So now it's racist to protect your country....(gagging on ignorance)
By Shannon
@visitorinvasion (7709)
United States
October 16, 2007 2:01am CST
I've had enough of people wanting to run around with their heads in the clouds pretending to know what's going on in the world.
Yep, this is a BIGtime rant, ladies & gents.
I just got called a racist and you can bet I'm pretty hot under the collar. I've come to the point that I have ZERO tolerance for ignorance. If people want to live in a dream world that's their problem. Personally, I educate myself because I actually give a damn about something outside of my own personal world/problems.
I have seen so many people saying "I don't care, it isn't effecting me." Well guess what? It's going to.
Wanna know why I'm so fed up with the Illegals?
They have declared war on us.
"The White Devil Must Die!" They are crying out in the streets of southern California. I wonder who the racist is. Hmmm...
For crying out loud, go look at something besides freaking recipes and p*rn! Calling me a racist is like saying peanutbutter doesn't go with jelly. It's fking ignorant.
The sonsa u-no-whats have declared war on us, and I'm not kidding.
This one in particular oughtta piss ya off:
I don't know about you, but I'm getting damned tired of people blaming this generation for sh|t that happened over a century ago.
Racist? No way, I hate racism.
American, damn skippy. If you don't like our Constitution you can feel free to leave.
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20 responses
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Personally...I've nothing to say on the "illegal immigration problem".
I know some of them are criminals in ways other than the obvious, but I also know that some are desperate people.
It's not rascist if you simply believe that they should be following the laws and are annoyed at the illegal immigrants for no other reason. It is rascist to hate them because most illegal immigrants are from mexico.
But seeing how little use laws are to begin with, I think it might be a tad hypocritical of me to dislike them too deeply.
It's not my perogative to dislike many people anyways..
But that's just me.
If it is coming to THAT kind of civil war, I dunno how safe I'd be. I'm not white, and being predominantly native american I might be mistaken for a latino person.
Another reason I haven't formed an opinion o n illegal immigration is because of my mixed feelings about the settlers and the people who were there before them.
If that wasn't a case of illegal immigration I don't know what was.
Yes, circumstances are different now...but still.
Mixed feelings, yes. And not alot of solid truths to go on.
The nicer desperate illegal immigrants who've seen more hostility than kindness? Well I can't blame them for listening to their more agressive migrant mates.
This is a very crazy world we live in. *shakes my head*
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
16 Oct 07
My husband is native American, and I do feel what happened all those years ago when they got terrorized and their land stolen was wrong, but 200 years later what am I supposed to do about it? Go "back" to England?
I think not. Can't go to other countries and demand a job and financial/medical help and holler racism while we do it. Other countries lock people up (or deport them) for that.
Speak english and you'll be fine. Most illegals refuse to learn. That should differentiate you from them quite well.
Did you hear about the murder of a 14 year old black child because she was on the wrong side of the road? Many of them are breaking more laws than just crossing the border.
They are declaring war on us for Chrissake!
To me they have become no different than any other group that seeks to take from my children.
I have no problem with people coming here the right way.
If I did, I wouldn't have the most adorable red-haired 1/2 mexican nephew whom I adore. Tristan's father was born here and his parents came here the legal way and got their citizenship. Guess what? That's one in their eye. Legal Mexicans may actually be more pissed off about Illegal immigration than us pasty-faces.
Might want to keep in mind if a war does start over this (because the cops sure as hell aren't keeping it under control), you won't be safe from them. To them you are one of us.
The law obviously means nothing to our current administration, but as I've said before many months ago, We are the People, this is OUR country (now) and it is our Duty to Defend it.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
19 Oct 07
I can see your point.
Even if that time does come, I don't see Americans going to their country to raise our flag and declare war. Asking for help is one thing, demanding all whites leave California is another.
Being a have a niece who's father is an illegal Guatemalan, I also see the sympathetic side to those who do just want to work and eat in a better and safer place. Really, I do, but I don't see an efficient way of weeding out those who want help and citizenship from those who wish to run Americans out of any part of America.
I wouldn't care what skin-tone these people carry, there is still much about this that bothers me. Mainly that we are not allowed to protect our own anymore and the illegals get protection that Americans don't.
Thank you for noting that I am not racist, Paranoia. As always, I appreciate your support and respect your opinions.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I understand your feeings, hun. And I know there's nothing anyone can do about the past. It is the past, after all.
