Dads and little girls

fathers and daughters -

425 x 485 - 96k
October 15, 2007 11:19pm CST
I know for certain that girls, ie. daughters are more closer to their dads than their moms. Mostly so, but in my case my father never showed his love, though I am sure he loved us in his own way. At times i wonder if he was disappointed at having three daughters and no son. Any way he did all he could for us, but maybe becaues we were never rich that he had to hold back on a lot of things. Or was he just an uninterested father? I still cant make out. I lost him some time back, but i still cant figure him out. My mom was everything to us, and took active interest in everything we did.
3 responses
@meanangel (167)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Each person is different so not all girls are closer to their fathers than their mothers. Money probably was not the issue it was probably that he was not an expressive person to begin with and loved you the only way he knew how. You would be surprised at how many girls are not that close to their fathers. The person who shows the most intrest in you is the one you are closest to. Stop trying to figure him out and just accept that he loved you the best he could.
• India
17 Oct 07
Thank you meanangel. Your words have brought some solace to my heart. I do love him and miss him.
@mee2kz (7)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Well first of all, i bellieve each father ie each person is differnet in the abilities. Alot of men get there parenting abilities from how they were parented. They learned from example on wut type of a parent to be. So Altho i dont kno ur father, maybe his distant fatherin was a product of his own childhood. As far as daddy's little girla. Well i am a daddy's girl, always have been. My dad and i just have alot more in common and our personalities are similar. But that is not always the case. For example my sister and my father have never been close. She is closer to my mom as Im not s close to my mom. Altho the cbond with fathers and daughters is differnet then fathers and sons, it varies from realationship to realationship.
@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I'm an exception, because I am definitely not close with my father. Our relationship is getting better...but nope, I love my mom and I'm very close to her.