The "Mexican invasion of America"

United States
October 15, 2007 7:06pm CST
Does this issue rile you up at all? Do too many Mexicans get into the country, illegally or otherwise? Does it make you mad that Spanish seems to be becoming a semi-official language in much of the US? Personally, I have a hard time seeing what the huge deal is. I live in a city where I, as a white guy, am the VAST minority, and Mexicans the vast majority, and it's not a bad town at all. I've become a fluent Spanish speaker via some classes, lots of Reggaeton, and practicing mi espaƱol at different jobs. I still speak somewhat broken Spanish, thus probably sounding like a Spanish version of Borat to the Spanish-only speakers I talk to at work or in my complex, but I'm still fluent enough to hold decently-sized conversations about most topics. People complain about Mexicans taking all the jobs, but fact is, the illegal ones do the jobs that most white Americans won't do, and those that do "steal our jobs", are here legally. The health care issue is a concern, but if the government can find a way to deal with that, then there's no issue. What if Latinos became the majority in America? Meh, I don't care one way or the other. My lifestyle isn't made better or worse by it, in general, and maybe the rest of America will be exposed to the awesome Taco shops that San Diego already has all over the place. People complain about street names suddenly changing to Spanish names. I say: welcome to San Diego, kids. It's old news here, and my life ain't worse for it. Hell, if it weren't for Spanish names, I'd live in "St. James". SD just sounds cooler. And heck, maybe if whites are the minority, my kids would get into college easier via new minority funds for Eastern and Western European ethnic groups.
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24 responses
• United States
16 Oct 07
Ok me I am of the mexican decent. My dad does speak spanish and so do my grandparents however I think that they want to come here either leagally, to visit, vacation or make a lifestyle then learn English. Why do I have to get a job because they don't want to learn English. I think if they want to make a lifestyle and live here in the US then their first requirment before anything else is they speak English well enough for us to understand and they speak it everywhere they go and not assume just because I look mexican I speak Spanish because I don't. Also my dad and my grandparents do speak English and they speak it well. I have friends that tell me all the time when I ask why their parents don't speak English and they say because they don't want to learn.
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Valid comment. People should out of courtesy learn to communicate in the national language.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
I don't think it is even about wheather or not that they came here legal or illegally. It does bother me that they will pay extra if you are bilingual for a job and they won't hire you if you aren't bilingual but any other country that you go to you probably have to learn their language to get a job there.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I don't think for most it's an issue of race, but legality.. I think for some reason it's viewed that way if someone questions the wisdom of amnesty and open borders. When much more prevalently, it's an issue of whoever comes to live in the country post terrorism, many would like them to be accounted for.. Another issue I believe some are concerned over is taxes and expenses.. such as children being born here, of non legal parents, being automatically covered for all things, and paid by taxes, when even the children of citizens are not so.. or non resident tuitions being less expensive than the citizen's... or rather than the citizen's children's.. If people are paying taxes surely they have a right to consider these things.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
16 Oct 07
It does rile me up a little bit, especially when I hear of illegal immigrants going around and killing, raping and committing other crimes in this country. I do not have a problem if people from Mexico came here through the legal process. However, anyone that migrates to the US should be required to speak our language and also support our country and our flag. They should do background checks on people immigrating here and anyone with criminal backgrounds should not be allowed here.
• United States
16 Oct 07
Wanna know why I'm pissed off about it? They want war. Glad you're having fun buddying up to the illegals. Traitors like you make me sick.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
Let me tell you something, smartass. You don't know sh|t about me. I am not a racist. I am an AMERICAN! My nephew is Mexican for crying out loud, but his father was born here and came here legally and IS NOT toting a Mexican flag around LA. Watch the fking video. I'm not making this up. The illegals want war. Sit up and pay attention. This is NOT about race. It's about the fking LAW.
