Care To Share Your Sunburn Experiences?
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
October 16, 2007 12:20pm CST
I love the sun! But because I am very fair skinned I tend to slip up, it's not that I don't put the right factor sun cream on, it's the fact that the bits I miss putting cream on get BURNT!
I spent all day today on the beach in Rhodes and only when I got back to my hotel room realized that my back was red raw, well parts of it, the parts I couldn't reach as they say!
Why are backs so damn awful! Why is the back the most hardest part of our body, especially when it goes wrong! You can fry an egg on my back it's so red, I mean LOBSTER red!
It wasn't that hot today, well 70s not as hot as it can get here. The trouble when you are on your own there is no one to rub cream in your back for you! So after a shower and lots of after sun my back is on fire!
That will teach me! Probably someone teaching me a lesson for enjoying myself too much!
But ouch it glows! But that's not the worst of it, the worst is yet to come
You know what I mean don't you?
THE SCRATCHING when the skin starts to peel...
Anyone want to come to Rhodes and rub suncream in my back for me because I can't reach LOL!
So any tales of bad sun burn experiences, please share and apart from lying in the freezer tonight or in a cold shower, I can't do any more for it
Back's don't ya just HATE them....
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20 responses
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
26 Jan 08
When going snorkeling it is a good idea to wear a T shirt over your back because despite being covered in suncream your back will get sun burnt. I have seen people coming back from snorkeling trips with lobster red backs. Oh my! That type of thing is painful. I got my shoulders badly sun burnt in Greece and my legs incredibly sun burnt in Hawaii. The reasons for this were a hot walk in the Greek sun and going to sleep on a palm fringed beach. The sun is very strong in a tropical location. If I miss an area of my body when I apply suncream I know about it later because my skin goes red where there was no suncream. I wear a hat sometimes in tropical country to stop my head getting sun burnt and this has happened a number of times and my hair offers no protection from this. I hate the tight and hot feeling of sun burnt skin and the itchy feelings when the skin peels. After meeting many people in Australia with skin cancer I have made effort to make myself safer in the sun.
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@ashlena (62)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
the funny thing is, is that i never burn. I'm half jamaican and half canadian so i tend to turn really dark when im in the hot sun yet in winter im very fair.
Anyways i went on my first vacation ever to cuba and i burnt so bad i was wearing sweaters for the rest of the vacation. During the nights i was freezing because of the burn on my body and the cool sea breeze coming in.
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
16 Oct 07
You made me laugh not because you got sun burn..i relate to the sad part in that story..just that i know that october in rhodos is the same weather as in israel, even better, and it is not that hot.
We always say that we do not go anymore swimming here in october because we can not get a good tan.
but i guess it is different then other countries in europe.
anyway i hope you will keep on enjoying and having fun :)
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
27 Jan 08
Hello there, I like to go the beach during the summer and the location I live allows me to do so. Occasionally I will get sun burnt but never get that bad burnt as you. Normally I just use after-sun to sooth the skin and resolve the problem the following day.
But your post concerns me is not only the sun burnt, but also how to apply the sun lotion on your back yourself in future. Otherwise, you may get another annoying sun burnt while holidaying somewhere.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
15 May 08
I got sunburned so bad at the beach one time when I was a kid that I ended up with blisters on my back. Some of them were close in diameter to the top of an average shot glass. I ended up going to the hospital...
@chrissieatu (1033)
• China
15 May 08
Hey wolfie. I don't like the sun that much. You know Asian women always want to have white skin. Thus, I seldom go to the beach. And I will put some suncream on my skin before going out and take an umbrella with me.
The only sunburn I have ever got is when I received the military training at the very beginning of our university life. We stay in the sun for more than 8 hours. Thus my ears got burnt. It took a few days before they got well. That's really uncomfortable.
@nmw2005 (1197)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I get sunburned even with sunblock. The last time is was really bad I was 8 and fell asleep on the beach and woke up with sun poisoning. Yes I did have sunblock on. More than 20 years laster you can still see a faint line.
Have you thought about maybe getting the spray on sunblock? At least that way you'll be more likely to get the parts of your back you can't reach.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Oct 07
Well Sweetheart that will teach you and fancy rubbing it in about the Sun I don't know what are you like lol
You know the bad Winter we had so I think you should send that Sun to us here in the UK
Just be careful I had that once as a Child and it is terrible
I think you better find a Back Scratcher over there lol or it will drive you crazy
Love and Hugs xxxx
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
17 Oct 07
being an indian, I am fairly used to the sun and long exposures to it doesn’t make me red like that. But yes, a visit to the beach can be a painful experience even for me. As is usual with Indians, I am wheat-complexioned or brown-skin and I am OK with that. But you just have to see me after I return from the beach. No amount of sunscreen helps. As it is the tropical sun blazes here and then people are not so progressive in their clothes i.e. they dont wear swim suits at the beaches. so the tanning is confined to the face, neck, arms and feet. This looks all the more hideous. I usually avoid bathing long in the sea, but even sitting on the sand gives me an ugly tan. i love going to the beach, I love the salty smell, the coconut groves and everything...just wish i could get the tan out from these.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
19 Oct 07
I am also fair skinned, but for some reason I tan and burn at the same time,(I had brown hair, medium dark that turned auburn in summer, and blue eyes with green undertones) although I do turn red, and when I was picking strawberries when I was a kid, I got a really bad burn on the part between my shorts and my top. Ir hurt and the only thing then was Calomine lotion. That was before sunscreens and the only thing was Coppertone and that Hawaiian stuff. Oh and there was no one to rub it in either. I had to wait and I think I took a cool bath.