I know how protective you are of your family, I'm that way about my ducklings...even if the relationship with my own family is real family are my small group, and I'll do what it take to keep them alive.
I agree it's not rascist to be protective of you family against a minority who w see only bad examples. It's natural, I think.
My only reaction to that prticular group, only slight wariness. 'Cause I cannot justify any other reaction from myself. As I said, because I know some of them are desperate...and I'm also well aware, that those with nothing to lose are the most dangerous type of people.
But that's the very reason why I can't fear or hate them.
It could be me, someday...having run illegally into another country because of how this country is. With no other options or choices at the time.
But I know, that's just me.
As I said, how you feel and others with similiar reactions aren't rascist. You're only that way because you care.
The only way it's rascist is if you hate and blame all mexicans. And you don't, so you're not rascist.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
16 Oct 07
You're more than welcome.
Thank you for responding to my rant-fit!
Double thank you for showing that my time spent researching isn't a waste.
Go forth and spread the word if you will :D
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
19 Oct 07
This just in, thanks to DavidReedy:
The Border Patrol is being told to watch for Mexican Military units crossing into our country!
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@NeoComp (1316)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I agree Former President of Mexico...
Says people who don't like globalization
are raceist.
But I mean that doesn't make sense!
I mean he wants a new world order...
I am not racists.
I say people like David Rockefeller who are doing
this behind the scenes are the ones to blame.
Their pychotic plans for world domination
makes them spread this garbage.
Long live the constituion, and freedom!
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I wouldn't care if they were the pasty-whitest illegals in the world. Race has NOTHING to do with it. They are criminals and war mongers out to destroy what is left of America. If we don't start making a big stink, this activity will continue.
Huh? If we aren't for the nwo and globalization we are racists? What kind of BS is that? No one gets to tell me my mind. Why are so many letting the likes of these country heads tell them their minds?
Baby Bush: If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists.
Um, don't tell me who I'm with, Sir.
I'm finally calming down some.
Good thing that ignorant hefer wasn't within reaching distance, I may have not been able to fight the urge to knock the living crap out of her. Calling me a racist? OOOOOOO.....
Thanks for the support, NeoComp.
It's always a pleasure to see you poke your head back in here from time to time.
Keep fighting the good fight!
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
18 Oct 07
Hey I'll stand by you on this. I'm no racist, but I watch while zionist policies are completely killing the Palestinean people while no one does anything, while here in America our infrastructure is collapsing do to the flood of immigration, mostly illegal. By latest statistics to keep up with the flood of immigration, California alone needs to build one elementary school per day. Where's all this money supposed to come from? Besides am I truly supposed to have open arms for people who'd prefer to fly the Mexican flag in this country--than this country's own? Yeah, so now I suppose I'm an anti-hispanic racist, anti-semite fascist pig, just for having common sense, and a Love for my own country. Research the ugly statistics, about ten percent of the estimated U.S. population is illegal immigrants, many of which are recieving entitlements and many of which are not paying taxes. (all this while the dollar is collapsing and our economy on the verge of collapsing.) I could care less what someone's race or nationality, or religion is, but if you're belief is anything other than pro-America then stay the He&l out! Period.

@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
19 Oct 07
I hope you're not arguing just for the sake of arguing. Our country's government is evil and corrupt. Our economy is controlled by world-elitist agenda's no doubt.
But, what good are you if you're not going to defend this country? To speak out against the tyranny? We can't just sit here and say "I hate this place"--do something about it. Very soon, the United States will have to face one of three circumstances: a)political upheaval b)revolutionary upheaval or c)outright destruction. What is Pro-American, then, by my definition? How about believing in the United States Constitution, freedom, justice, and a morality that is good enough to be in par with limited government. If you truly hate America... go to Canada or some other country that is caught in the very same vise that is destroying this country now. Keep running. Or find some courage, and fix the injustices here. Vote. Demonstrate. Buy American. (if at all possible anymore.), Write your congress and representatives. Writer your newspapers. Be willing and ready to fight. Sorry, but it's apathy and those who've allowed themselves to fall victim to the polarization overwhelming our society, and those who choose to blame and hate the wrong elements... I hate the war in the middle east, but you better believe I'll give my men and women in uniform utmost respect. See what happens when you spout your hatred for your country to those individuals then.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
19 Oct 07
I wish to add, that I realize my rebuttal was more than a tad rude. I hate coming off like that. See, I see a few key phrases in your statement that stand out like a sore-thumb that represent the indoctrination that most of us are constantly fed with. Who said crap about Loving our government or its policies? Being patriotic, in this case, means you Love the principles this country was founded on, and you are willing to stand up for the freedom that our Constitution guarantees us. To Hell with any notion that my being an American means I have to be proud of our foreign policy or swear blind obedience to corrupt administration after corrupt administration. Loving my country means I'll stand up to defend Her against enemies foreign and domestic. I vote, I write, I discuss, and if these things don't work, I'll fight. If we do not Love our country--it is lost. If we do not Love our God--our beliefs/faith/and in many ways that God itself--is lost. If we do not Love our family--it breaks apart and is, thus, lost. If we do not Love ourselves--we lose ourselves to endless distractions and hedonistic pursuits... We must Love that which we are, have, and treasure--or all is lost.