• United States
16 Oct 07
By the way, why dont' you do some RESEARCH???? The LEGAL Mexicans don't want them here either. They took down our FLAG and Ran UP their own with ours UPSIDE DOWN under neath it. Check your facts, sister. That is an official declaration of war. Sheeple like you are going to get us all killed.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Let me ask you this. When you see a Mexican in a store or walking down the sidewalk do you ask them if they were born here or do you assume? How to you figure it out? Are you just a racist who thinks that every Mexican is a dirty illegal taking all your stuff? I don't even need you to answer that cause I already know you are. How dare you say something like "buddying up to the illegals", now you are admitting that you do not even view them as human beings. You are the one who is a traitor, you are a traitor to the human race. You racists are all alike, you forget that we are ALL humans and have a RIGHT to live ANYWHERE we please. It is people like you who cause countries to become communist. You do not OWN this planet. No government OWNS this planet. Yet you all think you can just push your racist thoughts onto all the lands. Get off this planet before you further assist in the destruction of it.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
I don't see it as a big deal either. If you live west of Louisiana, you are in territories that Spain once owned anyway. And you don't have to learn Spanish if you don't want to. And in some places you don't have to learn English either. That is great.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
16 Oct 07
The thing about them not wanting to learn English is that we have to learn Spanish to communicate with them. This is not fair. I went to apply as a Medical Assistant at the Red Cross and they told me I needed to be bilingual to work there. This was very upsetting.
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• United States
19 Oct 07
There should be enough work for people who can't speak Spanish and for those who haven't learned English yet.
@niranjans87 (1077)
• India
16 Oct 07
Oh please you Americans never stop complaining do you?...what should the citizens of Iraq, Afghanistabe be complaining about.....that there are too many Americans in their country and that too they simply havnt come there to have a better life but to ensure that everyone in the world follow the American way of life whether they like it or not....lokks like the American Military forces and the American administration has almost become the semi-official defence and government of Iraq....oh God what are they supposed to do:( hoo....
• United States
16 Oct 07
Excuse me, but this discussion is about Mexicans and the immigration from Mexico. But since you want to talk about Iraq, lets talk about how Suddam bragged about weapons of mass destruction and how he refused to comply with international law and how he threatended to use the weapons to destroy anyone getting in his way? Why are the majority of people in Iraq happy that the American soldiers are there to protect them from a sadistic insane leader?? Other countries are jealous of America. Why do you think so many flee from their own governments and leaders to come here and live? Heres you a tissue to wipe your hoo
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• United States
16 Oct 07
So I guess you feel they were better off with Sudam Hussian and his raping sons as their leader. Oh give me a break. My son has not been to Iraq and is not going back to make them adhere to our ways. He and all of the other military men and women are there to help them stop the innocent killing of their people and to help them set up a new way of life where they have choices instead of hills full of bodies. Evey war has innocents killed, viet Nam, Korea, both WW's and their is not a single soldier that wants that to happen, but some innocent lives will be lost including military ones both theirs and ours. My son is there to help them.
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@woodlin (158)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Ok look now you are doing the same thing I was complaining about with others. Stop putting an entire race into your classifications. I did none of the things you state here. I did not start any war. I did not kill any person. I have not physically harmed any person in my own country or in any other country. That is the problem with this ENTIRE world. To many people blame EVERYONE for ALL problems. You and everyone else here need to learn to blame the proper channels and stop blaming everyone.
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I am not bothered by any ethnic group that is here legally. They pay taxes and help in the community. They will be paying my Social Security, if I get any. I believe our culture can be enriched by people from other countries. I am concerned about health care, but I am also concerned about the cost of health care for people from the US who will not work, and do not pay taxes, and cannot find a doctor and use the ER as their primary care physician, meanwhile making poor lifestyle choices that are killing them and are causing retardation in their children and recurring ear infections and asthma. I wish I spoke Spanish, and when my life slows down I will probably study it for fun. The other foreign language that has a strong foot hold in our country is German. Many technological processes rely upon German know how and engineering. I am waiting to hear complaints about that. That needs to be another language I learn, just for fun. The thing about some of the new laws that are supposed to be helping America is that they are really going to hurt some aspects of our society. I am waiting to hear all of the complaints about the cost of food because the crops are rotting in the field because the farmers are not able to find anyone to harvest them.Oh, well. Let them eat cake.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I do have a problem with the illegals. They seem to get better healthcare than my son - who does not have healtcare through his work yet and can't afford it otherwise. Things like that bother me. When I'm paying into the tax system that is not helping the American public, yeah, I have a problem with it. On the other hand, this is what America is about. Right now, we are being faced with a (tiny) bit of what they Indians dealt with so many years ago. Our ancestors had no problem coming in, taking over, forcing the people who lived here to adhere to our languages and customs. Now we have a HUGE problem with a smaller group of people doing some of the same things. It's a double-edged sword.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
the thing that bothers me is the fact that I as a legal emigrand went through the whole nine yards of enterin g the USA legaly andbecame a citisen yet here are those folks just taking everything is as if they are making a laughing stock of those of us who did it the right way!we are a country of laws and they surely are law breakers !
• United States
16 Oct 07
Amen, sister!
