earn using agloco.com

October 16, 2007 11:54pm CST
guys, have you heard about agloco.com?? they said that by referring people and downloading the viewbar which is like their search engine.. I've signed up with them last august but I still haven't heard from them.. has anyone here also tried that site??
2 responses
• Malaysia
17 Oct 07
i've downloaded agloco few months ago and use it whenever i remember because we can only use it up to 5 hours a month right? sometimes i spend more than 5 hours online a day so that means i only get to use the viewbar thingie once a month haha. don't know about the payment, i read that they're coming up with some kind of payment scheme for their members but i don't know what's the update on that. i hope it's for real and not a scam though! .
@Kosani (74)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Yeah it's weird I signed up for it also months and months ago, I have completely un-installed it now. I did not understand it, and there was very little information available about it. I think one of their slogans was "Own a little bit of the web."