This Is Breaking My Heart
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
October 16, 2007 4:50am CST
Don't worry folks this is not another animal rights issue, but something else very dear to my heart...trees..or more accurately anything to do with nature in general..and this is a vent of mine and much closer to home.
I have lived in my apartment building since I was five years old.. My grandmother, mother and I moved here in 1961 to this apartment complex that are called "garden" apartments and are only three stories high and were built in the pre-war 1930s???
As you can guess because these were garden apartment buildings, in the little backyard area was some land area that had these magnificent trees that were either the same age of the building or may have existed prior to the building of the apartment over 70 years old..all I know is that the beautiful trees that have been there were so tall to look up, would make one dizzy with their height
For the past week or so, I was aware of this strange noises going I live in the front of the building, not the back so I couldn't see or know what was going on until just recently. What it amounts to is that the landlord for whatever friggin' reason has decided that he didn't want the trees yes, they've been cutting them all down...These beautiful trees,...they're not diseased trees, but were healthy ones...From what I gather too, some of the tenants in the back apartments complained that the branches were brushing up against their windows and they didn't like it...So like WTF---can't just the "offending" branches be cut off or trimmed rather than chopping/cutting down the whole tree??
I had gotten pi$$ed off some years ago, when the neighbor upstairs complained that one of the branches of the tree in front of the apartment, and thus in front of my window brushed up against her window, and the a$$hole super hacked off the offending branch...I used to love listened to the leaves rustling against my didn't bother me, and it also provided a nice sense of privacy from anyone peering into my apartment from the 8-story apartment building across the street.
As far as I know there is only one tree left...some years ago the landlord also had put gates up preventing anyone from going into the backyard today I did go down into the little alleyway that at least leads to the backyard area and looking from the gate area could still see my favorite tree still's the tree where underneath is a virtual pet cemetery where I buried my former pet birds, mice and the baby kittens that were born, but died very young. I would like to be able to somehow unlock the gate (heheh) just to see how many trees were cut down..but maybe that would only anger me all the more.
I feel so pi$$ed off though...I mean lets face it -- these trees are on our property, therefore the landlord's so he has the so-called right to do whatever he wants...and I'm wondering though if any of my so-called wonderful neighbors feel just as ticked off or if I'm the only weirdo.
I mean for crying out loud...doesn't anyone else get ticked off at so-called "progress"...if I lived in anyone of those back apartments I would love to have the shade of a tree to block the hot summer sun, or to look out and not only see the trees but maybe see the birds nestling on the branches--like does anyone give a shat anymore?
Okay I know I'm ranting and venting here....But have any of you had some kind of similar experience where some so-called "improvement" was made in your neighborhood, home or building, and the result was the destruction of something beautiful????
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19 responses
@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Rant, sister, rant and rage. This is but one more attack on The Mother. I'm sorry for your pain. Although I live on one of the main streets of my city, there is a church with a lot of vacant property across the street and down a hill from me. There used to be a very small forest of trees there. In those trees was the home of a family (one family I am sure of) of bald eagles. Most of the trees have now been cut down. The eagles have had to move from their homes. The scary part for me is that they have taken up home in my back yard in a huge pine tree. My cat is big and stays in the house so I don't worry for him; but my neighbor has 2 very tiny cats that come to visit me and I am no longer willing to let my chihuahua go out by herself to make pee. Nature is so out of balance caused by humans and we all cry.
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@kitchenwitchoftupper (2290)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I've heard others that think the same thing and it's a valid thought. I hope that it is an untrue thought though. In my opinion (which is only mine and I am no one special and have no inside information to prove that I am right), The Mother would not be as cruel to us as we are to each other and her earth.
To me that would make our faith the same as other faiths that are primarily fear-based (I am not meaning for anyone to take offense at this observation and it is most certainly not a criticism of anyone's belief systems).
When I was a practicing Christian, I chose to believe that Jesus was a kind, compassionate, forgiving, and loving channel to God. I could have remained a Christian forever if I would have not been told that I had to go deeper than that and explore the depths of my many sins. Now as a Solitary Pagan Kitchen Witch, I choose to believe that The Mother is kind, loving, forgiving, and compassionate in all things. I don't think we are being singled out by any deity; but it is time for us to awaken and begin to give back. Maybe what I am trying to say is that I don't believe that The Mother would actually cause the harm to the Planet to "teach us a lesson"; but perhaps now that we have caused the harm, The Mother is allowing us to open our eyes and see what we have done. Perhaps we are also being given a chance to remedy this; if not for us, at least for our children or grandchildren. I am sorry I rambled so.~D
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
This might sound silly but I can't help wonder if we hear of natural and devastating's The Mother somehow taking revenge on our stupidity of how we have treated her

@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
16 Oct 07
oh you have no idea-you just hit it on the nail with me this week.i'm having a problem with a neighbor behind me who is complaining about tree after tree
in my's like he hates trees.
