Fed Up of Being Regarded As a Villain With a Cigarette
By Thomakis
@Thomakis (45)
October 16, 2007 5:46pm CST
While I fully understand the consequences of smoking both for the person doing it and the people around them, I choose to smoke anyway (as my entire family smokes also). I started when I was 16, and I found it rather strange that it somehow provided me with a twisted approval from people around me; beforehand, ever since I came to Canada when I was 11, I couldn't fit in at all, and I was what you would call the outcast kid that everybody made fun of. I'm not saying that smoking made me a better person, but it did indeed improve my social status and my overall confidence with it, as I slowly began more efficiently socializing with people right at the beginning of the year that I began smoking. I know a lot of non-smokers are frowning and scoffing right now, so I'll get to the point. Smokers may have a dirty habit, but they are by no means "bad people"; Tell that to the people who judge them based on their habit, though, or the policemen who assume that a high school student that smokes, also carries illegal substances. Tell that to the American and Canadian government that bans smoking in bars, pool halls, and internet cafes (and just about anywhere else, pretty soon, I'm sure). Tell that to just about anyone that doesn't smoke, or who quit smoking, and they will menacingly wiggle their index finger at you, indicating their supremacy and power over you, because you are the "slave" of the cancer-stick. Not everyone is like this, and I have nothing but respect for the people who have to put up with smokers and second-hand smoke and don't complain about it - and don't get me wrong, nobody should have to do that. I'm much more concerned about the moral and ethical outlook that some non-smokers have towards smokers, and the spite they support for them. Smokers are people just like everybody else, and I have a problem with being persecuted as one. I go out of my way to assure that I do not bother anyone with my habit, and I still receive wise comments and negative feedback just because I choose to do something that is not a physical pro. I personally love smoking, and not because I think that it makes me cool or anything of the sort; simply because It is one vice that I profoundly enjoy.
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6 responses
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I'm glad you are considerate of non smokers most smokers aren't. I have asthma and smelling smoke makes me sneeze and cough. So I am glad that you are considerate of me since I don't smoke. I don't have anything agaisnt smokers I have vices of my own I think everyone does the one I am proud of is eating too much chocolate :) I am pudgy and I'm sure that if I quit eating sugar and chocolate than I would lose more weight but no one is going to tell me I need to quit. More power to you it's good your standing up for yourself. Take care -Amber
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@shadowdragon (5)
• United States
23 Jan 08
I totaly agree with your point of view. I did not start smoking until I was 21 years old. Over 30 years now and have tried to quit several times. I have not suceeded, but have come to the conclusion that I enjoy the (habit). I think it is better than some habits I could have, like stealin,lying,or killing people. Society will pardon or excuse these people, but if you smoke then you are frowned upon. Smoking to me is a right and privelige. If I want to destroy myself with smoke it is my own choice not someone elses. This is suppose to be a free nation,but as I look around I see more of our liberties being taken away and smoking is just one.
@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I used to think that I was ever so considerate when I smoked, too.
What you don't really know is that you reek. Even from "just one". It doesn't matter how powerful the mints you might use, the smell is still on your clothes and in your hair. It really truly does stink.
So unless you are staying 5 feet away from all non-smokers at all time, it is rather offensive, folks.
You cannot change how people react to your smoking and the second hand smoke produced and the awful smoker's stench. You can change your own reaction, however. You can get used to being a public pariah or you can quit. Your choice. But don't expect your addiction to be acceptable to the non-smoking public ever again, ok? Ain't gonna happen. No way and no how.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Regardless, it is not your right or anyone else's right to TELL me what I can or can not do to MY OWN body.
I know people who stink because they work at a paper mill or a water treatment factory. Have you ever smelled those people? My gawd they smell bad but thats ok. Their stench is worse then that of a smoker. Yet no one complains. How about garbage men so they not stink? Come on! Get real. If you are gonna complain about stench then at least use common sense and put all stinky people in your "should not stink in front of me" category.
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@naturalst (143)
18 Oct 07
i consider people mean if they view smokers as villain. i accept people smokers and non smokers alike. i don't mind if they smoke in publice place. as long it is not really a very closed place where people would suffocate if someone smoke. but if it is big spacious public place smoking should be allowed like in a restaurant. i don't smoke. i have tried two or three puffs in my whole life but that's it. i just don't enjoy it. and if other people enjoy it then i will not judge and will accpet it as normal. we just have to accept that we have our own differences in the things that we enjoy doing in our life. if smoking is what they like then we should not in a way see them in a bad light. if a way their smoke gets into our nose. we just have tell them nicely and should not make them feel that they are doing a very bad things.