A very Off The Wall Concept---Maybe???--Pet/Animal Souls

Tommy--A Rainbow Bridge Cat - image of tommy a cat
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
October 15, 2007 3:59am CST
I don't know why I suddenly had this idea and notion...BUT This all has to do with loved ones who have died...and I don't just mean our human loved ones either. Now I'm part Native American and many of our cultures believe that when our loved ones die, we are still surrounded and protected by them....sort of the equivalent of guardian angels in other beliefs...in fact, we of native origins believe we are virtually surrounded by our ancestors who can guide and protect us. I kind of like that idea, don't you? Then I got to thinking of those of us, who have had pets in our lives...Many of us believe in the wonderful idea of Rainbow Bridge--the idea that when we die, we will one day meet all the pets we have ever known, taken care of and loved. But then I began to think...do our former pets ever remain "attached" to us even while we live? The reason I ask this and thought about this, is that long time ago I read this story..a true one and I believe it was an article from Cats Magazine..I still have it somewhere...it was one of those that had me crying in buckets as I read it. The basic story was, of how a woman just recently lost her cat of fifteen years....one of the habits of her cat, was that she would hop up on the woman's bed and nestle herself on top of the woman's chest, and as the woman was gently falling asleep, the cat would gently place it's paw on the woman's face, as if to say, "Good night"...In the morning, when the cat sensed her owner was waking up, would again gently touch the woman's face as if to greet her "Good morning."Well now the woman's cat had died...she was beyond grief as she missed her feline companion,...she missed that gentle paw on her face before going to sleep, and that velvet paw on her face as she woke up....She was depressed to say the least. Several weeks passed after the woman's cat died. One night she was starting to drift off to sleep, when all of a sudden she felt that familiar gentle, velvet paw upon her face. Her eyes flashed open, and she could see this form resting on her chest again, yet it had no weight, not as it did in life...but it was her cat. She drifted off to sleep with a peaceful smile on her face, knowing that she had just been visited by her loving feline companion of so many years. Like I said when I read this story I was crying buckets.... But this memory got me going...I've had many pets over the years...some I remember more than others...but I have to admit....out of the blue, I start thinking about one of my cats for no apparent reason...they may have died years and years ago...like why? Why am I thinking about them? Are they "passing" through from their existence in Rainbow Bridge to visit me? And I swear...there are times I can be alone in the room save for my present two cats...and from the peripheral vison of my eye...I swear I'm seeing one of my former kitties. So here is the question....if some of us may believe that our "ancestors" or loved ones who have passed on are "with" us at times to protect/guide us....Is it possible our pets we've had, do the same? Have any of you "seen" or felt the presence of a former pet?
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15 responses
@susieq223 (3742)
• United States
18 Oct 07
I often see one of my cats in the corner of my eye. I also feel her on the bed at night. I don't know if it is wishful thinking or her spirit. I like to think that something of them lives on and I will see my "babies" again someday.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Oct 07
I think I can guess one kitty in particular that you might be seeing ....since I do know your story here...I think all of our babies want to keep us company and let us know they are all right now...And yes, I want to see all of my kitties when it's my time to pass and be greeted at Rainbow Bridge...I'll be mobbed!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
20 Oct 07
More weirdness...I was only mentioning this in a discussion yesterday I think it was. A little while after the passing of my beloved Maltese terrier, Pixie, I would see flashes of her dashing off to my right. It let me know she was better again (she was old and arthritic) and that she could run very fast and I would never catch her. It also meant that she cared about me and thought of us as companions and she'd come again to let me know she was ok and to make sure I was. It also let me know that she was still able to be a mischievous scamp. It was strange because as much as I could discern this flash of movement of white fur and grubby feet, I would also 'feel' her prescence with me. There was one time when it happened that I actually got a real surprise and I noticed my partner looking around as if he had seen or felt something as well. I said nothing as he would have had me carted off to the funny farm. These sightings would occur at the end of the day as I was coming home from work.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Oct 07
It's actually difficult to describe but I didn't do too badly. I'm sure there are others who have had these events occur but are not sufficiently 'open' to them. You and I are "open" on this channel and can take on these messages from our loved ones. I sometimes see auras around people but I'm also not 'aware' 100% of the time. When I use the word "see" I mean in my "mind's eye"...I don't litterally see.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I understand what you mean there... :) I often "see" or at least sense something myself..auras?
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Oct 07
oh crap...you just made me cry here....that was so wonderful to share! I know...I think if we told most of our friends that we feel the presence of our pets that are no longer with us..they be calling people to cart us away...They just don't understand...do they?
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I'm sure you may already know how I feel about this. I honestly believe that my Charlie came back to me through Charlotte. She acts just like him and she looks like him too. I do have another cat that passed away a few years ago and every once in awhile I feel him jump on the bed.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Charlotte is doing very well. She walks with a slight wobble and she still won't go down the stairs. I don't think she will ever walk normal. But I still love her a lot.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
15 Oct 07
That was a beautiful story my friend. And yes I did cry.LOL I still miss my Blackie and often think of her. And Im still dreaming of her. I only felt the presence of Blackie once before we moved in here. I turned around in the other house and I saw her for just a second. I really do believe she is trying to tell me shes okay.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I think she is gone because there were a couple of nasty cats that hung around and I think one of them could have gotten her. Because she would have come home to me.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Now you're making me sad...I was so hoping and praying that Blackie had come back to you..Do you really think she's "gone"...maybe she was telling you she's all right
@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Hey pw, I don't believe I've seen any of my passed on pets but I do know that God loves his animals & they are w/ him & if he can grant the "spirit" of of person to come down to comfort a person I can't see why he wouldn't do the same for a pet. +'s |:)
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@rebelann (113505)
• El Paso, Texas
29 Dec 21
I once saw the spirit of my Golden Retriever a couple days after she passed, I remember she looked happy as she bounded towards something I could not see.