while i went out,he had talked to my mom about cutting down this tree he claimed was damaging his have to cut down a whole tree to stop drips?
the thing that really pisses me off is mom sold them part of our land years ago as they had no yard.
if she hadn't done that,they wouldn't even be close enough to complain now.
pft..ungrateful,much? :(
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Can you buy the part of property back from him, then that'll shut him up...I bet he would just LOVE to have some money.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
30 Oct 07
i wish i's gone forever now i'm sure though.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
16 Oct 07
thats so sad . thats like the lady next door wants me to cut down my 50 foot cedar tree down . the tree has been there probably before the house was built in 64.
stood all these years and she thinks its going to blow down.
it has cinder blocks on 2 sides of it and a little retaining wall that I set on . on one side the ciderblocks will hold it down but she is a b**ch had to cut limbs off other trees that roamed over her yard that I didnt care for that takes her shade away lol.
Have you talk to other tenantants to see what they think . sounds like you have grand fathered there dont they ever ask you for advice! that long ya ought to own the building. Glad your main tree is still standing but that may go do what are they thinking about coutting them all down I hope the ones that complained about them roast next summer!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Well it doesn't seem to be upsetting the other neighbors much..and yes I hope they roast next summer since they won't have that nice shade anymore...LOL

@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
16 Oct 07
That makes me mad too!
I hate it when anyone cuts a tree down for now freaking good reason!!!
Hello people! They help us breathe! And in New York City they need all the d*mn trees they can get!
Like you said all they had to do was trim it!!
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
17 Oct 07
There is progress and their is overboard...
Stupid people...
I too have always loved trees :)
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I have loved trees as far back as I can remember...maybe I've always been the environmentalist...and you're so right NYC needs all the trees we can get--I sometimes really hate so-called "progress"
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@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
27 Oct 07
you know what pw-since you have buried you're pets there their may be a law from preventing the the cutting down of those trees-I'm sorry to hear you're losing the only form of nature you have to communicate w/ but I would defenitely check into this.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Oct 07
So far they haven't cut down "my" maybe they'll leave it alone...hope so. Actually it was probably against the law for me to bury some of my pets there..think land has to be "designated" as a burial place...LOL
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Oh dear. I like trees too. I have got 2 "builders" trees in my back yard, but a Live Oak I planted. There there are the "volunteers" that growning between the fences. Now, they are hackberries and considered "trash trees" and they are getting to be in their 20s, but they provide privicy between my house (and I have no blinds on my back windows) and the apartment complex behind me. At least most of the year. I figure without binoculars nobody can get a good look in the winter, if they want to hang out on their landings in the winter, besides do they really want to look at a couple of fat old broads?
Anyway, I figure that they'll pull down the apartment's wood fence before my wire one. I'm not cutting them, I like the shade - but I live in TEXAS after all!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I don't think most people have any kind of love or appreciation of trees at all...Wonder if the lovely neighbors in the back apartments will complain next summer when it gets hot again, and they no longer have the trees to shade them from the sun..
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 Oct 07
How lucky I feel thaty we have laws that prevent this sort of thing. So saying when I was living in Brisbane, in another state, they were doing improvements to highways and busy roads...a very necessary evil in my book, and close to the city it was decided that about 8 ancient fig trees should go. There was nothing anyone could do. I cried when I went to town one day via this road....half the trees were gone, they were an historical featuren of the city being over 100 yrs old. The thing is, they were in the middle of the road and along one no way blocking anything or causing the building of extra lanes...they could have been left in place. Sure they caused some inconvenience to the road builders as they were sometimes in the way but we are talking heritage listing here.
When we finally meet up Pye, we'll have a toast to trees. K?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Oct 07
Yes...would love a toast to the trees...Did you know the Lord Of The Rings author, JRR Tolkien was a tree nut? Have something in common then with him ;)
@chargoans (939)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I have a hard time feeling your pain, but I can understand it, and would probably feel the same way. A couple of years ago a developer bought some land and built a bank there. The city in which he built the bank approved his application to build only because he agreed to not cut down the older trees on the lot. There's a tree there that is very old. It's truck is so big, it takes two or three folks to hold around it.