Again, I apologize for the tone of my last rebuttal, but understand I'm passionate about reclaiming this country--because they would drive her under--and it's not just this country... Global elitists/bankers/fellows like the Rothschilds and the CFR have declared it their intent to create a one-world government and one-world economic system. The need to destroy the U.S. to do that, and our own puppets in office are helping them do that. We need to take a stand--because, guess what, there is nowhere to flee.
David A. Reedy...
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@woodlin (158)
• United States
19 Oct 07
Here it goes.. Ok, let the lynching begin!
This country was founded on theft, murder, deceit, and slavery. Later came good intentions that still lacked in human compassion. Slavery stayed for how long? Woman were considered nothing until when? Taxes that cause higher poverty was set in place for what? War money is worth more then hunger in this country why? As the years go by my rights diminish at a high rate why? The GOV steps into families and tells them how to live why? The GOV steps in and tells me what I can or can not do to my own body why?
This is not a democracy it is an ownership. Our government owns us. They claim to work for us yet they are always working against us. They claim to work for us yet we actually work for them. They claim to give back to us yet they take from us to give back to others. When they screw up we are the ones held liable. When I screw up it is only me that is held liable. Why it is if I create a debt I have to pay it back? When the government brings forth debt that I did NOT consent to why do I have to pay it back?
You may think I am horrible for saying this but it really is all true. I did not make it up. I am not some brain damaged person that dislikes something without bearing witness to it.
I do love this country, I really do. I was born here, raised here and now raise my children here. But just because I love my country does not mean I love who runs it and frankly I don't have to. Even if I was not here and I lived somewhere else and it was run like this one is I would feel the same way. So I am not anti-American, I am anti-American government period. If I was anti-American I would be one of those out killing everyone who is American. I would be out destroying the flag, statues, memorials etc. etc. but I am not doing that. I just flame the government because they have done wrong in this country. They have hurt this country in many ways.
So, there ya go. I think I answered just about everything you got pissed about and I am sure you are still pissed. I am sorry about that but I refuse to lie just to appease.
Happy chatting!
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@hassanchop (820)
• United States
16 Oct 07
If you aren't racist, you're just REALLY extremist. Stop with the Republican propaganda and face the truth: they're coming in whether we keep them out or not. Learn Spanish and adapt, or refuse to learn Spanish and hurt your own marketability.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Our country is being invaded right under our noses.
If I'm an extremist for being pissed off about that, then so be it.
This issue is not about race, it's about our Constitution that is being used for toilet paper by the current administration.
It's about the fact that these people have a legal way of going about getting citizenship and feel like we owe them something. Our forefathers may have stolen their land, I'm inclined to believe it since they did the same thing to the natives here; but this generation didn't do it yet we are paying for it.
I'd tell you to read the documentation, but you have already chosen your side, and it's not the side of your fellow countrymen.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
17 Oct 07
hassan...I'm not racist and I am definitely not republican! But I agree with supporting the laws of the country one lives in. In our country we have the gift of being able to change laws by voting. Seeing as to how we Americans have not voted to abandon the laws regarding immigration, we Americans are against illegal immigration. Period. As far as learning spanish...why? The immigrants from "mesoamerica" generally refuse to learn English. This I believe is out of intentional disrespect for all cultures other than their own. It's not just here they refuse to learn the language of the land. They do this everywhere. If it is ok for them to have so much arrogant pride in their own culture, then why is it not ok for an American to have the same arrogant pride about being American in America? You seem to want the mesoamerican immigrants to take over the U.S. and replace our ways with theirs. Why did you pick them over the millions Korean, Chinese, Armenian and other illegal immigrants here in the southwest? What is so special about them in your eyes?