• United States
15 Oct 07
Of course your departed pet can come and visit. Have you ever seen your cat stare at a spot as if someone is standing there but no one is standing there? I believe they are seeing a friendly spirit that is in the room. and where is it written that these spirits Have to be human only?A happy spirit could come back to a place where they were happy.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
I think so.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Yes, my two kitties often look at something that isn't there..they even sometimes go a little ko-ko for no reason at all....like maybe they're chasing and playing with a former kitty that is no longer here?
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@badkat83 (1620)
• United States
17 Oct 07
feels like i have responeded to this, but it looks like i didn't...i recently lost a cat and where she passed away, my other cats every once in a while go over to that spot and start playing, freaked me out at first, but now i know she is with me.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Oct 07
No doubt your other cats can sense her...every once in awhile my two kitties go berserk and play..they are normally very quiet, rather sedate cats...so I can't help thinking they see one of their former companions as well
• United States
15 Oct 07
I do think our deceased pets from this life and our others visit us. I even think that when we die they ALL great us on The Other Side :) That's a nice thought... It seems like almost every house I've lived in since I've been an adult I've seen a 'ghost kitty' as we like to call it. Not out and out - but in our peripherals. I even think our cats play with it sometimes. Don't think it's one from this life though because I had never owned one myself until Leo (my sister did though). That is a very touching and beautiful story!! Thanks for sharing :)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I sometimes wonder if when my two present kitties go a little "berserk" it's cause they sense some of my former kitties...And yes I do hope when it's time for me to go to the other side that I'll be greeted by all my former fur friends..and I'll be mobbed!
16 Oct 07
I can't really say definitely that I have seen any of my deceased cats, but there are times when, for no particular reason, I will suddenly think about them and see them in my mind. Bubastis - an adorable, loving black and white long haired nutter Gipsy - A jet black, green eyed little *monster* always attacking my slippers Nutmeg - A regal and aloof tortoise shell with amber eyes and a deafening purr Biscuit - A tiny little bundle of ginger fur who grew into an affectionate and loyal feline companion They will live in my heart.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Yes, I often will think of one of my kitties who have passed on for no reason at all...think they're trying to communicate with us??
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Hi dear - I don't think this is off the wall at all, actually a very interesting topic. No, I've never had this happen to me but over the years I have heard such stories as this women. One I read not to long ago but can't for the life of me remember where - it involved a dog alerting the owner to danger and the dog had passed away some months before. Although I haven't experienced this I would like to believe that it's true, that the spirit of our pets do watch over us or are still with us.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I believe that our pets remain close to us even after they have passed on, pyewacket, after all, they were family members too. The fact is some folks bond with their pets as much-if not more-than regular family members. I listen to a show on the radio at night that deals with subjects such as this, and I have heard many stories over the years of how these pets will come back to visit their former owners. So, I would conclude that pets do maintain that connection to their loved ones.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Well one thing I do know, I've always had a close bond with my pets....and it's kind of nice to think that there little spirit souls are nearby :)
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
15 Oct 07
wow what a very beautiful and touching story,yes i do believe that pets are just as spritual as people,and i think they do look down on us and make sure we are ok.i had a dog years ago and i swear to this day i felt his precence on one christmas day,when we were all gathering around the tree.i know it was him,sounds crazy but why cant animals do the same as us.they are humans to me.pattie
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
It's funny you mention Christmas...I had one cat, Willie and he was the "Christmas tree cat"--none of my other cats would be impressed when I got the tree, except him..when the time for me came to take the tree down, you never saw a more unhappy cat...he would follow me as I dragged the tree out then sit at the door watching it go out...I go downstairs to place it in the garbage area, come back up, open my door and he'd still be sitting there in the same spot looking so forlorn that I would nearly cry! He's gone now..but on the wall in the area where I always place the tree is a photo of him, and I still get a tree...gee, I think more for his spirit than for me.
@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
16 Oct 07
Hi Pye, and yes, I defnitely believe that the spirit, soul of our loved pets/cats could be watching over us, and even come to visit us at times. Some of us are more open to this thought and are able to perceive their being there, while most of us simply refuse to aknowledge this possibility and to have an open mind about it. TheFortunes
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Kind of a nice comforting thought, isn't it?? I totally love the idea :)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I personally have not have any experience or encounters with the ghost or spirits of any of my cats that have passed over. However I do believe that these experience can occur. On that note Iwould like to recommend a book that covers this exact subject. The title is Ghost Cats human encounter with feline spirits by Dusty Rainbolt.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I know about that book since Elic has mentioned it and one of her stories about her cat is in it..can't wait to get it
@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Definitely. I had a small calico cat pass on nearly 20 years ago and she comes to visit regularly. A couple of the cats we have know when she's visiting me and go a bit wacky. The other two just accept that she'll be around a little while and go about their business. The dogs I used to have visit only very rarely. This cat comes around on a pretty regular basis! If you're thinking of a former pet for no particular reason, that is the pet asking to come for a visit.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Well I'll have to pay attention to that cause often I'll be thinking of a particular cat I used to have..maybe the cat is there and present and could explain why my present cats go "strange"??