In my little community in NC, the municipalities have ordinances in place that restrain folks from removing the older trees on some of the lots within the community's city limits! This is great as the town was established in 1789, and there are many older trees in the town.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
My neck of the woods was established in the early 1600s!...I hardly think any of the original trees still exist at all from that time, but many trees probably are at least a few hundred years old--well I don't know if there are any ordinances preventing people to cut down trees within the community's city would my landlord care?? He does pretty much what he wants
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
16 Oct 07
This is awful, pyewacket. I often wonder why people can't just leave things alone-especially when they are doing no harm. I agree that many things that are done in the name of "progress" make no sense at all. Trees provide many benefits to the environment as you so aptly pointed out. Unfortunately, many people care very little about nature and that is a sad statement. I would suggest that you talk with some of your neighbors to feel them out on this situation. You might be surprised at their responses. Having grown up in the country, I have a great respect for nature. If it were up to me, I would be living in the country now. It seems that some have made it their goal in life to all but eliminate every natural thing on this earth.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Well I don't know if the neighbors would actually least not like I do....and unfortunately what good would it do to even mention it to the landlord? The damage has been done already--I HATE so-called progress!
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
16 Oct 07
Hi pyewacket! I do understand what you mean. I love the trees in our yard and the other trees that are aligned in the subdivision I live. I am blessed that my neighbors love the trees and plants that grow within the neighborhood which gives us cool air and shade as protection from the heat of the sun. However, there are a lot of people in some areas in our country that are greatly affected with the cutting of trees just to pave way for progress. Some go to the extent of illegal logging which causes flooding. I just hope that people will be more aware of the importance of the trees and not just have them cut or destroyed just because they have some minor inconveniences from them. Take care and have a nice day.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
From an environmental viewpoint too, people don't realize that we really do need trees...look at all the trees they're cutting down in the rainforest..then they wonder why we're having a global warming effect...
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Oh I hate to see so many trees being cut down in a field. The land looks so barren and lonely. I say why not leave a few trees up such as the older ones the more prettier ones but it doesn't appear they'll do that but instead they'll plant new ones which to me, takes forever to grow to be anything near the size of the ones they cut down. It's so frusterating to see that happen but society today is so different from what we're use to.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
They did that years ago, and cut down ALL the trees along this one road near me to widen it...didn't widen it by much..they did replant the trees, but none of them survived
@kyttiewitch (56)
• Germany
16 Oct 07
I can SO relate to this discussion. When I was living in military apartments I was right in front of a little patch of woods that I loved very much. I went out there to meditate and even found a small circle of stones to sit on that had to be at least 80 years old because the very huge trees were hugging the stones. They decided in there infinite wisdom to take down the apartments and build duplexes for the military instead. That meant using up more land since you can't fit as many people in houses. So they started blocking off section of the mini forest and tearing down the trees. I was devastated. My daughter was more devastated. I believe she was only 4 at the time and never saw that happened. She had come with me many times into the woods to talk about nature and all its wonders. She actually cried when I told her what they were doing. She said she didn't want the trees to die. I really hated that they felt the need to do that. Now that circle of stones is no longer there. The trees that gave me peace and that I grew close to are no longer there. It breaks my heart.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
No one seems to have an appreciation for the peacefulness that trees can give us..I can sense your heartbreak and devastation too on what they did to your meditation area...Problem is, most people who don't understand where we're coming from and who have respect for nature think we're downright nuts or me they're the ones who are crazy for not appreciating nature's beauty
@Thomakis (45)
16 Oct 07
It almost seems to me like - instead of expanding in appropriate places - people are re-modeling and modifying the very same space that they have already so efficiently filled up with buildings, factories, and all kinds of other non-natural stuff. The primary problem here is that the space we live on is becoming so compressed, that there's no more room for little bits of nature that make the cities we live in a slightly better place. Everything is becoming to crammed together, that things like trees, parks, and other pleasantries are eventually disappearing from right under our noses. I just hope that eventually, people will wake up and realize that this is no way to maintain the areas that are inhabited by us.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
The offshoot of this kind of progress..since with all the development of land, and cutting down the trees and changing the environment in general..they wonder why more "Wild" animals are now showing up in city bears, coyotes...well, like duh? We're destroying their habitats.
@shining528 (18)
• China
17 Oct 07
Yean,as you say, your heart was broken.You know,there always have many unhappy in our life, we should face them.
Maybe after you write it down,you will fell much better,is that true?
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Yeah, it can be pretty sad when this stuff happens. One thing I don't understand is why are they tearing down all the trees and stuff to make room for new houses? I mean, the housing market SUCKS right now - no one is buying because they can't sell what they've got. And they're putting up all these new houses that will sit vacant - or the lot will sit vacant because they can't build until they get a buyer. But the first thing they do is clear all the trees down. I see a ton of patches out there now that used to be nice and tree-y. I hate driving by some place every day, then one day it's like "WHOA, what's wrong over there" and you realize the trees are gone.
