Human Chip Implants
By worldwise1
@worldwise1 (14885)
United States
October 16, 2007 2:57pm CST
There has been a lot of discussion pro and con regarding the implantation of chips into humans for purposes of medical records, etc. I recently heard on the radio that they are using these implants in Alzheimer Disease patients in Florida(if my memory is correct). They say this will make it easier to locate these patients should they get lost. I don't have a good feeling about these chips because they seem to be an invasion of a persons body. I know they have been doing it for dogs for some time now. What are your views on this?
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13 responses
@murdocolips (78)
17 Oct 07
I really don't think that chips in Alzheimer patients will improve medical records, Personally I think its just a way for the government to keep closer watch on you. They've already got cameras all over the world to view where people are, why do they need chips? They always use the elderly or children to get what they want!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Exactly what I was thinking, murdocolips! They figure if they can create a need for this type of thing in the elderly it will be open season on everyone else.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Sorry...that one part made me laugh a a silly mood tonight...about.."using these implants in Alzheimer Disease patients in Florida(if my memory is correct).."
I don't know...I think it could actually help people who may have Alzheimer's or any other degenerate disease like dementia...If the older person forgets where or who he is, to have that chip implant could be a boon in trying to locate the person
One of the times my mother was in the hospital, she was being a real pain in the "a" to them ...they finally attached one of those wrist monitor devices so if she tried to walk out and leave, which sh was trying to do non-stop..the alarms would go off.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Oct 07
So that one really got your attention, pyewacket, lol. Sure, there would be a benefit for sufferers of this type of ailment, but there is also a great potential for abuse there. They are already trying to push these things on people for "security" purposes. I am afraid of what will follow if they are allowed to get a foot in the door.
@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Somewhere in the bible it talks about how the rulers will mark us in our fingers and on our heads. I think it had something to do with the mark of the beast and the last days, armagedon type things. A few years (Like when he hubby was in office) back Hillary Clinton suggested that we all get these. I think she may be the devil her self so it fits great.
I dont think I could ever do it, but it might be manditory some day. Its all scary to think about. I dont think I need the government to be able to track me all day and all night.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Oct 07
This is not the mark of the beast, happythoughts, but still it is something sinister. The mark of the beast will be clearly visible, whereas the chips will be out of sight. There have been many who came out in favor of the chip, but you know how politicians can be.
@Kythe42 (1412)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I would never let anyone put a chip like this in me. I don't want to be tracked like that. I would refuse even if it was made into a law. Beware though that they might try to chip you against your will and without your knowledge. I read somewhere that they have microchips small enough to be injected with a needle and that they might just start putting chips in people when giving vaccinations. I'm refusing to get any vaccinations again for the rest of my life anyway due to all the toxic ingredients they have in them, but this is just one more reason to stay away from the shots.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I know what you mean, Kythe! I will not be receiving any more vaccinations either. The theory is that they are going to eventually force people to take these chips regardless of whether we want them or not. I hope it doesn't come to that.
@meanangel (167)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I could go either way on this but I am leaning more toward the not a good idea. These type of things sound good and people have good intentions but there will always be those who corrupt even the best idea. Think big brother is always watching and if you had a chip implant they could be in your bed room to. We can never let ourselves be so nieve as to think our government would not use them to spy on us. Even now they keep track of library books you check out movies you rent and almost all other purchases. Take heed and be a little paranoid don't invite the government into your life anymore than you have to.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Oct 07
This is true, meanangel, and I am reasonably sure that if I ever come down with Alzheimer Disease, I probably won't be straying away from home since I hardly go anywhere now.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Thankfully, thegimp, most of us are intelligent enough to realize that this procedure could have serious drawbacks.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I think in one way, the government would have more control over us, like they don't have enough. In another way, every Dr. you go to could find out easily what is going on with you. That would be a plus. I really am not sure I am for it though.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I don't have a problem with my doctor knowing what is wrong with me, Thoroughrob, but I would have to draw the line at being monitored 24/7. This would just be a step in the process of the government seizing your information any time they wanted.
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
18 Oct 07
This is an interesting topic. It does seem like an invasion of privacy, I mean I have chipped both of my cats, but I wouldn't want to be chipped myself. But it would make sense for Alzheimer patients since they have a tendency to wander off and then not know who they are or where they need to go. Perhaps this is something each family could decide for themselves. I wouldn't want to see it be a required something but it could be something that sets a family';s mind at ease about their aging grandparents or parents.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Oct 07
That is very scary, in my opinion. OK, so they can use these chips now to help locate Alzheimer patients, seems to make sense since they do have a tendency to wander off. So, who will be next? Will someone convince us that all children should have these chips implanted in case they go missing or are abducted? Then, will it be illegal to have this chip removed when the child grows up for some NEW reason they come up with? No, this is too scary indeed and I'm with you, I don't have a good feeling about this at all.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Oct 07
You are right, anniepa, because once they have established a genuine need for them, they will continue to push for other reasons that seem valid.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
28 Jan 08
I'm torn on this issue. Part of me doesn't like the idea of anyone being able to track where ppl just seems like way too much Big Brother, not to mention the Government is just way too nosy. On the other hand, I read all the time about missing children, missing teens and missing spouse's and I can't help but think this might help to clear some of those problems up. I also have wondered about outfitting a chip in child molesters and rapists in order to keep an eye on them. It's a very fine line between privacy and safety.
I think personally if I had a child, I would have a chip in them simply for safety until they were old enough to decide whether they wanted it taken out or left in. To me I think having a missing child and never knowing where they are or if they are allright, would be a never-ending nightmare.
@momoftwingirls (859)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I am against anything forcefully, or not, being implanted into my body. These chips have caused cancer in lab rats at the injection site.
I do not care about medical records or being able to be found. It is an invasion of my privacy and I do not want to be tracked like an animal. I am NOT an animal, but a human being, created in the image of God.
You need to go to the CASPIAN(Spychips) website run my Katherine Albrect and Liz McIntye. Here, you will learn so much more about this very evasion product being touted as a "security measure".
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I am familiar with Katherine and Liz, motg, since they are frequent guests on a radio talk show that I regularly listen to. I think it would be foolhardy if people decide to allow the implantation of these chips under any circumstances.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
Hi worldwise1! I don't believe that it is for the good of the patients with Alzheimers. I think if the government really cares about this people, then they should be giving them more medical benefits so that they will be taken care of properly. I think this chips are much more than we could possibly know. Just my thoughts my friend. Take care and have a nice day.
@quanto50 (140)
• Sweden
17 Oct 07
I think you have understood those augmentations ina wrong way.They are inserted into human body in the help of enabling their disfunctioned organs.For example recently in one of the clinics in USA doctors have achieved interfacing mind to computer .There is one totally paralysed patient who really can't even talk and move but conscious.
Doctors have augmented little chip to his into skull and made some conection with the brain ..taking brain currents and converting them into electromagnetic signal or deven digital data that computer could understand and exactly reflect what the boy said and meant.It was great. Even there are some experiments enabling pilots to steer the planes with their thoughts.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Sorry, quanto, but that's just plain scary to me. It sounds like something strictly experimental. The application I am speaking of is strictly for the tracking of these people.
@quanto50 (140)
• Sweden
17 Oct 07
Tracking people.. Hearing for the first time.. You think some kinda CIA plans or sth. May be. But I think that is a preach of and violation of privacy laws.Do you think they could complain over that stuff to the government or to some kind of judge.Anyway, think clients would be in any case be informed about what kind of stuff they have in their head or in any other parts.Because in case of preach they would be able to realize it anyway and complain over those who had implanted them there.