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Name calling seems to be the usual response when you don't agree with the politically correct views of the liberals.
I have been called a racist and bigot, and other things as well many times because of my views.
I guess it goes with the territory.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Well, IMO I'm tired of being blamed for racism when race isn't the issue. The Americans from Mexican descent as well as the Legal Latinos seem to be extremely offended by this as well. Are they racist too?
Hospitals out west are shutting down left and right because of the cost of tending to thousands (if not millions) of uninsured illegal patients. But hey, we aren't supposed to say anything about it, we just live here and pay the daggone taxes...go figure.
Thanks for your support here, I know our views aren't always the same. I do appreciate you stopping by.
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
1 Dec 07
visitorinvasion, it really doesnt matter where racism is coming from-the truth of the matter is that it is not an exclusive vice to whites only all races have the dirty racial instinct, they feel so smart throwing vulgar at people who are different from them in skin colour-I see it Zimbabwe as much as I hear about it in America or Germany.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
31 Mar 08
What matters is the fact that people use that race card when they are angry rather than when it's really the truth. I was totally pissed about being called a racist when I started this thread. It's like saying it's okay to declare war on California as long as you're not a citizen and for a citizen to speak out against it, well, then that's racism.
Bull pucky.
I see your point about racism being a world wide thing, but it does get old being accused of being a racist over stupid stuff all the time.
@southernpixie (741)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I just have to say I loooove your post!! I read the post that you left on an illegal immigrant thread. I totally agree with you.
You're not racist because you disagree with illegal immigration. I'm sure you'd be opposed to anyone coming to the country illegally. I know I am. Mexicans get talked about so much because of the way they come here and disrespect the US. They want to fly the Mexican flag above the US flag, and demand the same rights as US citizens.
Oh, by the way, I sent you a friend request, because you rock!!
@Eskimo (2315)
28 Oct 07
Try living in U.K. Only white people can be racist, all others can ran't and rave about anything with total immunity, because, everyone is now frightened to say anything at all about people from other cultures, without being branded racist. Complain about illegal immigrants, and you are also branded racist.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Wow! I had no idea there was racism at all over there.
Seriously, I thought the US and South Africa had the major racial issues. I'm sorry that kind of crap is going on there. The race card tends to get pulled a lot when race actually has nothing to do with the issue.
Thank you for enlightening me to the problems in the UK.
I tend to not care what people think about things outside their own little world not being important in that little world. Ok, that was vague, so my point is, what goes on in the UK affects us here, and vice versa. If you care to share more info on the goings on over there, I'd be glad to read it.
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@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Ahh. That You Tube video got me all upset. I am not a racist but I believe in borders and the crossing of them legaly. I need a passport to enter someone else's country and I expect the same respect in return.
It looks like we need a bigger fence in my opinion.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
19 Oct 07
The video is very upsetting.
The fact that this is going on and our law stands by and does nothing, except for convicting 2 of our border patrolmen for doing their jobs, sickens me.
Race has nothing to do with it.
They have entered illegally and seek to have war with us.
Seems pretty cut and dry to me. What color they are or what language they speak has no bearing on that issue.
Thank you for taking time to look at the research provided, and thank you for your support.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
18 Jan 08
I figure if they don't like the "White Devil" then go back to their own country. I saw a while back where they had a huge parade filled with illegals that waved mexican flags and sang their version of our pledge of allegiance. I thought this was totally rude and insulting to Americans. My question was if your country's so great why are you here?? I wish they'd start heavily fining the companys that hire them then maybe they wouldn't be in such a rush to get here.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
11 Jul 09
First I would like to apologize for just now finding these replies.
Twoey, I'm with ya, girlie. I just watched an episode of High School Stories a couple of weeks ago where all the latino kids were pissed off because they couldn't sport their heritage flags in an American school & even more pissed off because one skinny white girl asked that same question: If your country is so great, why are you here? The latino kids tried to gang up on her at lunch in the cafeteria, some more white (and black) kids backed her up, the latino kids got suspended & their parents pulled the race card on the school board, you can figure out the rest.
Anyhoo...I'll say it again, Miami, my beef isn't with immigrants, my beef is with the illegals that come over here and try to change things. No other country would povertize their own in order to give out freebies to immigrants, illegal or otherwise. If you can show me a way to separate those that mean harm to this country from those just trying to have a better life, I'll gladly support that route. Also, I'd like to say that I appreciate that you can see that there are some people that do come here and talk that smack you heard in the store that day.