• United States
16 Oct 07
My significant other was born in Mexico but moved to the states when he was 6. His mother always told him not to tell people he was from Mexico because of the wide spread prejudice. Bad part about that is I asked him after we had been dating about 4 months what his nationality was and he told me Castillian and Italian with no mention of Mexico. We were in a bad wreck and he was in the hospital and I had applied for his ss disability and even though I had a million of his IDs they wanted his birth certificate. I called his Mom and she freaked out because he was born in Mexico. Personally I don't care where someone is from or what color they are it's the kind of person they are. I'm predjudiced against !@#$%holes no matter the race, LOL , but thats it.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
While I see what your saying here, and think thats great that you conformed to accomodate those around you, I slightly disagree. The two issues I have with this is the "legal" point of it all & the fact that Spanish is becoming a prominate language here. The language factor, as I read some others feel this way, is that I'm a born a natural citizen of the US, and my native language is English. MANY jobs are starting to require you to speak Spanish fluently, in the event that you have to deal with Spanish speaking citizens. While I'm able to understand how it is more comfortable for Spanish persons to speak their native language, for those of us speaking the Native language of English, its a hinderance. So I have to spend money on college courses to learn a language to be able to function in this country? I dont think so. I'm not going to even think about vacationing in a country with a native language I dont speak, so why would I want to relocate and live there without learning the language? I think if your going to LIVE here and have you life here, then learn to communicate in the native language. That seems like common sense to me. There are 6,700 languages spoken throughout this world, and Im MOST sure there are a large amount of people speaking these languages living here, should I learn all those languages to accomadate everyone? The legality of it all, all I have to say is that if you want to live here and be happy, then fill out all the forms, learn english, apply for a work permit to legally work and pay the same amount of taxes the rest of us do. The amount of money immigrants save during the year from Fed tax breaks is enough to buy themselves a brand new Mustang. If you want healthcare then buy it like the rest of us do. No one race is lazier or more hard working than the other so for you to say that they will do the jobs that most Americans WONT do is just rediculous. There are just as many Mexicans not working here & living off public aid as there are natural born citizens. And since its LAW to have certain amounts of minorities in place by employers, whites are sometimes over looked when they in fact might do a better job, just so the company can "fill a quota" put in place by the Federal Government so there is equality in the workplace. Its BS. I think people should be hired because of education, experience & a strong work history, not ethnic backgrounds. Bay xx
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• United States
16 Oct 07
Your right, and I do deal with it. I live here, I abide by the laws while other around me get "breaks" for it because they are a different nationality. What else can I do? I dont walk around a foriegn country playing the race card to get ahead. How well do you think it would go over if I went to Mexico and used the phrase "No habla espanol"???? Would it get me anywhere? Do you think they would say Aaah its ok and we'll conform to your ways and take me by the hand to lead me along? Hell the US dont do that for me and I was born here. Your absolutely right on the work force issues. It is a double edged sword, damn.ed if you do, damn.ed if you dont. No one can let go of the past and live in the present, thats what pisses me off. Its not the 15th century anymore, its the 21st and if we continue to live in the past then we will never get anywhere to where everyone in this country is happy. I would just like to see equailty for all people living in this country, no matter where your ancestory lies. I think the US should stop making things easier for some and harder for others. Bay xx
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@woodlin (158)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I agree with you to a point here. I too agree that to live here you should learn to communicate. If I were to move to another country where the language was not primarily English I would definitely feel I need to learn that other language. As for the education and affirmative action well once again a double edge sword. I agree it is not fair and my own family has been hit with the pass up this caused. BUT if you look at it from both sides you would have to agree it is a double edge sword. On one hand it does screw those "whites" that do have the education and experience and to me that is wrong. On the other hand if it were never set into place then it would have screwed "blacks". It was set into place because many companies and big corporations REFUSED to hire anyone who was not "white". Even if these people had more experience or education then the "white" guy it did not matter. This is no different then the fact that in this action woman were given the opportunity to prove themselves as well. Back then it was difficult for a woman to get a good job because they were not a man. So really any way you look at it this is an unfair world. There is not much of this world that any of us can consider as being fair. We just have to deal with it.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
I get upset with the illegal immigrant situation. First what is the problem with coming in legally and becoming a citizen. Isn't that supposed to be why they are here? I am speaking mainly of Mexico. Why are these people flooding in to the United States. If things are so bad in there country why not stay and fight to change it like we had to. Spend some of that energy cleaning up there country. This country has had to fight really hard to get its independence in the beginging right through the world wars to to protect itself. Many many brave souls gave there lives to give us the freedom and benefits we now have. It didn't come easily. As the saying goes " Freedom isn't Free" We paid a high price with each one of these individuals. Where were these people than? Sitting in Mexico. They appear to be to lazy to clean up their own homeland ( where is the pride?) and make it a better place to live and a better heritage to leave to their children. But no -they just want to get out of town and sponge offf of other peoples rights. They get free everything and I can't even get heath insurance. They brag about producing offspring just so they can stay in this country and leech from us. What do