I do not use sun screen but I eat a lot of tomatoes, and I heard that helps.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Well, the worst outdoor sunburn came when I was 15 and went to Galveston Bay on a vacation. I burned so bad that I couldn't wear any other clothes for 2 days b/c everywhere that the bathing suit didn't cover was fried. I was so burnt that I couldn't stand to sit, sleep or move very much at all. What was so weird was that while I was outside on the water, I looked fine, it wasn't until I got inside that I lit up.
My worst indoor sunburn came from my one and only tanning bed experience. I went to a tanning salon which everyone said was great...laid in the tanning bed and promptly fell asleep. They forgot I was in there and no one woke me up for just over a half hour. I was so burned!! It was a nightmare to get home and when I did my Mom's idea was for me to slather on aloe vera gel and wrap in a sheet (since I couldn't wear any cloths and yes, I had to wear the sheet home from the tanning salon) and lay down in front of the fan...where I fell asleep. When I woke up I realized I had a horrible problem. The gel had dried while I slept and had dried the sheet to me. I decided to take a cool shower but first had to get the sheet off me. Let me tell you...the pain of ripping a sheet off burnt skin is worse than any other pain I've ever had. I had blisters all over I was burnt so bad. It took about 3 days for it to start fading and quit hurting so bad.
I never tan...I burn, I peel and then I'm just as white as when I started. I've learned to stay out of tanning beds and the sun.
@meanangel (167)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I have very fair skin also and it sucks. I am of native american decent. I joke that I got bleached because my family is so much darker than I am. The thing with me is I have a sun alergy. I can be completely cover and with sunscreen and still when I take my cloths off by body is red. I end up with a fever and sick for several days if I am in the sun for any length of time. Lets hope they come up with something better for those of us who are so affected.
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
17 Oct 07
One time I was on medication that made me sensitive to the sun, I didn't pay any attention to it thinking Nah that couldn't happen to me think again! I got burned so bad it looked like blisters on my arms it felt so wierd too just pockets of this clear liquid that itched and itched. And it never did peel it just had huge scaley kinda flakes come off instead. It was so wierd, now that I have grossed everyone out lol. I no longer take that medication (it was atenelol the high blood pressure medicine) Anyway I have learned to pay attention to the warning labels! lol. -Amber
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
I never used to get sunburns, but one day I was supervising a bunch of kids at a waterpark. Despite being careful to ensure all the children were covered in sunblock, both first thing in the morning and again at lunchtime, I forgot to put sunblock on my own back and got my very first sunburn. It was awful. The marks didn't fade for a year.
@trialrun01 (644)
• India
17 Oct 07
These days specially after Global warming awareness each one should take proper care when going out in Sun and should start using any good sunscreen available in the market.
@jan135 (535)
• Australia
17 Oct 07
Sorry to here you are suffering but I can relate to the pain you are suffering right now.
When I was on my way over to Australia the first time, my friend and I flew to Singapore then sailed from there to Perth in Australia.
The first day out of port on the boat my friend and I were sunbathing after a dip in the salt water pool. We both fell asleep in the sun and later that evening after a shower my face was all swelled up and blistering. my friend was killing herself laughing at me. The next day she was the same. LOL.
We spent the entire boat trip of 8 days confined to our cabin's due to first degree burns.Oww.We needed injections from the boat's doctor as we were also suffering sun stroke. It seems funny now but not at the time.
It didn't feel hot at the time with the sea breeze, but we were on the equator or there about's, we should have known better. But that's youth for you. LOL.
Take care of your sunburn.
@recycledgoth (9894)
17 Oct 07
I'll book a ticket now hun, get the sun cream ready :-)
I guess the worst case of sunburn I have suffered was while I was working in Majorca many years ago. I was out in the sun and very busy and simply forgot to top up the sun cream. Boy was I red raw by the end of the day and the itching and peeling and gross. The best thing I found was Aloe Vera which soothes and heals the sunburn very quickly. See if you can get an after sun cream with aloe vera and give it a try. *careful hugs*
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
17 Oct 07
Oh my... that doesn't sound good at all.
I love the sun too, but I guess that because my skin is not as fair as yours I don't burn easily.
Actually that I can remember I only burn twice and that was completely my fault. And in the end, after I got home and took a shower I wasn't even red anymore:)
Both times happened here in Canada. WHich is kind of funny to me because I lived In Brazil, Angola, Portugal and south of france.. some with very long summers some with a whole year summer, and I never got burnt there. Then I came to Canada, hardly any summer at all, me with less time to go camping or to the beach, and there I am .. burnt LOL
As for the skin peeling I never got that from sunburn but sometimes when it's really really hot and I sweat a lot, I seem to make these water bubbles regardless if the area is exposed to the sun or not, that later burst and a bit of skin peels off.