Finding out the truth.
@marshall_blake2000 (304)
United States
October 14, 2007 10:21pm CST
What is the truth? There is only one difference in most all religoins. And that one differents is Jesus Christ. Who was he the son of God, are a prophet. This one thing people believe can eathere send you to hell or save you. So lets look at this really close.
The christians say jesus was the son of god. so there is not any decussion there. Islam says Jesus was a prophet so there is not any decussion ther, because they are both right.. But the thing is the Bible say if you do not believe him to be the son of God you can not go to heaven. So there is a big diffrence in the religoins. Becuase islam does not believe that Jesus is the son of God. How ever they believe him to be a great prophet. But they do not seem to believe his teachings. If they look Jesus said he was they son of God. So this is confussing that they choose not to believe there own prophets. except one that is mohoment. Am I missing anything here? Can some one tell me how you choose not to believe one of your own prophets and believe a man that came after him.
I look at it this way the truth is the truth and it does not matter how many ways you try to cover it up its still the truth. I would like to hear what every one thinks on this issue thanks.
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8 responses
@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
15 Oct 07
When the Lord Jesus prayed to His Father, He said "Thy word is truth." The word of God is the truth and the Holy Bible is known to be the word of God. If we believe in God, the Holy Bible should be the standard, nothing else, not the Koran nor the Catechism nor the Book of Mormons, etc. Whatever is in the Holy Bible, that's the truth. All others not there is not the truth and so all those who came after the Lord Jesus are not the true foundation of the church of Christ.
@mustafabadri (178)
• India
15 Oct 07
first of all islaam dosenot teaches to claim other religions as you are doing -- we do not have any fight believing the the jesus,he is our 5th prophit and the mohammad is 5th we believe in adam noah ibrahim moses jesus and mohammad please be upon them.all of them came with the same command that there is no god else god.
you say that jesus said he the son of god -- we disagree this -- because no othe prophit did claime this and this is a trand, what you say that jesus said he is the son of god may be right -- but in the sence that he came from the god-- according to our teaching we believed that he said--"i have came from my father and your father" so as per his say we all are the son of god.
it is importent to understand the depth of his saying he did not meant by saying "i am the son of the god" that he was physically the son of god -- but god treated him as his own son.all the human being are the creation of god -- so in this sence all the people are son of god -- but god saied jesus as his son because he obeied his god which we do not -- you obey the god and you would be the son of god.
all the prophits conveid the same message there is no god but himself.
bible is the words of god as well as quraan is also the words of god.if you compare both of them you will certainly come to know.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
15 Oct 07
Hi there, hope you have a nice day.
the truth lies in your self. But to believe your self you have to know your self. That is why I think people tend to believe others. If a person have a bad confidence's than they turn to others to get their believes. If there are some one who can discover the bad confidence he will take it and make people believe anything.
The truth are in your heart. some of us believe in the same things, and some believe in other things. What is right or wrong depends how we feel about things. There are no right or wrong. We are millions on the earth and there will be millions different believes however some will have the same and make a community around that believe.
I do not thing there is a god respond to this discussion. But it is shore an interesting one. Thank you for put it on.

@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
16 Oct 07
No you are not wrong. We should accept each others believes. Absolutely. The question or the discussion started with the question of whats the truth is, and I mean it lies in your self. Your truth are in your heart of your believes. No one (in my opinion) can teach you of the truth in religion. It is your believe that count. If you do not have it, you have do find it. As a kid I did not think of God or religion however as growing up and get older and wiser I have found my believe in my heart. But I also know that there are different believes and do accept them to.
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@mustafabadri (178)
• India
22 Oct 07
"if a person have a bad confidence then they turn to others to get their believes" is what you say?are you sure about it? i think then you must be knowing where the hell and the heven is?from where did you come and where you will go?and why did you come to earth?and why arent you jhon or mary but anetteh?you must be confident enough for these questions to answer!!
to believe who is greater then us is in the nature of human being -- a child will believe in his parents a student in his/her teacher and so on.what confident are you talking about,can you gain the knowledge by your confidence or by the teaching of a preacher.
of carse it is your right to choose whome do you believe in,by your confident,so how can you say that the people who have bad confidence in them turn to others to get believe in them?
be religious and try to respect to one who is superrior to you even a class!!
htank you
@mara82 (16)
15 Oct 07
In my opinion it is not about Jesus being the son of God or not. Its about the teachings he brought us, what is the use of being christian or muslim or any other religion if we do not follow what our religion teaches. I believe God lives in our hearts, its a matter of believing in him and doing what is good for others, if we focus on attacking one specific religion, aren't we judging? and if i'm not mistaken, the bible says "that who is free of sin cast the first stone". So what are we doing here, judging others because of their believes, when we should be loving one another just like God wants, am i wrong?

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Oct 07
What may be "truth" to one person isn't goin to be "truth" to someone else..and thats fine and we're all right..Here's a little something about (religious) "truth" that I read recently that is definately food for thought IMO..