you think would happen it Americans started flooding into Mexico and demanding everthing from Tv to Grocery stores and currency be in English. Any one else see the movie "Day after Tomorrow"? I thought it was pretty poetic that when America needed to be evacuated because of a natural disastor Mexico closed there borders to us and wouldn't let anyone in until all of there debts to us were forgiven and they didn't have to pay them. Is this a glimps of the future? I also think it is absolutley absurd that they won't learn the language. I will bet if we made it a law that you could only apply for public assistance in English they would learn really fast. I have no problem AT ALL with immigrants coming into America and becoming citizens. That is how this country started. But I do have a problem with all of the people who want to be called something American. Wither it is Black American, Hispanic American, German American, Italian American, Jewish American etc. etc. etc. Why not just plain old American. I thought we were all equal. And I thought that is why they came. They come here but want to instill there culture here. So if it was so great why did they leave. If I were to move to another country (and I won't) I would expect to learn the language, the culture and abide by there laws. Is that asking to much here?
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• United States
16 Oct 07
Sorry I didn't get this edited and corrected very well but my fingers were flying and couldn't keep up with my thoughts. I did edit and thought I had cleaned it up but noticed more after I posted. Sorry
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@woodlin (158)
• United States
16 Oct 07
It does not bother me neither because they were here first anyways. It was the Europeans that first came here to their land. This land was once divided with Mexicans and Indians. The Europeans came here, killed and stole everything from these people. People who complain about it are just another racist group. If you don't like it go back to where you came from.. ha ha ha. Yeah that makes sense doesn't it? You hear this yet they do it and you complain about it. Ignorance! This is supposed to be the "land of the free" what makes these people any less human that they don't deserve freedom to be here either?
• United States
16 Oct 07
You got that right, Mexicans have never gotten over the fact that American's took their land. In fact, I think America, with an agreement with Mexico, was allowed to stage a (war), take their land, change the names to different state names, become prosperous, then send Mexicans back to America and suck us dry. What goes around, comes around and by no means do I accept this taking over my state, California. I will NOT learn Spanish. But, with the convergence of Canada, America and Mexico, we will all be using the same language pretty soon. Every heard of the NAFTA SUPERHIGHWAY? If not, look it up...It is being built right now in Loredo, TX and will go through Kansas where all our foreign shipments will go to and then, the superhighway will continue throughout the US. And, guess who owns this superhighway? SPAIN does... Look it up, check it out...this is real and America is no longer a soverign nation..
@woodlin (158)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Oh trust me I DO know about these things and I agree to a degree. But you have to remember, it is not the Mexicans who chose to have NAFTA, nor did they choose to be killed for the land. The small children born also did not choose to have such hatred thrown at them just because of the nationality of their parents. No matter how you look at it, this is wrong. There is no good reason to "hate" or "dislike" a particular nationality. That is why this world sucks and people do nothing but kill each other over nothing. Mexicans are also not the only ones who as you say "suck us dry". Our own president does that, so have many before him. Corporations do that when there is a natural disaster and they hike the prices of necessity goods. They are not the only ones who are on welfare, or take our jobs from us. Many natives as well as non-natives take the tax money and exploit it, use it, take advantage of it, however you want to classify it. As for the jobs, if it weren't for the fact that so many "Americans" are greedy and think they are worth more then they are then the non-natives would not have the opportunity to "take" our jobs. I have even seen how this affects us. I myself am self-employed and I have 6 kids. Because I am self-employed I am considered as "making to much income" for my children to receive medical assistance. Even though I am self-employed I can not afford the $1800 a month to get private health insurance. I get frustrated as well at this and I think it is bull BUT I have no right to blame the nationalities who get it before I do. It is not their fault that OUR government gives to them before they give to us. It is our governments fault so start blaming them and not the people. Honestly I wish I could migrate to some other country and take advantage of their universal health care just for my kids. If you really think about it Mexico's government is no different then ours. They don't take care of their people and our government doesn't take care of us. If you were in a dying country or a country that would rather see their people starve then prosper you would want to do the same thing and leave to go somewhere that they will.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
18 Oct 07
I read a colum in Time Magazinea couple of years ago by a Canidian - Charles Krouthammer (sp?). His point was people need to learn the language of the country. When you look at the US what is it that holds us together? It is our language - English. You become an American when you can speek the language. He pointed out the dangers of a two language nation. In Canada the French speeking people from Quebec are living in poverty because of language. I think ther are several things we as a nation need to do to solve the problem. 1. secure the borders - North, South, East and West. Many illegales are from Eastern Europe and Africa and enter from the East Coast or from Canada. The Asian population (illeagle) comes in thruog the West Coast and Canada. 2. Develop a means for those here illeagly to register and have a real background check and health screening done. Then set up a program for them to become US Citizens with sponcers. 3. Have ICE round up the criminals and thos who have not registered and deport them. I am sure that most people are like me and know or have know illegal immigrants and would welcome them into their community. When you read some of the stories you will find that many have been in this country and have learned the language and lived amoung us for years. These are the people we want and get rid of the other that are causing problems or wh do not want to follow the laws of our country.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
18 Oct 07
Very well said.
