office love triangle

October 16, 2007 6:53am CST
I don't know if you can help me out guys... I'm currently torn between two girls in my office.. they're both smart and beautiful . but one of them I think is too religious and because of that I can't ask her out.. And the other girl ... well, she said she doesn't want to be in a relationship anymore. They're both close to me and I really liked them both. Hope you could help me out..
4 responses
@carol_m (709)
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
I guess you should find someone to pursue, preferably not an officemate. If you pursue either of them, chances are, your work would be affected because admit it, you would think of the other girl (girl B) also though you're already committed to girl A until such time you couldn't concentrate on your work anymore. But if you still choose to pursue both of them, good luck! I believe it's a challenge hehe..
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
are you the one in the pic?? you look beautiful.. can you add me as your friend??
@carol_m (709)
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
oh..thank you..for the BR and for thinking im beautiful =) i already added you as a just have to approve the request. welcome to mylot!
@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
7 Mar 09
The good thing is that you can still choose between the two of them because they are not your girlfriend yet. Choose wisely and weight each others options. The one that is similar to your attitudes or views of life might be the best girl suitable for you.
16 Oct 07
To be honest I would be inclined to avoid any kind of relationship with a work colleague. You might be very keen on both these girls but you have to remember that you are working with them too, and this puts a strain on any relationship
@aowaow (1516)
• Indonesia
17 Oct 07
I better leave both of them. I better wait for my love is only for single girl. Because I know how the feeling of falling in love with 2 girls at the same time and the same place of work. We will never put the weight enough in the love. Because if you had a problem with this one when you had made a relationship, later you will pour your love in hoping to seek the other one. And it is very bad discipline to keep it in order. When you pour your love by hoping the next one, you will make none relationship with neither, you will lose them both. If you don't believe me, you may go for it.