I know there used to be something around here when if you cut down so many trees you had to replant so many more. I don't know if they still have to do that or not because there's no place left to plant the new ones!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I don't think my landlord will replant the trees...first he's too cheap to shell out the money--and he obviously just doesn't want trees on his property anymore to begin with. Since it is on his property it's up to him what to do with his own land....which isn't much
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I agreee with you Pye, it is sad that your landlord is doing this and some of your neighbors are a@@hole. We use to have alot of trees that were in rows down the one highway here in town and a few years back when the city done some road work and made the highway wider they cut down all the trees to make way and it was so bare and cold looking for a long time. and in one part of it there is a cemetery along it and some of the trees were cut down from it and alot of the family members were b!tching because their familys were buried there because of the trees and the afternoon shade, so now just this past year the city has planted about 200 trees down that streatch of road which is nice to look and now. I hope that your favorite tree can with stand your landlord and neighbor hate for nature and leave the ones that are left.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Oh they did that too in my neighborhood as well years ago..making the street wider by a mere three inches on either yes, they chopped down all the trees all along the entire street..Those trees were REAL old, and beautiful and must have been hundreds of years old, particularly this one oak tree I remember.
They replanted the trees eventually but none of them survived though.. :(
@recycledgoth (9894)
16 Oct 07
I can so completely understand your rant hun, many years ago when my son was little we used to walk to school through a small area of woodland. Only a tiny little oasis of trees, five minutes and you were out and back on the concrete, but that little tiny area was a haven of peace and quiet, where the birds and wildlife was safe. Until the local town council decided, in their infinite wisdom, that they wanted to rip out the trees and tarmac the area over. It broke my heart to see the little copse vanish under the bulldozer.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Gee..isn't "progress" wonderful...NOT
Yes, I do love trees...since I do live in a city type environment, it's nice to have a touch of nature around...guess most people don't give a shat though
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Personally I think there should be a law against cutting down healthy trees - trim, prune, and preserve is my motto. I love trees and they are good for us. Ok, save the trees advocate here :)
Also what is the since of having a 'garden' apartment if you can't enjoy the garden? What's with the gates locking people out, duh get people out in the air to enjoy life not locked up in some building.
I think my biggest upset in this area was several years back I owned a small house. I'd owned it for 20 years and all that time there was a vacant lot next to me that had huge trees, brush and bushes that covered the lot - it was a natural privacy fence for my backyard. Well, someone bought the lot and I cried at the thought of them building a house there after all those years but worse than that - they came in with a bulldozer and cleared every single tree and growing thing. In the process they also broke a huge branch off one of MY TREES and plowed up a bunch of flowers I'd planted on the hill at the back of MY LOT. I was mad mad mad.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Glad to see another trees advocate :)
Too bad you couldn't have sued those jerks for damage on your property.
Years and years ago, the city planning decided to widen the street, 45th Avenue..what it amounted to was exactly three inches on either side..big deal..but they claimed because of the drilling into the street, it would "upset" the roots of all the trees that lined up the block for yes, you can imagine what they did..cut them all down...I don't think three inches would have upset the roots do you? Roots go down rather deep...They did eventually replant trees,..but none survived. Gee..isn't progress great?
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Im sorry to hear about someones crazy dislikes of trees.It seems that your neighbours complain alot and like to make others miserable too.My neighbour was staring to cut down all his trees 2 years ago that made a libe between our house and his.We had a few but not big and bushy like his.I told him he should leave them and asked why he was cutting them down.He said because he could not see.I told him well,if you cut them down all you will see is the side of our brick house anyways(we have no windows there,haha).I told him to wait 5 minutes before going on.I told my boyfrind and he came out and offered to buy the same line of property of his that the trees were one.He agreed,we got it for nothing almost,like $200.00 and signed papers the next day to make it part of our property,haha.I love trees and would find it very hard if we did not have any around my house at all and i hate seeing neighbours.Tress for me give me privacy,a leaves song and hides natures little ones.Its just like the song,i forget the name of the guy,but "OH NO SEEMS TO GO,YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOU GOT TILL ITS GONE;THEY PAVED PARADISE TO PUT UP A PARKING LOT".:)He hit it right on the nose with this song.:)
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Oh, yes, I know that song too...can't remember the singer either.
How stupid..he wanted to cut the trees cause he couldn't seeing a brick wall was better...LOL--how dumb--glad you were able to straighten it out though
Oh,...just found's a song by Counting's the YouTube video