I do not mean to come off racist, it just pisses me off that people from other countries, not exclusively latino countries (that was just the topic that started it all off), sneak across however they can then act like we should be bowing to their every need. If any one of us Americans were to go to another country demanding free everything or undercutting people for jobs...or wreaking havoc period, they'd either deport our behinds or lock us up.
I hope this is all coming out right, I've had a few. It's been a hard week.
Anyway, a year late. I do appreciate both of your opinions.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
21 Jan 08
As much as I am sympathetic to the plight of immigrants, there are things that I sometimes witness that do irk me. What I won't do is let the words of one person or a group of people make me dislike an entire culture.
Just recently, I was in the grocery store. Since I am relatively bi-lingual, I overheard a conversation in spanish where one of the people was saying something derogitory about Americans. That really bothered me! I was thinking the very same things that you just said...if you don't like it here then...
But, I have to say, my beef was with that ONE person.
Not with every person who has come over from whatever country she came from.
It does bother me when immigrants come over and are just as guilty of reverse discrimination as some Americans are of discrimination.
Of course, everyone forms their opinions based on their own personal experiences and I do try to take that in to consideration when I'm forming my opionions on things (I try not to judge, but I do form opinions).
As I mentioned on another post, I can't count the number of times that I've been told that I should speak spanish or speak spanish better.
My mother was Cuban, but I was born and raised here.
My dad is American. We were raised with American traditions.
I've actually explained this to numerous people, while thinking "why should I have to explain myself?". But the truth is, many of the people who have said these things to me truly thought they weren't being offensive. In fact some of them probably thought they were trying to "help" me.
You see, the argument down here in Miami is, "you will get a lot further in life if you are bi-lingual"
There is some truth to that, but I never have liked being told what I "should or shouldn't do". Of course, I also don't want to go through my entire life angry and arguing with people, so, I have learned to develop a LOT of tolerance regarding different opinions.
Some of what I'm saying here my not be relevent to your comment. If it's not, I apologize. I guess I was just inspired to post on the topic again.
Take care and Happy myLotting!
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@dobyladysaturn (151)
• United States
24 Nov 07
I am sorry to say this but you are right. I am not racist but I am tired of free rides and being blamed for something I had nothing to do with. Folks wake up and smell the coffee. Check out Mexico's policy for immigrants. I bet they don't get the breaks they do here. IT ISN'T RACIST TO WANT PEOPLE TO RESPECT THIS COUNTRY THEY ARE ENTERING ILLEGALLY. IT ISN'T RACIST TO EXPECT IMMIGRANTS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIRSELVES AND NOT EXPECT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO TAKE CARE OF THEM. IT ISN'T RACIST TO BE PROUD OF MY COUNTRY OR OUR CONSTITUTION. IT ALSO GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO LEAVE IF YOU FIND IT OFFENSIVE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT. COME HERE LEGALLY AND RESPONSIBLY.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
24 Nov 07
Thanks, Saturn.
That's my whole point. I don't care what color they are or what language they speak. What they are doing is wrong. I can understand wanting a better life, but there's a right way to go about it. Illegal entry, sucking up our government programs and medical resources are not the ways to go about it.
Nice meeting you.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
4 Nov 07
Do the words, "acts of war" mean ANYTHING to ANYONE anmore? I think it's high time the citizen militias in the border states begin patrolling. sice our administration won't put the nessesary troups there to protect our nation, it would now be up to them. Has no one considered an open call up of these groups?
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
6 Nov 07
They're locking people up for taking it upon themselves to protect the people of this nation, including border patrol, so I guess the fear tactic is working on this particular issue...unfortunately.
If we can get Dr. Paul elected, we'll have troops to protect our border because he'll call them home from Iraq...technically, Guard is supposed to be here protecting the homefront, not over seas anyhow.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Nov 07
yeh, they should be, in large numbers and shoot to kill orders. But I'm also talking about the citizen militias that pretty much every state has. Not just the national guard. I know we have one here in new hampshire that numbers around 20,000 between new hampshire and vermont, the one in montana I've think bosts almost 120,000, Just about every state has one. I guess they have always been considered "survivalists" and extreme groups to the uninformed so you never hear a lot about them. Always associated with a particular era, with the cold war in the 80's it was russians, now it's the new world order. Either way, I would think this kind of agression on the mexican border would be cause enough to bring them there.