@venshida (4836)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I think they should come here legally. As it stands now, we have no idea who is here whether they have a criminal background or not. I really hate it when I go to a store and the clerk tells me she does not know english. I think they should learn the language. If I live in Mexico, I would not expect the Mexicans to learn english.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
18 Oct 07
You are correct they should learn to communicate well. But just because they do not communicate in English does NOT mean they are here illegally. That is another misconception. I know a few elderly Hispanics and in my area near Minneapolis, Somalians and they are legal, gained citizenship but refuse to speak English on a daily basis. They only speak it if they have to. I personally think it is rude but there is nothing I can do about it. So to say they must not be here legally is just a stereotype. A good friend of mine who is a 60 yr old man, born in Mexico, but lived here for the last 30+ years. He speaks very little English. I only understand a few words he says and it does get annoying so we really do not converse on a regular basis. But he is legal and he does not speak English.
• United States
16 Nov 07
Im part native American , and what you just said riles me up.This nation once belonged to indian and mexican peoples long before any white man came here. talk about illgally being here( please)..... all of you are hypocrits.
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
8 Apr 08
First of all, I have Mexican family members on all sides. Secondly, I've noticed recently that almost every product has both English AND Spanish on the labels and that bothers me. WHY does it bother me? Because many of these products had only English on them a few months ago. It's like everywhere I go, I'm hit with something with Spanish on it. That is mostly an annoyance than a complaint though.
• United States
3 Apr 08
You are putting your decision on your small town. It is very likely that you work in an office and your cannot determine their effects based on just where you live. I i repeat, I have no job because I dont cut myself down to working under the table and working for half of my worth. I am an American citizen and I have qualifications beyond what they have. You are oblivious to what is going on throughout the entire country and I hope you are not the deciding vote for our next president. My life is tough and I worked my butt off for every penny that I have and I cannot get a job because of them. Also, I got my very first car last May and worked for the money to buy that car for over 3 years. I had that car for 12 days then I was hit head on by a car load of illegals that had no insurance and I was the only that was hurt. Now the effects of that accident were 1) I have no car 2) I have the worst credit because I cannot get a job to pay off the doctor bills from them 3) I have no job ... and the list goes on. So before you go standing up for them I suggest that you do some research as to their effects now and the ones that will be occuring in the near future as our government runs out of money to support them. And one more thing, they dont do the jobs that Americans wont do. They do the jobs for half price. I know many jobless people more than willing to do the work but wont be hired.
• Canada
8 Apr 08
The point is that they are here illegally. That means they are breaking the law by just being here, not to mention the crimes that they commit and the jail cells that they are filling up. Oh and what about our school system that you and I are paying for. We now need spanish speaking teachers and aids so that we can communicate with their children. And what does that do to the English speaking children, it slows down their learning because half of the time is spent explaining in Spanish. And when was the last time that you needed to go to the emergency room and wait, and wait....and wait some more because one of their little ones had an ear infection? All paid from your and my taxes via welfare. You are kidding your self if you do not think this is not affecting you. Construction jobs used to be a high paying job until it was taken over by illegal workers and that was a job that the Americans will do but just not for minimum wage! Same with logging and many other blue collar jobs. So my friend, keep drinking your kool aid and learning your native language and when you no longer have a job that you are able to support your self at because the illegals will do it for minimum wages, don't cry to us that there aren't any good jobs out there!