taste test,hahaha,but if its for cards and such,no way!Hehe:)Shopping malls are the worst place.I hate getting sprayed by perfume there.I usualy hollar when i see one approaching "dont spray me!!I have breathing problems!!"It works,hehe:)
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• India
15 Oct 07
hey if im intrested in being a member of the store then i do fill the form n get he card but if im nt then i straight away tell them bt it
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Yes it is true if we want one we can easily fill out the paper and such.:)
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• India
13 Feb 08
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Oct 07
I usually try not to accept any kind of random paper given to me by anyone. Unless it's money. =P I don't know why, but this kind of thing bugs me. I mean, most people just throw these things out anyway. So it's a waste of paper. And couldn't you just have the person checking asking you if you're interested, and then send you to customer service or something if you are? Surely there's a better way to do this than having someone wasting paper, wasting their breath, and assaulting every customer that comes in with some sales pitch? To be honest, if I'm in a store that does this, I usually will leave without buying anything, if there is another store where I can get it. I just don't like aggressive sales stuff.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi lecanis.Im the same as you some,hehe.I will not pass up free money for sure,but thats a rare thing to receive though,haha:)
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
16 Oct 07
I would give them some of my time,listen to what they say and offer and then if it's a good deal,I'll get the paper and fill it up..but if I it doesn't interest me, I'll politely say I am not interested and will decline,say thank you and goodbye.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi cefaz,your a very polite person and its hard to find someonelike you who will not hurt someone for trying to do their job.Peanutjar:)
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
15 Oct 07
I was shopping at Sears, and the clerk tried to interest me in a Sears card. I said no, paid for my purchase, and went to find my wife who had made her purchase, and was about to Pay. The clerk came onto her just as the other had come onto me. I broke into the young female clerks sales pitch by asking her how much she got paid everytime she signed a client up for a Sears Card. She replied," We get 3 dollars! there were two other, older and more mature clerks standing with in earshot, and I saw them shake their heads. They were "Pissed" that this girl had told the truth!
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi barehugs,they always do that to me when i order something over the phone,i tell them my boyfriend has one and they say "well you should have your own then",nope not interested,the interest is too high.For sure they must of been mad that atleast someone could tell the truth,haha.It was good too on them,hehe.:)
15 Oct 07
Hi...i absolutely hate it when people try and stop me whwen im shopping..I try to avoid them if possible but if i cant i just politely say im not interested and walk away...I find this very annoying... thanks kevin
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi brightonguy,i agree with you on them being annoying and start to stop going there to shop:)
• India
15 Oct 07
I'll just go without looking at them, so that i will not waste my time and their's. That will be a good idea i think..........
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi vspgsvijay,it is a very good idea indeed,hehe:)
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
13 Feb 08
I usually turn my head and walk the other way,or politely say that I am not interested right now,but thanks.
@hh9905 (1275)
• Malaysia
13 Feb 08
It depends on what kind of offerings or application forms they have. I used to fill out forms to apply for credit cards but now no more since I already own credit cards. I fill out forms if I find the offerings are good such as notification on new development of properties, shopping malls free membership and newsletters. However, if I think that the offers are no good or i am in a hurry, i will decline their offer politely. Reason being, I always put myself in their shoes. I know they are just doing their job and I wouldn't want people to be rude to me too if I was doing the kind of job that they are doing. But somehow, if I get irritated by the sales person who is too pushy or demanding, I will just walk away from the place without bothering to answer their question. Also, if it just some forms that they are giving out, I will just take the leaflets and read them first before throwing it away if it is no use to me, but definitely not in front of the person or within the area.
@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I try to walk away without them getting to me, but if they address me I politely say I'm not interested. If they ask again, changing their approach, I say again, no thank you. After two nice refusals, if they continue their talk, I just smile and keep walking. I know they have a job to do, but after a couple of polite 'no's', what else can a person do.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
15 Oct 07
Hi ambiepam,some dont take no for an answer and keep it up and i usely just walk away with a smile on my face and get them thinking "why is she smiling?"knida thing,haha.:)
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
Hi peanutjar! I usually encounter so many people like that and I can't really hate them because they are just trying to do their job. However, I do sometimes feel annoyed when they get so persistent but I always calmly and politely tell them with a smile, "Sorry, not this time. I am not really interested or I can't afford to have one." Take care and have a nice day.
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
15 Oct 07
Hi faith.Yes this is the best and polite way of handling something like that.;)
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
15 Oct 07
I depends what it is about. I say: *not interested *already have one *ignore them *or if I am in a good mood I might listen. But it all comes down to: If I need you I know where you are I will call you you dont call me.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi voileta,there all very good ones,especially the last one,about you will call them if your interested:)