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@meanangel (167)
• United States
16 Oct 07
As I see it they can go ahead and call me a racist if they want to. I would rather be a racist than an ignorant sob who can't pull his head out of the sand long enough to realize the safety of this country is more important than one persons feelings. There has to be someone to protect our freedom or we are no better than a third world country. The last time I checked democracy had to be fought for. We may not all agree with our leaders but we all have the right to voice that opinion and should be thankful everyday we don't live in a country where other races or people with differing opinions are slaughtered.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
19 Oct 07
You are much stronger than I, lol.
The name-calling really set me off...along with the ignorance. People will argue a point they have "heard" about all day long, but refuse to take the time to educate themselves.
The supportive feedback in this thread is making me realize that many are actually awake to this least more than I thought.
Call me crazy, but since when did immigration involve the tolerance of the immigrants demanding special treatment and declaring war on the state of California???
Thanks for stopping by, I sent you a friends request.
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@piggiehandcuffs (365)
• United States
4 Jun 09
Ok 1st things 1st... How can u be racist towards hispanics, when they're not a race! They're a geographical region.
I got denied a college education because I'm too white. But they allowed 2 illegal Brazilians a free education because their parents got deported by ICE. All off Miami was outraged so they gave these 2 boys everything they wanted for free. I personally would've given them a free ride back to Brazil.
You really want to be ticket off? Read up on "La Raza" Those are some crazy people! "!@#$ the gringo. Everything is for the hispanics by the hispanics" "If a gringo gets in your way, do anything you can to get rid of them" How can people feel sorry for these people? They're crazy extremists! The Anointed One (Obama) wants to let these people in the country and let them have amnesty? What for!
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
11 Jul 09
Sorry I'm just finding this.
Thanks for the support, but if you'll scroll up a bit to where WayneT commented, you'll see that there is a reason for our government acting the way it is. The illegals issue is just another method of mass distraction.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Nov 07
It took me quite awhile to read through this whole discussion and it's made me very sad! This is what it's all come down to. We're on the verge of a civil war - I'm not sure that's the right word to call it - but if we're going to "shoot to kill" at our borders and if the Mexican Military is going to be guarding our borders from their side, that's scary thought indeed. Miamilady lady made some excellent points and since she lives in a city where there are many, many immigrants I can say with no doubt that she has a much bigger right to comment on this issue than I do. This is a rather lame response, especially given how heated this discussion has gotten, but why can't we all just get along? It's naive, it's probably stupid to some, but really, why can't people use a common sense approach to solving our problems?
@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Annie - where as it would be great to use a common-sense approach to things, here in the southwest, common-sense is overrun by the arrogant "It's my land! Not yours!" attitude of several latinos, including some prominent figures such as the mayor of Los Angeles. These groups are organizing and gaining strength with every intention of taking back "their land". And ironically, after some research on the matter, California was never under Meso-American rule. Neither was Baja California. "Barren wasteland. Who'd want it?" was the attitude. So when they say this to we Californians, I get pizzd. They want to make the southwest an annexation of Mexico, but with all the benefits of American policy. At the American tax payers expense. Do you have a way of dealing with this kind of attitude in a common-sensical way? I can't think of one. An interesting thing I noticed while researching was that the "Mexica", from which the name was later change to "Mexican", were booted out of fellow tribe's land/area/territory a few times. No specifics as to why. Finally, a ruling tribe gave the Mexica their own land to call home. It was a desolate area with an island that the other tribes didn't care for. It was the final move for the tribe. That area is now known as Mexico City.
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@woodlin (158)
• United States
8 Nov 07
My research indicates that in Feb of 1848 Mexico and the United States signed a treaty which ended the Mexican war and yielded a large portion of the Southwest including California to the United States. With Mexico defeated, California became a US Territory. Just wanted to clear that us since it was a misunderstanding of historical facts.
Regardless of all that, I don't think it is so much a matter of "I want my land back" type of thing. I think it is more of a "I want freedom" type of thing. This is supposed to be the land of opportunity and freedom for all. It is hard to live under a dictator ship or screwed up government no matter where in the world you live. There is this feeling all across the world that America is the place you want to be if you can not survive in your own country. It is the US that first made this play to the world and now that people act on it we reject them. It is a win / lose situation for everyone.