"To 'know' that what you believe is absolutely 100% now and forever utterly and completely 'TRUE' is the sickest most vile and most foul perversion of everything worthwhile in humanity, of all that is right in the world. Truth can never be found in mere belief. Belief is restricted. Truth is boundless. Truth doesnt screw around and truth doesnt care about your opinions. It doesnt care if you believe in it, deny it, or ignore it. It couldnt care less what religion you are, what country you are from, what colour your skin is, what or who you've got between your legs or how much you have invested in Mutual Funds. None of the trivial junk that concerns most ppl most of the time matters even one teensy-weensy bit to the truth....Truth simply IS.....
The only thing that can possibly save us from our own self-induced destruction is direct knowledge of the truth. Mankind cannot survive unless the truth dawns - FROM WITHIN - in each and every one of us..."
The author then goes on to say that the "talking heads" of the world (meaning "political leaders, preachers, warmongers, peaceniks, tree-huggers and bible thumpers") are all trying to "take truth and force it into categories of their own design...(he's right)...he's also right when he says that Relgions offer nothing more than sophisticated ways to AVOID the truth...He says that "religions obscure reality rather than reveal it more clearly..."...again right IMO...He says to question everything (including his book actually)....And on the last page of the chapter he says this which IMO nails
"Question what you read and hear. Question it deeply and continually. Don't accept anything because other ppl believe it, or because its expressed prettily or because its been around for 20, 200 or 2000 yrs....Question your own conclusions, your own judgements, and your own answers. Look at your own beliefs, your own prejudices, your own opinions and see them for what they are. If you dont do that "Truth" can never appear. And if it doesnt appear in a way you can grasp it without reservation, this whole world hasnt got a chance in hell....But if you really thoroughly question everything, if you pursue your questions long enough and honestly enough, there will come a time when TRUTH will wallop you upside the head and YOU WILL KNOW....(but be forewarned he says) The truth wont be what you imagined. It won't even be close and you may well wish you hadnt chased it for so long. But once you find it, you'll never be able to run away from it again and you will never be able to hide. You'll have no choice but to FACE UP TO IT."
(Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner....great book btw)
" I look at it this way the truth is the truth and it does not matter how many ways you try to cover it up its still the truth."
- I agree....but not in the way you may have thought or expected as you can tell ;-)
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@lanfear55 (157)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I feel that every person on this earth is the child of God. The main differance on the line you are talking about I think, is that in Christanity Jesus (pbuh) is actually worshiped like a god. But in Islam, there can only be one God, and that is God. And yes Jesus was his profit and the only way for people to reach heaven is thru his TEACHINGS not by worshiping him as a god. No where in the bible does it say that. But still people lost their way to God, so the last profit Mohammed (pbuh) was sent to reach yet a 3rd set of the population to try and teach them the things that God wishes us to know and the way that he wishes us to follow. I hope this helps to clarify the point of view on this issue from a muslim.
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@marshall_blake2000 (304)
• United States
15 Oct 07
this is interesting But does not make sence to me. Jesus clearly said he was the son of God. And mohammed said he was not. there for calling one of islams own prophets a lier it would seem.
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@jesus777 (662)
• Bermuda
16 Oct 07
god is not a god of confusion and many religion say there many ways to god to god but the bible states that i am the way the truth and the life no man comes too the farther but by me there is only one way to get god and that is through his son jesus christ no if and or buts about it that is the way it is
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@woodlin (158)
• United States
16 Oct 07
My first response to this is that a "man" created the bible. There is no one alive today that can say they actually saw a "god" write the bible nor can anyone alive today say they were alive when the words were supposedly spoken.
My second portion of my response. Your bible says one can not get into heaven unless they believe and follow. Yet in another portion it says all will be accepted into the kingdom of heaven.
Believe it or not I am not trying to dispel your belief because I do respect all belief systems. But plain and simple no one here can possibly answer this in any legitimate way. No one here on this site can say they know for a FACT that these words were spoken by a "god". All anyone can be 100% true about is that a "man" wrote them and now many people follow it. No one here can say that the Bible and its words are more or less true that of the Koran or the Torah or any other book of any religion.
Being judgmental is after all not "approved" by "god" yet so many are exactly that. You are in fact being judgmental for saying that the Islam teachings are not true but yours is. How do you know they are not the correct ones? I know why you think it, it is because you think your bible is 100% true, but they also think their teachings are 100% true. All religions think they are 100% true. Does that mean they are? Well in a nut shell yes. Confused? I bet you are. But it is simple to explain. If it is true to you and in your heart then it is true. Does it mean that someone else is wrong? No! Why? Because it is true for them and true to their hearts just as much as your truth is to yours.
Why question anyone else's belief? Everyone is different and that is OK. All are correct and all or wrong. Do we know which is which? No! and that is ok too.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Oct 07
Personally I don't know or care whether Jesus was the son of the Christian or Jewish or Muslim or whatever deity, because I don't worship that deity. Though of course you didn't offer that option.
There are a lot more differences from my religion and other religions that just Jesus, considering I worship entirely different Gods. As a Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan, all I would really say about Jesus one way or another would be "If he existed, he said some neat stuff". *shrugs* It doesn't matter to me, because even if he were the son of a God, it's not one of MY Gods.
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@lanfear55 (157)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Going simply on a quote form the christian bible, then you should too believe that you are actually on almost equal grounds with Jesus. Now before you get all upset and offended let me give you the quote: "The Spirit itself beareth witnesswith our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs, heir of God, and joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8 : 16,17)