We also need to remember that our government will do whatever they want to do no matter what we have to say about it. We can all bicker and fight over what we each feel is right and it will still make no change. Unless you can construct a fence as high as the sky all around every inch of American borders EVERYWHERE then you will never keep anyone out. They will still come over. They will still find people willing to hire them under the table or under false identification. That is however how many of our own ancestors long ago came to be living in the good ol US of A.
@Sirknight71 (19)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Personally, i don't blame them a bit. Look at the way most of them are treated in this country(legal and illegal). I'll give ya the whole language thing, kinda gets on my nerves also. But there is 1 BIG thing to remember. This country was built on immigrants from all over the globe.
By this comment from you, "The sonsa u-no-whats have declared war on us, and i'm not kidding." Sounds like you are now talking about all the Mexicans and not just the illegals.
You mention the constitution. Let me quote the 1st comment in the constitution.
We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquily, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our POSTERITY, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Ok, the KEY word there is POSTERITY. Meaning: Future generations and ALL of a person's descendants.
How do you know that most of the illegals coming over didn't have a relative in their bloodline that was born in the U.S. and then decided to go back to Mexico. Technically, they could be DESCENDANTS of that 1 person in their family that went back. No way of telling is there?
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Think about what you're saying, Woodlin. If it were meant literally, this would be an attempt at world domination through population migration. It would also eventually through this migration, make the U.S. responsible for all the people of the world once all the descendants have integrated (through procreation) with the rest of the world population. But let's stand by your argument...the U.S. is eventually, responsible for all the world population. The U.S. speaks American English. The U.S has its way of doing things and laws to back them. Henceforth, the world must speak American English and abide by American law. Is this what you meant to say? Hmm? What a request! I just want people who reside in America to abide by American law. I'm not an Imperialist.
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I really don't believe this is what the founding fathers had in mind. The Constitution was written to govern this country. If we follow your "technicality", all the children of said descendant, in any country other, would also be entitled to the benefits of the U.S., thus making the Constitution an international governing document. Nice try, Sirknight71.
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@woodlin (158)
• United States
17 Oct 07
If they didn't have it in mind then they should not have written it that way. Say what you mean and mean what you say. You can not have it any other way. I agree they probably did not mean it that way but then again maybe they did. We do not know because we were not there while it was in the works. For all we know it was meant as exactly that. I mean you are talking about people who originally came from other countries or their families came here from other countries. So this may hold true or it may not. We don't know!

@breakaway (14)
• United States
12 Nov 07
Their actions are ridiculous, but racism is racism. The Constitution means nothing when the president, ANY PRESIDENT, can override it in a second. The purpose of the Constitution is to protect our country from A PRESIDENT WHO WANTS TO OVERRIDE the Constitution. A monarchy is where the people who started our country came from and they wanted to protect against it at all costs, even at the cost of freedom!
Most people in America are children of children of immigrants, some of who came here illegally! Should those people be sent back too? If not, then should we allow the people who are here illegally to have children who are allowed to stay?
And lastly? Why isn't it okay for people to say "The White Devil Must Die!" When you believe in the Constitution? (See First Amendment)
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
17 Nov 07
I can see your point, but you are totally missing mine.
Did you even look at the articles and videos in the main discussion? Mexican illegals have literally declared war on southern California and the media is keeping hush about it. There is no racism coming from me, I don't care what color they are, or what language they speak. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things. They are doing it the wrong way.
@nfbnfb (48)
• United States
26 Mar 08
your post was one of the best responses to a duscussion I have seen on here. the misdirected sons of b are never going to raise this kind of hell in their own country, they would get killed. here they have the protection of lawyers, the gov, bleeding heart liberals and our general humanity to rely upon and take advantage of. thank you for your post. what can we do?
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
1 Apr 08
We can politely explain to our state leaders and representatives that we will not stand for this madness.
It is unconstitutional, etc.
I do believe that we can make a difference if we bombard them with snail mail and email until they realize the citizens are awake and paying attention.
It is an election year after all.
What we can do for an immediate remedy, I honestly do not know.
@ohyeaimhim (87)
• United States
24 Apr 10
Woohoo! Agreed. (: I hate illegal immigrants... they do NOT speak English, they take jobs away from people that actually deserve them, and they cause more problems and commit more crimes than everyday citizens. They sometimes even get on welfare with a fake SS card and that causes us MORE MONEY!